《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 13- warning


The examiner Buhara started the exam by telling everyone that his exam was for us to offer him roasted pigs from each.

'Well-- that was pretty easy.'

I planned on just going along with the other participants to cover up my presence as usual.

I been doing this from the first phase so its as easy as killing someone off without them noticing.

'Wait--- that didn't come off right. HAHAHA... Never mind.' I just laughed at my own phrasing.


After Buhara said his request, we were suddenly attacked by rampaging big boars.

We ran to our own directions.

This kind of wild pigs was just easy to knock down.

' And~~~~~~ ONE DOWN!!' I inwardly thought while I playfully hit the boar on its head.

Gittarakur who always kept his sight on me, saw me took down a boar with just a single hit.

I signaled him to do the same thing,

and of course he always obey his big brother and knocked one down.

Same thing happened to Hisoka's side.

(Third person POV)

The exam was still in process.

Gittarakur, Hisoka and Yilluzu--- headed first back to Buhara and Menchi.

Yilluzu thought that since he had to hide himself, he can just go ahead of everyone while they're still busy taking down their prey.

So they did,

They lay their roasted boars in front of Buhara.

Buhara enjoyingly savored Yilluzu's work and repeatedly praised him.

Menchi was quite intrigued at Buhara's praises, but as she was about to ask so Buhara to let her taste it, what was left was already bones..

Menchi gloomy looked at Buhara and Buhara just ignored her saying that it was delicious and didn't notice that he already finished it all.

(Yilluzu's POV)

Buhara was so delighted by the roasted boar and even requested me for another one.

But before that I asked for confirmation if I passed his exam.


He nodded saying, "There's no doubt, You passed my exam."

"I already passed your exam. One's words cannot be taken back, so I refuse to cook another one for you. You asked us for 1 roasted boar each-- I already complied and passed, that means I don't have to be obliged to fulfill your request." I smilingly looked at him but not hiding my hostility.

I don't like being ordered around, so I won't do, what I don't wanna do.

Sensing that I'm the type that should not be offended, Buhara just forget his request and continued on munching Hisoka and Gittarakur's roasted boars but this time not a single word came from his mouth.

I helplessly sigh, 'my brother's and Hisoka's works were average so it's understandable.'

After eating our cooking, I turned again to Buhara, "our task are finished right? You did just ask us to give you 'roasted boars' but not 'deliciously satisfying roasted boars'--- if my guess is right we should have passed our exam to you right?"

"Yes, what was left was Menchi's approval and you can pass the second phase of the exam."

He aswered whilst munching on a boar's meat.

I turned my attention to the examiner Menchi and smiled at her signaling.

"Since it'll be like that. I want you to make me a sushi, if I'm satified---you can go ahead of everyone and pass the exam. I'm assuming that you Don't want your presence to be detected by someone so I'll give you a way out-- but in return of making me a 'satisfying' shushi, if you know what it is." Menchi said looking at me knowingly.

I helplessly closed my eyes smiling at her and released my killing intent whilst keeping the amiable smile on my face.

Buhara and Menchi suddenly got to their fighting stance while my brother and Hisoka stood still at my back.


"I assume that you know why released my killing intent to you--- let me get straight to the point.

Provoke me and mess my plan, rest assured that I will not have a second thought of eradicating the both of you." They say that my smile can cause assassins to shake in fear, nonetheless to the hunters

I retracted my killing intent and jump hugging my little brother and spoilingly thugged at his clothe.

"You won't stop me if that time comes right?~~" well as usual clattering his mouth but he nonetheless told me that I can do whatever I want as long as I keep my body's health as first priority.

"Do I make myself clear?~" I looked at the examiners who was still in their fighting stance and looked at us disbelievingly.

"Rest assure that I will not do anything to you if you just keep your mouth shut."

At the end both of them agreed and we continued Menchi's exam.

She still looked at me with distrustful eyes but I don't mind. I get that all the time.

I change my expression, mood, and mind all the time, so no one trust me because they don't know whether I'm lying or not.

It's not like I mind them. All I need is my family's trust and approval and anything else doesn't matter.

I gave Menchi her request while my brother and Hisoka just stood on the side watching me silently-- observing my every move.

"Here you go! Don't worry I don't plan on poisoning you, it's not my style." I said at her jokingly as I laughed at her expression.

Sensing that there's no problem with the food, she took a bite as I just looked at her with my never changing smile.

Of course the food was expected to be in her liking.

"*Sigh, I must admit, your food was a top class. You're even at the level of a professional Gourmet Hunters." Menchi helplessly said, while I saw at the corner of my eyes my brother's and Hisoka's unbelieving faces.

Gittarakur approached me and clattered an 'I know that you can cook but I can't believe that you are at the same level as a professional Gourmet Hunters.'

I just laughed at his adorableness. Even with those unmoving unemotional face, I still find him the most adorable amongst my brothers.

And--- I don't know why.

"As per my words--- I'm satisfied--- which means. Congratulations on passing the second phase of the hunter's exam!" Menchi announced.

'That's to be expected.'

"So then may you remember not to get in my way so that there will be no consequences." I smiled at her.

"Gittarakur, Hisoka, will the both of you take the exam together with the participants?" I just ignored the examiners and turned my attention to my companions after giving a last warning at Menchi.

"I guess so~. It's the same after all. There's so use taking the exam currently with our skills so we'll just go together with the others~" Hisoka answered.

Gittarakur motion that he has the same answer too.

"So then, I'll just observe the other participants for the time being." I giggled as I walk away from the examiners' place.

Gittarakur as usual followed and same goes for Hisoka.

'I hope I can find something interesting along the way~'


Hey guys! I was kinda too lazy to write now days but here's an update.

And to those who still read this---- here's a fanart that I drew just recently to reward you for still reading my work!!

It's Yilluzu, Illumi, and Milluki!!!❤❤❤

Vote If you like it, if not-- then just ignore it...I'm not forcing you😂😂

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