《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 11- The real me


The fishing hook struck Hisoka in the face. Giving light injuries on his face.

Gon who held the fishing rod, appeared at a crucial moment. He appeared before Hisoka killed his friend.

He and Killua was together and heading towards the second phase but sensing his friend's in danger he didn't hesitate drop the thought of finishing the exam and just decided to save his friend.

'Well, that was interesting, a kid who was about 12 or so, landed a hit on Hisoka. I hope this fight would be worth wasting my time.'

Hisoka ignored Leorio and changed his focuses to Gon. He praised the kid for being able to land a hit on him.

As he was walking towards the boy, who was seemed to be frozen on the spot, maybe because of fear.

Leorio stood up again and attacked Hisoka who was facing his back on him. But still he was countered by Hisoka and got beaten again.

Hon then attacked Hisoka but was caught on the beach by him. But after a while, to my disappointment the fight just ended, when Hisoka let go of the boy and told him that he passed his exam.

'What?! That's all?! Hell that was disappointing' I thought.

'Well, at least the boy can still have time to grow and level up his skills. Maybe by then he can give me a satisfying show.' I smiled at my own thought.

"Leorio!!" Gon shouted as he saw Hisoka walk toward his friend. Hisoka told him that he didn't kill Leorio because he too passed his exam.

Seeing Hisoka carry his friend on his shoulder, the boy shouted to Hisoka to let go of his friend. But he only told Gon that he will only let go of his friend if he can catch up to him. Then Hisoka left, slowly disappearing from our sight.

' Well, I should get going too. Illumi might explode if he hadn't found me if I keep dragging on.'


I was heading to the second phase of the exam when I caught up with Hisoka. He is still carrying Leorio on his shoulder.

He noticed my presence and looked towards my location. I don't mind being found out because I intentionally allow him to notice me.

"Yo!" I greeted him.

"Oh Yilluzu~ why are you all by yourself, where could Gittarakur be?" He asked.

"I'm playing hide and seek with him, but I decided to end the game. He might go berserk if he still couldn't find me." I answered at him.

"Well, I should go first. Ohh--- and the fight a while ago was disappointing. I really thought you would kill that Leorio." I said as I pointed at the man he was carrying on his shoulder. Then I waved at him goodbye, not waiting for his response. But I saw his shocked expression and that made me chuckled.


Landing on the grounds where the other participants were. 'I guess this is where the second phase will be held."

I looked around and saw Hisoka arrive. And leaving Leorio under the tree's shade.

Hisoka walked towards me and greeted me.

We talked for I while and I sensed my little brother's presence at my back.

'He's angry.'

I don't really care if he's angry or not but I can't have him make a ruckus, so I tried my attention to him and smiled like an innocent kid. Even though I wasn't.

"Oh~~ you found me~" I said acting like I wasn't intentionally letting him find me.

His face was still the same unmoved one but I can feel he's mad.

I heard Hisoka chuckling beside me. He was trying hard not to be noticed but with my keen senses I can still hear him.

I glared at him to be quite. He just raised his hands surrender and watched amusingly.

Gittarakur held my wrist and dragged me along with him.

Clattering he told me that he will take me home.

Well, that was to be expected.

Hisoka was still following us. Watching every interaction of us.

"But I still want to participate" I told him in a childish tone. I know that I'm already 25 but, what can you do?

It's my character. I can't seem to change this behavior of mine.

But anyways, Gittarakur just ignored me. I was relieve because I can't have him cause a ruckus and have everyone's attention on us, especially Killua's.

I can't still afford Killua founding me. I still want to observe him.

"I promise I won't do it again---pomise!" I stilled tried to convince him.

"I haven't seen the outside world for 13 years, so I was excited to wander off. And I know that you wouldn't allow me to do many things when you're around." I don't have any choice but to play the 'pity me' card.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at my direction.

Inquisitively asking me to elaborate.

"Like--- I know you wouldn't allow me to run around without constantly telling me to stop or I will tire myself out. And constantly threat me that you will bring me back home if I don't listen to you." I looked down, seemingly feeling guilty of what I have done. But truthfully I was trying hard to hide my smile because of my lies.

Well, I don't mind him constantly threatening me because it didn't matter to me and he ordering me around. He can't do anything if I didn't allow him to.

Seemingly shot by guilt Gittarakur let go of my hand and patted my head, comforting me.

'Yes! It worked!' I inwardly cheered.

Hisoka who was on the sidelines all this time can't help letting a small laugh, seeing Illumi got tricked by me.


Good thing Illumi didn't notice him because all of his attention was on me, trying to comfort me.

My younger brother, clattering his mouth informed me that he will let what I did slip. But if there is a second time, he will really force me to go home.

I gave him a dazzling smile and grudgingly thanked him.

While hugging him, I thought why am I shorter than him. He's 185 cm, while me who's his 'older' brother was just 174 cm. And why is it he looks and acts more mature than me?!

Why is it so unfair?!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

We decided to continues the exam, it's a relief that we didn't garner any attention that could cause Killua to notice us.

It really is fun hiding and causing problems that can even made me feel more problematic. The feeling of excitement and thrill is the best.

The problem that I caused was resolve by me again, so it's fine now again.

I looked towards Killua's direction since Hisoka came to annoy Illumi again.

I saw my little brother Killua looking at the exit of the forest.

'He really like that Gon, didn't he?' I wryly smiled

Maybe they can really be friends!

That's good at least he can find someone he can call a friend.

When they said that assassin's couldn't have friends, I really disagree with that. How boring and lonely will it be when you're alone? I don't want my brothers to feel that way too. Because I myself didn't have friends to care for.

The feeling of protecting someone like friends--- I didn't get to experience that. I want my beloved brothers to not regret not having friends like I did.

Because of living as a full-fledged assassin and being locked in the darkness for 13 years, my heart already turnee cold and indifferent. I may not show it on my face and thoughts, I may only think of entertaining things but deeper inside that is me, a killing machine, the darkness.

I have to find something interesting and amusing in order to satiate my endless thirst of killing.

I didn't have anymore compassion because of being an assassin lectured just to kill when being paid.

I don't want them to live like me. Living in a darkness, my only happiness is killing.

Maybe that's one of the regret of my parents too, they made me into a killing mister to the point of no turning back. That's why they let Killua have his own way. They don't want my brothers to be like me.

I already turned my back towards the word mercy and sympathy.

Even with my brothers and family. I have to control myself not to kill them.

I know my dad already know of my condition. But except him no one knows.

They just know I like killing but the didn't know that deep inside I was like a time bomb, I can constantly kill and plan on eliminating human kind without bathing an eye.

With my nen I can make the earth a chaotic world.

But I have to keep my sanity. I didn't have mercy but I still hold on the word love. I love my family, my brothers.

I don't want to make them suffer. So as much as I can-- I want them to be safe and happy.

I just want to kill myself so I can't do anymore sin but thinking that they would be sad and I still haven't did anything good, I have to think twice.

All I can do was to wait for my demise.

The day that I would die.

Good thing I have a weak constitution that slowly getting weaker, it'll be my ticket to death.

But before that I want to ensure that my brothers and family will live satisfyingly and happily.

Remembering the real me. I was lost in my thoughts.

I have to snap out of it!

I promised myself that for the mean time my only goal is to give my brothers a bright future.

Not just living in darkness because of our family's profession. I have to give them light. Even just by helping them find a friend.

They say friends can be your weakness. But I believe they can be their strength too, so I want them to have friends.

'And I think I have potential ones.~'

I looked towards Hisoka who was with Illumi and Gon who had just arrive before Satotz fired the gun, signaling the end of the first phase of the exam, talking to Killua.

"Maybe my mission's about to get fulfilled." I muttered under my breath and smiled while I head towards my brother Illumi like nothing of my thoughts happened.



Hey kitties!

Are you still reading??

Well, have you seen or notice that I changed the cover???

I just drew it a while ago. I was thinking of changing the cover and I decided to change it as you can see.

But I want to ask you, my kitties, if you like the current cover or you much prefer the former one.

Because those were both my drawings so I was kinda having difficulty if which one was more suitable.

Just comment what you think, okay?!😊

By the way...

Thanks for reading😘😘

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