《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 23


The third phase ended with thrill, I guess...

We are now again transported in an airship, and was sent to a small island.

They said that this is a hotel and we're here to rest but...

We have to pay 100,000 per person???!!!!━━(;;゜д゜)━━!!

I had alot of money but I didn't bother to bring any,

I looked at Gittarakur for inquire if he had money.

And as expected he shooked his head,

N-O-N-E..... none. ╮(╯_╰")╭

Gon argued to the owner of the hotel that we don't have money.

Then the hotel owners, told us that there is still another way to pay.

"We old folks were a fan of antics, you see those ships over there--- we got a lot of those and I'm sure that there are a lots of treasures hiding in there." Said the owner, while pointing at shipwrecks.

The other examinees began to search for valuables for payments.

"I guess, Yilluzu, should stay here. His fever's so high that you can even fried an egg in his skin~" Hisoka said,

in which my cute little brother immediately agreed with.

Yeah, right--- I CAUGHT a FREAKIN' fever!!!_(:3」∠)_

Like hell, Illumi would allow me to do something while I'm sick!

I sat on one of the wrecked ship and waited for the two as they search for treasures.

I lied down and closed my eyes for a sec, because their a little burning--

(Hisoka's POV)

Illumi and I apart ways to search for things.

I find this so boring but I guess I had no choice.ζ( ̄~ ̄)η






After a while of searching, I found a lot of treasures, chinas, diamonds and etc.

I decided to go back to Yilluzu and found that Illumi has been already there, and his big brother was fast asleep.


As I got near them, Yilluzu rustled and woke up.

"You guys back? Did you find anything valuable?" He asked.

Ill showed the things he found and I, displayed mine too.

We got back to the hotel owners and exchange our things for a room.

We we're given different rooms unfortunately, Gittarakur cannot talk to argue so I took the lead to speak to the owners.

They agreed to let the three of us stay in a room but the room only have two beds, which I don't mind.

We walked towards the room and Illumi urged his big brother to lie down while I get water.

Yilluzu slept while Illumi watch over him nonstop.

"Ill, don't you want to rest?" I asked. He just shocked his head and continued to patiently put a towel on his big brother's head.

I can see that Illumi has been attentively been taking care of his brother.

Every now and then he would shook his brother awake to make him drink water.

But I can see that every time Yilluzu wouldn't respond for a second, he would panicly shook him awake.

And it was currently the third time,

"Ill, your brother's taking a rest. Let him be for a while." I said as I hug him from the back.

"No, I can't----- what if he doesn't wake up again?--- I should've drag him home immediately from the start." I was shocked that it was the reason of his discomfort.

"Okay, okay, I'll watch over him, you go take a rest for a while and calm down. I will make sure he wakes up, okay?" His panicked appearance made him a little vulnerable at the moment and I can't help but feel doting at it and a little worried.


I urged him to lie down and comforted him that I'll attentively watch his brother.

Hours passed and Yilluzu's fever was gone.

Ill was still awake but as soon as he knew that his brother's fever is gone, he got back to his composed self again and I was relieved.

(Yilluzu's POV)

I woke up to see that Hisoka was beside me.

My little brother walked towards us from the other bed and checked my temperature.

My fever's gone, and I got a lot of rest.

Good thing Illumi didn't drag me home while I was asleep--- thank goodness.\(' ∇')ノ

Illumi approached me and checked if I was now fine. Once he affirmed that I'm totally fine now he backed down and poured me a cup of water to drink.

A lot of things happened during our stay on that freakin' hotel(  ̄.д ̄)

The first morning of our stay there, the owners disappeared. Then calamities occured!!

Sigh... well, it kinda fun seeing the others losing composure.^∇^



Hey everyone!!♪('ε` )

It's a short chapter isn't it?('ω')

I got a lot of things happening here with me, so... It's all for now..

I don't know when will I update again... So stay tuned everyone...

\(' ∇')ノ

Love yah all!!!!!!♡⁺◟(●˙▾˙●)◞⁺♡

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