《the human (r.h)》four; id rather die than let you in


"Where'd you go last night?"

Delilah and Maya were stood leaning against their black audi, Maya's outfit blending into it.

"Hmm?" Delilah didn't realise Maya knew she had left the night before, she never usually asked.

Maya pulled her usual sunglasses down to the tip of her nose, turning her head to look at her sister. "Last night, when you left, where'd you go?"

While the sisters were close they never spoke about their feelings together. They had a pretty weird relationship really, they loved each other and were each other's best friends, but they didn't really know too much about each other.

"I went for a run."

"In your jeans?"

She hadn't really thought that part through, but it was a good job she was such a good liar. "Yeah, I read in some magazine that you drop weight quicker if you do that."

Maya seemed happy with her answer, moving the glasses back up her nose and turning her head to look at where Isabella Swan stood by herself. "Why's she stood by herself?"

Delilah moved her eyes to look at her too, a small smile falling on her face at the sight. "She's not exactly a social butterfly."

Maya sniggered at the words, Isabella didn't exactly scream outgoing. "Can't see you getting in there with her then."

At this Delilah smirked, she had no idea why her sister was doubting her. "Oh Mai, you really don't know me at all."

After that the two girls fell into a comfortable silence, both of them taking the time to scan the parking lot. Maya looked over at everyone, not caring enough about anyone here to focus on them. While Delilah focused her eyes on a particular group of people.

The Cullens stood around their usual cars, Emmett and Olivia stood play fighting with each other, Rosalie stood staring back at Delilah, while Jasper had his arm around Alice.

Normally Delilah would keep her gaze focused on the blonde, not caring if she knew she was looking at her. But today she moved her gaze more towards Alice, the same girl who'd comforted her a few hours before.

She wasn't sure why Alice had found her in the woods, or why she cared enough to even speak to her, but Delilah didn't like it. Alice seemed sweet enough, but she knew you could never trust anyone, because Delilah herself seemed sweet enough, but everyone knew she had a motive behind her actions.

She wondered if Alice Cullen was the same.

The girl had no real reason to talk to Delilah, they'd only exchanged brief words before. So why would she even bother to make sure she was okay?

Something wasn't adding up to Delilah. In her mind no one did things just to be nice.


"Hey Maya, I'm gonna go. Got stuff to plan for cheerleading."

Maya didn't reply, she just nodded her head and pulled out a cigarette. She didn't mind if she had to stand there by herself, there wasn't much time before lesson anyway and it meant she could observe people as much as she pleased.

Before Delilah could walk more than ten steps inside the school building, someone shouted her name. No one ever really shouted her, Angela had called her name once or twice, but she even usually walked as fast as she could to catch up with her.

Her almost black hair whipped around as she spun to see whoever had shouted her, only to be greeted with the faces of three Cullens.

"Can I help you?" Delilah planted her usual smile on her face, even though she was slightly intimidated in front of them all.

"We just watched to check you were alright." It was a brunette that spoke, of course Delilah knew her name but she had never heard her voice before, it was sweet.

"Why wouldn't I be?" While Delilah kept her tone cheerful, she couldn't help but feel defensive on the inside.

Rosalie somehow knew that on the inside Delilah was starting to tick. "We're just being polite after what happened last night."

Delilah flicked her eyes to Rosalie's golden ones, she had never really looked into them before. She'd spent a lot of time looking at her, but was never close enough to get a god enough look. She couldn't deny that she'd had a crush on the girl ever since she first saw her, Rosalie often frequented her dreams.

"Sorry, last night?"

Now Delilah was mentally punching herself, she knew it was a mistake to look weak in front of the Cullen, but she did it anyway. At the time she really appreciated it, she still did, but she just didn't trust the people stood in front of her.

"When I ran in to you in the woods."

"Sorry, I don't remember going into the woods last night, you must have me confused with someone else."

Of course she did remember going into the woods, the three Cullen girls all knew she remembered. But for some reason Delilah was pretending it never happened.

Rosalie wasn't going to stand for it. "Listen, I don't know what game you're playing, but say your thank yous to Alice and your thank yous to us for checking on you."

Delilah couldn't help but feel something as Rosalie moved towards her so their chests were almost touching. She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help it.

Much to Rosalie's annoyance, Delilah just smiled even more. "No you listen here. I don't know what game you're trying to play with me, but whatever Alice thinks happened in the woods last night, never did.... and if you tell a soul about any of it, I will fucking come for you."


Delilah didn't waste another second in their presence before she turned on her heel and stormed off to her class. She didn't even get to do any planning for the cheer stuff like she wanted to.

The three Cullen siblings stood still in the same places.

Olivia Cullen held a small smile on her face, she hardly even knew Delilah, but she already liked her. Anyone who could wasn't scared to put Rosalie in her place would be someone she could like. Not that Olivia thought that Rosalie needed to be put in her place.

Alice Cullen stood there with a small frown on her face. She knew the conversation was going to go this way, but she wished it would have changed. It confirmed to her that Delilah still thought she had no one there for her, that she didn't trust anyone. Alice had hoped she'd made progress last night, and maybe she did, but now it had all been set back.

Rosalie Hale couldn't help but scowl at the place Delilah once stood. The brunette was infuriating, she was so rude and so no reason. She was just trying to be nice and had it thrown back in her face. A part of her wished that Delilah would have moved forward just an inch more so there could have been actual physical contact between the two. She couldn't help but be captivated by her.

Meanwhile Delilah had spotted a certain brunette that she intended to spend a lot of time with.

"Isabella Swan, don't you look cute today."

The new girl cringed once she heard Delilah's voice, it wasn't because she didn't want to talk to her, it was because of the use of her full name.

"It's just Bella, Delilah."

Delilah laughed a little bit before lopping her arm through Bella's. "I know, but your full names too beautiful to be called by a nickname all the time."

At this she also laughed, maybe Delilah wasn't as bad as she had once thought.

While the two girls were laughing together, Delilah almost forgot her reason for coming up to the new girl.

"How was your lesson with Edward Cullen yesterday?" Due to the physical contact of the pair, Delilah could feel Bella'a body tense up next to her.

"Not great." Her voice was now slightly sad, although Delilah didn't know why, she didn't even know the boy.

"Oh no, why not?" She tried her hardest to make sure her voice matched Bella's, everything was all an act to her.

"I hadn't even sat down and he looked like he was disgusted in me. Then he placed his hands against his face... like I smelt bad."

Delilah wanted to giggle at this, Edward Cullen seemed like a strange boy. But instead of giggling she picked up a piece of Bella's hair, lifting it to her nose and taking a big smell of it.

"Oh yeah Bell, smells like utter dog shit."

The girl looked mortified at Delilah's words, her free hand scrambling to pick up a piece of it. "Does it really?"

Now Delilah did really laugh. "No, you idiot! It smells like shampoo.... don't worry about Edward Cullen, he's not worth your time."

A few seconds passed before Bella spoke again.

"Hey Lilah, can I ask you something?"

"You just did." A small smirk rested on her lips at this, it was such a dad joke.

"Do you ever get tired?" Isabella ignored Delilah's comment, not wanting to lose the balls that she'd already built up.

The question caught her off guard, she was expecting a simple question about makeup or something, not one that she viewed almost as personal.

"Tired of what?"

Bella started to stutter, regretting asking at all. "Just... being you?"

No one had ever asked her a question like this before, and if she was honest, she would love to be able to drop the act for a minute and just answer with the truth, but she knew she couldn't do that.

"Don't be silly Bella, everyone here wants to be me or be with me. Why would I get tired of that?"

Isabella laughed slightly "Good point."

The two then continued on to their class arm in arm. No words were spoken though, too many thoughts were swimming around each others heads.

The question had unnerved Delilah. Why would someone ask if you got tired of being yourself? It had to mean that Bella knew something. She must know that it was all an act, that Delilah wasn't even half the girl she pretends to be.

Delilah couldn't let Isabella Swan in more than she already was.

While Bella hadn't sure how she even built up the nerves to ask the question. She knew that something was off with Delilah, she just needed to figure out what. A part of her told her to leave it, but she knew she couldn't.

No matter how different the two girls seemed, deep down they were both the same. They were both so curious about one another.

But you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

i love delilah and bella's friendship already, i also decided to finally bring rosalie and delilah together. obvs it's not much of them but i can't have them in love from the start.

i'm actually so excited for this story ugh.

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