《the human (r.h)》six; cigarette daydreams


Isabella Swan had received a rather unpleasant text when she got home from school that day. One she wasn't exactly prepared for.

'Fuck off if you think I'm ever speaking to the Cullens for you again.' Read the message from Delilah George, who was clearly in a sour mood.

Isabella wasn't sure why the sourness was directed at her though, it wasn't like she asked Delilah to say anything for her, in fact she didn't even want her to. However, she wasn't going to argue with Delilah, she quite liked having her as a friend, so instead she texted her back explaining how sorry she was.

In return Delilah replied telling the girl that it was fine and not to worry about it, which made Bella question if the first text was even serious at all. She had thought the stubborn girl would be moody for a bit longer.

In truth Delilah was still in a mood, but not at Bella, she knew that it wasn't the quiet girls fault. It was all actually Rosalie Hale's fault.

If it wasn't for Rosalie then Delilah wouldn't have Maya questioning her again.

"What did that blonde say to you today?" Unfortunately for Delilah, she couldn't escape the questioning. Unless she decided to open the car door and roll out.

"Which blonde?" She had decided to play dumb, but she knew it wouldn't work.

"The freaky one."

Delilah rolled her eyes. "She's not freaky."

"Whatever." Maya blew smoke out of the car window before speaking again. "Just tell me what she said."

"I don't want to."

This was new, Delilah typically told Maya almost everything. That was up until recently.

"You don't want to?" Maya's voice was slow and threatening, a tone she rarely used with her sister.


"Why's that?" Delilah knew her sisters blood was boiling, she didn't take well to being told no.

"Because it's none of your business."

Maya let out a loud laugh, one that unsettled Delilah's stomach. "Everything in this town is my business. Every single thing that everyone does I know about. That includes you."

The George sisters loved each other, they were not only sisters but best friends too. However, in times like this Delilah hated her family, they were so obsessed with knowledge and power.


It made her feel sick.

"Can you hear yourself right now? You seriously sound crazy, you don't even like knowing everyone's business... but god, you are so obsessed with it."

She knew she should keep her mouth shut, she shouldn't have said anything like that to her sister. She completely trusted her but she had to be so careful what she said.

Again Maya let out a loud laugh. "I'm obsessed with it? Delilah, you thrive on it! Your whole entire life revolves around it. That's the only reason your friends with the new kid, and the only reason you speak to those freaks."

"Shut up, Maya." Her sister had hit a nerve and it was very clear.

"No! I won't shut up." Maya took another drag of her cigarette. "Without knowing everyone's secrets you would be a no one... I can only imagine how irrelevant you would be if everyone knew your secrets."

If Maya hit one nerve before, she had now hit multiple. "Let me out of this car." Delilah's words were ignored. "Let me out of the car, Maya." Again she was ignored. "Let me out of the fucking car!"

The car skidded to a halt as Maya slammed on the brakes, not looking at her sister as she got out of the car.

Delilah wanted to let out a scream on the side of the road as she watched her sisters black car speed away. But she didn't, she somehow managed to hold it together.

That was until a car pulled up alongside her.

"Need a ride?"

Delilah didn't even turn her head to look at the owner of the voice, she knew who it was straight away. Instead she just scoffed. "From you?"

"I don't see anybody else."

"Go away, Rosalie."

The blonde sighed, watching the brunette as she walked alongside of the road. Here she was trying to offer an olive branch and Delilah wouldn't even look at it.

"I'm not going to go away... I would like to apologise."

Now Delilah threw her head back, a laugh falling from her lips. "Apologise? I don't want your apology."

"Why not?"

"Why would I?" Rosalie hated when questions were answered with questions.

"Because I upset you."


Again Delilah scoffed. "Upset me? Don't flatter yourself, Rosalie. You don't have that much effect on me."

Now it was Rosalie's turn to scoff. "Oh really? I beg to differ." Unfortunately for Rose, Delilah ignored those words, so she had to speak again. "Listen Delilah, I'm really trying here. I shouldn't have said what I said and-"

For the first time since Rosalie had been driving alongside Delilah, the brunette turned to look at the blonde. "You're right, Rose, you shouldn't have said it." It wasn't hard to notice the tears that coated her cheeks. "You had no right."

The outburst was a surprise to the vampire, she had no idea the words had effected her so much, or even why they had.

"Delilah, I-I hadn't realised I'd upset you so much." In truth, seeing her cry hurt Rosalie. Especially when she knew that she has caused them. "I was only messing around, I didn't mean anything I said."

Emotions were very clear on Delilah's face in that moment. "Then why did you say it?"

"Because you were flirting first. So I did too, I just wanted to get under your skin like you did mine."

A toxic trait of Delilah George was that she constantly had to victimise herself, no matter if she was in the wrong, even if she had hurt others, she always felt as though she had been badly treated.

"You had no right, Rosalie."

A toxic trait of Rosalie Hale was that she could switch between emotions in a matter of seconds.

"Oh grow up, Delilah. You started it and I just happened to finish it. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you had no right."

Rosalie was starting to lose her patience with the girl who was currently holding her affections. "How did I have no right? Nothing I said was out of order!"

"It was all out of order!"

"How was it?" The two girls were now shouting at each other through the car window. Thank god there was no one around.

"Because it scared me!"

After Delilah's words, the two went quiet, the humans breathing being the only noise.

Until Rosalie decided to break the silence. "How did it scare you?"

The girl wasn't sure if she should say the next words, but they stumbled out of her mouth before she could help it. "You know too much about me, you know stuff no one else knows."

Her words confused the blonde, in her eyes she knew nothing about Delilah. She was in the same boat as everyone else.

"I don't know anything about you."

"No but you do." Delilah knew that she should stop talking, but she just couldn't help it. "You know how to get under my skin, you know how to make me feel things just with a look, things that no one else makes me feel..... you know about my..... my sexuality."

Sexuality was something that Delilah hadn't spoken about before. It was too scary for her, she couldn't even really come to terms with it herself.

Forks was a small town of just over three thousand people, all of them knew who she was. They thought that she was this beautiful perfect daughter. Boys were mesmerised by her, people were convinced that she lapped up the attention she got from them.

There were so many rumours about her having multiple flings, even boys that claimed they'd been with her. In a way this made Delilah more desirable, it helped her to enchant people.

She could real them in, make them believe they had a chance with her, then they'd pour all of their desires and secrets out to her. Then she would just leave.

She needed these people to think she was into boys.

Which is why she had never accepted herself, or let anyone get close enough to know who she truly is.

That was until she fell under the spell of Rosalie Hale.

"Delilah.... I don't care about your sexuality. I've never cared about that."

Something sparked in Delilah's stomach at the words. "How did you know, Rose?"

At her gentle words Rosalie pulled a small smile. "I didn't know... I just hoped."

u might hate this chap but i love it and it's progress.

my aim for delilah is to paint her as this perfect character that everyone envies and sees through rose coloured glasses. but in reality she's so much more complicated and flawed than that. does that make sense???

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