《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 14- meeting the old man


We walked around after I passed the exam from both examiners of the second phase.

Of course, I will surely watch and see, how Killua would take down one boar for the exam.

I saw the kid Gon first and surely he is a talented young lad too.

He had taken down a boar within just a short time.

I looked at Killua's side also and saw how he skillfully knocked down one.

'Worthy of being a Zoldyck.' I thought to myself whilst smiling.

Nothing interesting happened after that, so I just turned around and planned on searching for a new entertainment.

But as I was just about to walk.

I found myself losing balance and my vision suddenly turned black.

I nearly fell down, fortunately Illumi was behind me, he alertly and quickly responded and caught me.

Hisoka was alarmed too.

After a little while I regained my vision and stood up as it was like nothing had happened.

"I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy." I lied as I smilingly patted my younger brother's hand which was supporting me, reassuringly.

'I wonder how long will this body last before it collapses for good.' I calmly and helplessly thought. I'm not that bothered if I died--- I would be glad enough to just die, that way I could not be a threat to my own family.

Hisoka asked me what's wrong too and same thing I told him that I'm fine and it's nothing.

But my brother was a worrywart and still constantly asked me for a long time. I just patiently answered all his question back until we came to an agreement that I will rest first as long as time allows or else he will drag me back home.

I just shrugged off and complied.

'We-- uh no-- I will rest until the second phase was over.'

I seated myself in a secluded part of the forest until the other examiners was back to Menchi and Buhara's side.

When the participants got back, I position myself in a tree near them to watch the show.

Of course- Gittarakur and Hisoka was at my side the whole time.

Gittarakur was constantly checking if I feel any discomfort same as Hisoka.

'So this is how it feels to have a friend to worry for you.' I thought at Hisoka's concerns towards me.

But this joker, sometimes I see him stifling his laugh when he sees Illumi getting flustered and all worked up asking me.


I know-- I get Hisoka too-- it's not everyday you get to see the 'immovable Illumi' break his composure.

'It's adorable'


All participants passed Buhara's exam. But Menchi's?

No one.

She told everyone that all of them failed.

She was quite stubborn about her decision.

As she was about to go after making an announcement that everyone failed-- a floating airship suddenly appeared and I sensed someone I know landing on the ground.

' I KNOW HIM!!!-- it's been a long time but I can still remember who it is--- its CHAIRMAN NETERO!!' I inwardly shouted.

Although he doesn't want me to address him that way,

I usually call him that to tease him back then.

Yeah, I know him, my grandpa knows him so why wouldn't I?

Back then I frequently visit him after my every mission, sometimes my family knows sometimes they don't. But either way I always go to him. He's an interesting old man--- so why not?

I release a little bit of my presence for him to know my location.

For just a little moment after I gave off my presence he instantly noticed me.

He looked at my direction and I waved at him, smiling brightly.

I looked at his surprised expression and then I put my index finger at my mouth, signaling for him to be quiet and pointed to Killua.

Understanding my message is--- he smiled at my direction and signaled me to see him when I have the chance.

I nodded.

He was strong but I have never had the chance to spar with him.

He always made excuses to decline when I ask.

I know that it was because he was afraid that he might accidentally hurt me and I won't complain.

I like him too he is one of the persons too that I want to protect from myself.

Because of my ability to request. I can easily kill him-- no not just him-- everyone who I want to die, I can kill them with just a blink of an eye, just with my words.

Here I go again-- I was distracted again by my thoughts and by the time I woke up from it, gramps already finished saying something.

That was my greatest fear, it always consumes me to the point that I cannot think straight.

And because of that fear I can also still held tightly to my remaining sanity, which was I was thankful too.


'Okay!-- stop with this stupid thoughts. I didn't hear what that gramps said!'

I looked around to gather information, then I heard them that gramps have given them the chance to pass the exam, he had persuaded the hard headed Menchi.


We're brought to the split mountain.

Menchi instructed all the participants who did not pass that they need to get an egg from the spider eagle.

She first demonstrated show and told the rest to do the same.

Whoever gets an egg pass.

I saw a big pot with boiling water so I assume that they will cook the egg that they will get.

"Gittarakur, Hisoka, you go there and join the exam, I'll be seeing someone first." I told the both of them.

They looked at me inquiringly.

"It's someone I know before, don't worry." I assured them.

Gittarakur was quite reluctant to agree, so I pleadingly asked him to allow me.

And YES that always work.

After getting his approval. I turned and jog towards gramps unnoticed,

Although I can still feel Hisoka and Illumi's gazes, which I didn't mind.

As I was running I saw gramps notice me, I waved at him which he also returned one.

"Gramps," I greeted him. Not one of the participants including Killua noticed me, they're busy doing their task.

Then I saw from the corner of my eyes. Hisoka's shocked face when I just casually approached and greeted the chairman of the hunter's association.

Even though I cannot see it from Gittarakur's face, I know that he was surprised too.

Who would've thought that the 13 years asleep person knows the chairman.

"The two of them seems a little too protective." The old man said as he motion to my two companion, who's looking at us intently.

"You could say that--- Dad instructed him to keep an eye on me and Hisoka was a recently made friend I guess, or as he says." I answered as I kept my smiling face.

"I was quite shocked to see you again. It's been 13 years wasn't it? That Zeno of your family won't tell me anything about you. He seemed a little down back then so I didn't dig onto it further." Gramps said, stroking his beard.

"Oh... grandpa didn't tell you?...

Well-- it was sudden too. It's not that my family wants keep it as a secret-- maybe they're just quite sad about it." I said as I turned my attention to the other participants.

"It's also my fault---" I dryly laughed.

"My hard headedness caused it. All those years I've been captive in the darkness and I guess no one knew that except my family.---- let's drop the topic.

I haven't seen you from quite a while, 'Gramps' "

He smiled as I called him with the same address as back then.

"Yeah it's been a while 'Little Yill' " he laughed calling me the nickname he used to use back then.

"Gramps~! I told you many times I'm not little, not back then and surely not now." I complain at him giving him a pout.

The old man laughed out loud with my antics.

"Okay, okay--- this old man get it. But still I like calling you that." *sigh there's no helping it. This old man's stubborn too.

"Oh! Yeah--- I should get an egg too." I stated as I remembered that the spider eagle's egg was a delicious and nutritious food too. And I've been planning on getting one of it from the start.

"But little Yill, you already passed the second phase didn't you?" He looked at me askingly.

"Gramps you know me, 'I want it so I'll do it.' It's not like I'll only get it because of the exam." I answered at him as a matter of fact.

He laughed, remembering my character.

"This old man is old. I forgot about that motto of yours." His eyes formed a half crescent laughing.

"I'll be back in a sec."

Then I ran off to the cliff and swiftly maneuver my body and got a spider eagle's egg, I finished retrieving one in a blink of an eye.

"Your moves are still clean and swift as always." Gramps stood beside me and smilingly said, his hands in his back.

"Oh- your companions are back, will you join them?" He asked pointing to Gittarakur and Hisoka's direction.

"Mhmm-- I guess so. See you again later gramps!" I bid him as I jog toward my younger brother.

"I'm glad you're back, Little Yill." I smiled when I heard those near whisper of Gramps.

'Glad to see you too again Gramps.'

I arrived beside my companions and ready to answer their questioning gazes.

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