《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 22- third phase end


(Illumi's POV)

It has been about 14 hours since I got separated with Hisoka and Yill-nii.

I don't worry that much about Hisoka because I know his character and strength but, Yill-nii on the other hand--

When I passed the exam and reached the bottom of the tower,

I saw Hisoka was already there.

I scanned around to look if Yill-nii is already here.

But Hisoka was the only one here,

He walked towards me and smiled as usual, I greeted him back.

We sat on a corner in silence.

I'm still worried,

I know that Yill-nii is strong but as of this time, it'll be troublesome if something happens to him, while I'm not around.

He can finish this exam quickly like we did or maybe a little more faster than us.

This made me worried more. I just hope that something didn't happen to him.

"Ill~ so how was the test?~" Asked Hisoka.

I just passively answered,

"Let's play cards for now, okay? As we wait for Yilluzu, there is still a lot of time left a nd don't worry too much, he'll be fine, have some trust on your brother." Hisoka suggested, he must have felt that I was worried.

I'm grateful to have him by my side.

(Yilluzu's POV)

We were locked up in a room for 50 hours.

It's about 2 days and 2 hours.We have so much time in our hands.

I mind because it'll be boring to the core.

"Haaa~~~", I let out a yawn as I sat on the sofa.

"Sorry, we have to wait for hours." Leorio said to us.

"Don't worry, most importantly we have to arrive at the exit with just the remaining time." Said Kurapika.

"And we still haven't made any mistake, so it'll be fine." Chorused Gon.

"As long as some piggy there won't make it difficult." Motioned Killua to Tonpa.


I just let them speak amongst themselves.

We spent our time sleeping, dazing around, and doing nothing until the door opened again.

Once we got out,

We we're running away from huge bolder chasing us,

Then crawling so that we won't touch any laser above us, but still that fatty is a burden, touched one laser so we got soaked in water. ( '^')

Get pass through a narrow place.

We continued running and someone announced that there is still an hour left for us.

All those things we got to go through was just fine and easy for me, but my body won't cooperate,

and after all that I just slumped my body on the floor of a room with weapons.

'I feel so tired.'

"There are two doors that you must choose from. If you want the difficult way all 6 of you can enter, if the easy way only 3 of you can enter.

If you choose the difficult way it'll take you 43 hours, if the easy way it'll only take 3 minutes to arrive at your destination.

Press 'o' if you want the former and 'x' if you choose the latter." The instructor said, in a speaker.

"But if you choose the easy way, you have to lock the 3 people who'll remain, on the chain next to the wall, and they should not move away from it." He added.

Of course they started to debate who will enter and which to choose.

Gon wants to press. The 'o' but it'll take 43 hours when you choose that route.

I don't care about it.

I can just choose to remain. I already have my license so it's not a big deal.

Tonpa chained himself and reasoned that he can still enter next year,

Then Leorio and Gon started arguing again, Kurapika stopped them and told them that they're just wasting time.


"You should stop pretending and confusing our team!" Kurapika shouted angrily at Tonpa.

Such children's play, he pretended that chained himself but the truth is just he's waiting for the others to start fighting and when they're exhausted he will make move and finished the exam by himself.

"Do you think we're kids?!" Kurapika said.

This kids--

Tonpa then escaped from the chains and started attacking us by the weapon he picked in the room.

He aimed for Kurapika but was dodged, he then aimed for me, who was lying on the floor.

Of course such move, its easy to dodge so, I did so.

They started fighting,

No, more correctly, Tonpa started attacking.

I just stood in a corner to avoid getting entangled with them.

My body's still exhausted, so I need a little more rest.

The fight was extinguished by Gon who thought of a way for all of us to pass.

They figured that if there's no way,

then make one.

We all pressed the 'o' and then they use the axe to break the wall to make a passage connecting to the othe side of it, which is the easy route.

The times ticking and ones I recovered my strength I walked towards them.

I was kinda confused of why they did just let me sit at the corner and didn't ask for my help.

"Are you sure, you're okay?" Kurapika asked beside me.

I'm confused.

Is it really that obvious that I'm not okay.

"Why didn't you ask me to help all of you?" I asked.

"It's fine, we can handle this, and you looked a little pale a while ago, so we presume that somethings wrong," explained Gon, who was still currently hammering the wall

'Such good kids.' I can't help but thought.

"I'm fine now, so let me help you, okay?"

I motioned them to stand back for a sec,

I hammered the wall and it instantly collapsed.

They were momentarily stunned,

"But it's just least than a minute left."

Said Kurapika so they were instantly pulled backed from their stupor.

"There's still a way."

We slid down the path with the help of Killua's skateboard and Gon's fishing rod as a controller.

"We only have 30 seconds left!" Announced Kurapika.










Just as the timer ends.

'At this point I'm really, really exhausted but---- it was fun.'

"All of you still okay?" Asked Kurapika.

(Third person's POV)

The 6 of them arrive barely just in time.

All of them slumped at the excitement and nervousness.

Once Hisoka and Gittarakur saw the person they're waiting for, they immediately approached,

Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, and Killua turned vigilant and stiff when they saw the two of them approached.

One was a cold-bloodied clown and one was a tall unattractive guy.

But all of them was ignored by the two,

They directly draw near the youth with silvery long hair.

The youth just smiled at the two approaching him.

Yilluzu sat back up, and stood as Gittarakur supported him.

"I'm fine," said Yilluzu with an assuring smile.

He was then directed away by the participant with the no. 301.

Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, and Killua was shocked that Yilluzu who was with them all the way the third phase of the exam, knew Hisoka and was even familiar to Hisoka's companion.

Yilluzu turned to looked at the 4 boys, "Well, it was fun going along with you, see you next time." He waved at them as he followed by the two peculiar participant in this exam.


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Thanks for reading!❤

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