《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 15- Spider eagle's egg


I was ready to answer their inquisitive eyes,

As I was walking towards them, " I don't need to remind you about this, do I? You have too cook this egg and it must be perfectly cooked, if its undercooked you'll fail." I heard Menchi's say.

The examiner told us to put our spider eagle's eggs on the big pot with boiling water.

The egg must be cooked right for them to pass.

I was excited to taste it so I turned my back and headed to the pot.

Gittarakur and Hisoka heed to the instructions of the examiner too and walked side by side with me.

I was excitedly and hummingly walking,













"..."- me



I suddenly let go of my egg and the last thing I saw is that....

It kissed the ground and...


'It------------- broke.'( -_-)

'What the hell?!'

A well known and trained assassin!!! Just clumsily tripped embarrassedly and even accidentally broke an egg!!!!!

How could this be possible??!!!!

'To think I'd trip over a small rock, it was utterly embarrassing!!'

I covered my face and blushed at the embarrassment then peaked to

looked if my companions saw it.

My little brother who was just a few steps away from me, walked in front of me and patted my head.

I looked at him, embarrased and with a pout on my mouth.

He clattered his mouth, telling me it's fine, that it was normal and unavoidable to trip, once in a while.

'How can I be comforted by this?!'

'Am I a child?!' (>////

Even with that thought,

I still looked regrettably at the broken egg on the ground.

Seeing the broken egg I immediately forgot about the embarrassment,

'Too bad, I was really looking forward on eating it tho-,' (T-T)


Then I heard Killua said, "I haven't even tried cooking a regular egg, how much this?"

I laughed at him,

'He's soooo cuteee.' I squealed inside.

All of the participants of course Gittarakur and Hisoka was waiting for the right time too.

Gittarakur looked at me inquisitively,

Of course I know when the right timing is.

"I'll signal you when."

He nodded his head, understandably.

"Now," I whisperingly said.

And at the same time Buhara's muttered 'wow~'

All the participants knew that it was the right time because of Buhara.

Of course all of them will pass...

How hilarious.

Menchi gave Buhara's a look and then explained something about the spider eagle's egg and gave each participants regular eggs to compare the taste of the spider eagle's egg on it.

She even game me one,


'My-my spider eagle's egg's already gone.' T_T

As if knowing what was I was thinking and seeing me sulk,

Illumi who was holding his spider eagle's egg approach me and gave it to me.

Motioning me to accept it.


It was so cute that he thought of me first than himself.(T^T)

Of course! I was not one to be reserve with my brothers,

So I happily accepted it!

But I remembered that it was his so I offered him a bite but he declined,

And even offered me the regular egg he has.

So, I didn't force him and ate all the remaining egg.

'It's delicious!'

(Illumi's POV)

I saw my big brother, Yilluzu, approach the Chairman of the association.

I was taken off guarded that my big brother, knew him.


After when they were done talking, Yilluzu-nii, was heading towards us,


I saw him excitedly turned his back again and run the other way after hearing what the examiner had said.

My thought was correct.

Yilluzu-nii was really excited and looking forward on putting his retrieved egg to the pot.

Hisoka who was sticking to me like a bubble gum, annoyingly, followed suit when I headed towards my big brother.

Then I unexpectedly saw something that wouldn't even once will cross my mind.

My big brother...









I can hear Hisoka beside me stifled a laugh seeing it happened. I gave him a side glare, signaling him to stop.

My big brother blushed when he saw that we saw what happened.

He... was... embarrassed...

And that was cute.

I approached him and patted his head.

He looked at me embarrassedly and pouted.

I can feel myself softening seeing his expressions.

I then saw him looked at the broken egg on the ground with regrettable eyes.

'Guess he was really looking forward on it?'

When we already finished cooking it and I was still surprised that my big brother was really knowledgeable with things.

I approach him and offered the egg that I got.

Seeing me gave him my spider eagle's egg, his eyes glittered in appriciation.

And accepted it without hesitation.

He gnawed at it happily, but remembering that I was the former owner of the egg and haven't even taken a single bite on it, he offered it back to me, which I declined seeing him enjoying eating it.

How could I have the heart (if I still have one) to take it,

I could never be more happier seeing him enjoying and living well.

Hisoka by my side, tapped me and smilingly offered me the egg he got.

I rejected his offer.

I'm not that into such things anyways,

Guess he was too,

Because he offered his to Yill-nii too.

My brother must have loved eating it because he accepted it without holding back.

After having his full he gave the two of us a big brightt dazzling smile.

I was awestruck that my big brother could give such innocent smile.

If you haven't known him, you might mistake him as a bright and naive child which he was an opposite of.

With all that the second phase of the exam ended.

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