In Serial


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Author: Type:Male
(Hello someone commented asking if I could do a shinsou x todoroki so yea I'm gonna do that)
Shinkami (for the start)
Kirikami (later in the fanfic)
And then this ship shintodo
What it's about
They are both in ua but never talked to each other they sit beside each other todoroki only really talks to his close friends deku and bakugo but todoroki does have some kind of feeling for shinsou he just doesn't know what kind it is he knows it's not angry, shinsou is dating denki but denki has been cheating on him with kirishima and shinsou doesn't know about it yet shinsou wants to talk to todoroki but he doesn't know how or what to say because todoroki is so quiet and doesn't talk in class only once In a while
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