《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 12- cooking


The second phase of the exam was about to get started.

The examiners were namely, the hunters Buhara and Menchi, they're both gourmet hunters.

Mentioning that they are Gourmet Hunters, most of the participants were confused of who they are, what were gourmet hunters?

Most of them didn't know what a gourmet Hunter were.

"Gourmet Hunters specialize in searching for food. Their goal is to search for the most delicious food and of course they are also are skilled in cooking." In the midst of all the participants' confusion, Kurapika explained what Gourmet Hunters are.

' Well, at least there is someone who has the knowledge amongst this fools.'

"Then the examination will be..." After hearing his explanation, a bald guy with a no. of 294, and looks like a ninja was about to say his conclusion. But was cutted off by the examiner Menchi saying, "Yes! You're right, the second phase will be about cooking."


I nearly laughed out loud seeing the other participants bulge their eyes upon hearing that the exam will be about cooking.

Like, what's so surprising about cooking exam? There are lots of kinds of hunters and that includes gourmet hunter.

So its not that surprising if there is a cooking phase in this exam, right?

Or am I just the only one who thought that way?

Well, Never mind.

I was again nearly in a fit of laughing when I saw my younger brother Killua was in a shocked face too.

' Don't tell me he doesn't know how to cook too!'

I turned my attention to Gittarakur beside me and asked him if he can cook too.

To my surprise he doesn't know how too!!

The fact that my younger brothers doesn't know how to cook.

'Is it just me, or am I just the odd ball amongst us brothers?'


I know that they do not necessarily need to learn how to cook.

Because why cook when you have chefs?

Thinking back then, I didn't studied cooking because of 'cooking' but for the sake of a skillful knife handling.

' Yeah, yeah, I know. My head was just full of 'killing that' 'murdering those' and 'assassinating this' '

'But what can I do I love spilling blood, seeing people die, their screams of misery, the pathetic pleading face and----- Stop! Stop! I can't do that here, I need to control myself! ' I interrupted my line of thought, I feel the bloodlust started boiling whithin me.

'I can't loose control of myself, I might hurt my brothers.'

I was brought back from my inner turmoil when Illumi's hands was in my shoulder.

He must have felt the bloodlust a while ago.

"I'm fine, I just remembered something." Knowing that I won't talk anything about it any longer, he assured himself and asked me if I can cook.

When I told him I can, he looked at me incredulously.

"Yeah, I learned cooking back then. Well, technically not for the reason of being able to 'cook' but to learned the unique knifing skills of gourmet hunters. And I learned cooking along the way." I explained, Hisoka's as well was listening to my explanation.

Of course, who wouldn't be surprised.

The eldest son of the well-known family of Zoldycks, who was been well served by servants, kept by the family preciously and the most skilled assassin--- know how to cook!!

While we're at our own discussion, we are interrupted by the sudden outburst of one of the participants who objects this type of exam.

"How I'd persevered to come this far in the exam and you'll just ask me to cook?!" Said he in a discontented tone.


'This guys, really? Don't they have brains? Gourmet Hunters' skills were quite beautiful especially when handling the knife and of course cooking delicious foods too?'

*Sigh-- what do I get in listening with stupid people?-- I just feel my brain cells slowly committing suicide listening to their stupidity.

Menchi got offended and told everyone who complained to just go back home and give up the exam.

This made all of them turned silent.

So--- the exam was all about satisfying the examiners.

It's quite easy for me, I can just pass without breaking a sweat.

But there was one problem!

I know i have the skills but looking to this people around me. I know they will get curious of who just among them knows how to cook and THIS CAN PUT ME IN EVERYONE'S ATTENTION !!

Especially Killua's!

Well, of course I won't choose that path, I'll just go with everyone's flow. I'm not that stupid to showcase my skills and have everyone's attention to me.

After hearing that the participants had to satisfy the examiner with their cooking, everyone started to talk to themselves again.

"I didn't even learn how to cook." -Leorio

"I didn't expect this to be in the exam." -Kurapika

"Me! I have tried cooking!" Said Gon in his usual manner.

My attention was picked by Gon's words.

"Ehh?!" Kurapika and Leorio incredulously looked at Gon.

"What can you cook?"-- Leorio

"Not that many-- but the most delicious was--- rice with eggs!"

'That Gon know how to coo---??? Ehh?!'

I nearly fell hearing the unexpected answer

'PFFT-!!! They're really just kids.'

'Its cute'

Kurapika and Leorio was dumbfounded at his answer and laughed at their friend.

"That-- it can be said cooking-- but..." Kurapika helplessly don't know what to say.

On the other hand Leorio was Lughing hard saying that he can cook that even when his eyes close.

And Killua-- he just indulgingly smiled beside Gon.

I smiled at their direction and directed my attention to Illumi, who was calling me.


He then patted my head,

I don't know why but I just returned him a smile.

Maybe he is comforting me 'cause of how I look at Killua's direction, I didn't have friends like that maybe that why Illumi's telling me that they are beside me, always.

I was touched at my little brother's affection, Hisoka too, as reassuringly smiled at me and told me I could be his friend.

'Really, this guys, well, I was grateful that I had them.'

I then tiptoed and patted both their heads, and smilingly told them.

"Thank you."

I was happy, that there are still, some light that can help me contain my sanity and that was all of them, the precious people whom I hold dearly to my heart.

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