《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 10- Who might that be?


We continued on running so that we won't be left behind, I kinda thought of how boring this exam is, not knowing that I just unconsciously blurted it out.

Gittarakur heard me, and the asked me if I want to drop the exam, he'll just take me back home.


I subconsciously answered.

I can't let that happen--- staying in the house is more boring that the exam and I would have to face mother's constant question about what I feel.

I would rather take this exam, than to have mother bothering me very single minute back home.

Of course I remembered that Gittarakur entered the exam for a mission too.

He has a mission that requires him a hunter's license.

''It's fine, we can just finish this exam and furthermore I can watch Killua for a while. I want to approach him after the exam, I know that you need the hunter's license for a mission too--so let's just finish this exam." I explained to him.

Then we head forward and continued running.

Up ahead in front of us I saw Killua, he's still together with the boy. I heard that guy with glasses call him Gon. Maybe that's his name? Maybe.

I can see Killua and Gon taking a glance to Hisoka who was in front of us too.

They seemed to be taking caution toward Hisoka.

'Well, who wouldn't be?'

You can tell by just a smell that Hisoka was dangerous, he will kill without bathing an eye. Any assassin can notice it, much more Killua who was a talented assassin too.

"Kurapika! Leorio! Killua said that we should head first!" I heard Gon shout towards the boy with blond hair and the guy with glasses.



Maybe that's their name but which one among them is Kurapika and which one is Leorio?


Well, never mind... I'll just have to guess then.

I like Hisoka's presence, because I can feel that everywhere he is there'll be trouble and chaos. That'll be thrilling and entertaining.

I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly felt Gittarakur tap me on my shoulder, asking what was I thinking.

I looked forward facing Killua's direction and told my little beside me that it's nothing, then facing him with a toothy grin.

Then he shrugged it off. Not bothering anymore.

The exam now got a little more interesting. We encountered flying entities that emits sleeping powder, big-time-like creatures and a big frontline creature---eating participants.

"Gittarakur I'll just wonder for a while. I want to check if there's still anything interesting that can be found in here." I informed him. I know he wouldn't agree if he's not around but I'm informing him-- not asking for his permission.

As expected he didn't agree.

"Gittarakur I wasn't asking I'm informing." I told him in an imposing tone with a smile.

I run off, leaving him dumbfounded.

"I'll see you at the second phase again Ill!! I shouted back at him.

Of course he tried to follow,


Who am I? Well I'm the eldest son of the family the supposedly heir---of course he won't be able to catch up to me even if he wanted to.

I slowly disappeared from his sight.

I want to wander off alone because when he's beside me I can do everything that I wanted. He'd be always there forbading me to do a lot of things.

I really wondered why do I feel like I was more of the younger brother than him.

He was like mom! Who always worry about trivial things!

And I want to test his abilities too-- I want to play hide and seek with him. That'll be much more entertaining than this exam.


I know he'll force me to go home if he founds me later. But I can just use my 'I'm so pitiful because I didn't get to see the world for 13 years' tactic.

'So~ where should I go? I hope I can encounter something interesting in here.'

I stopped at my tracks when I saw Hisoka's from a far. He was attacking other participants.

Kurapika and Leorio were here too!

"Let's Just say I'm an examiner but I have been to lenient to all of you but now, I will test who amongst you were qualified--- so~ show me that you have what it takes to be a Hunter." I heard him said that to all the participants in front of him.

'That's interesting~ he's having fun. I want to have fun too!!'

But unfortunately I can't have that. Illumi and I were playing hide and seek.

I looked towards Hisoka and silently hope that Illumi could be like Hisoka---having fun and not just kill because he is obliged to.

For him to show even a little emotion in him.

'That right!'

'I can just plan on how to make the two of them always together. Maybe Illumi can pick up even just a little of Hisoka's demeanor.'

I secretly thought.

I sat on the top of a nearby tree to watch the show. Hiding my presence.

I'll just enjoy the show. I don't care if all of them die.

Then I heard the all participants argue with Hisoka and attacked him. Hisoka just still stood there waiting for them to come near while informing his energies that he'll just use one card to take them all.

'Let's see if he really is good. Maybe I'll reconsider fighting him if he is qualified.'

I watch him as he takes down all the attackers with just a card.

Kurapika and Leorio were frozen shocked seeing the scene.

'It is still boring fighting someone that weak.' I thought as I looked at the dead participants.

There are only 3 remaining participants standing up, the two of them were Kurapika and Leorio and the other one I don't know who he is.

The three of them knew that they don't stand a chance against Hisoka.

So they planned on splitting up in each direction. Which was the idea of the guy with a turban-like something hat.

Hisoka praised them because of their plan. He told them as a reward he will give them time until he finish counting to 10.

'Arrrghh! I wanna play too! If only I wasn't playing hide and seek with Illumi, I would've join the fun to!'

And I can't afford to take any risk Killua seeing me for the time being.

After Hisoka finished counting to 10,

I was surprised to unexpectedly see the guy with glasses, which I don't know if his name was Kurapika or Leorio.

Let's Just assume that it's Leorio, I think that it fits him more than Kurapika.

Leorio came back to face Hisoka. He's really interesting.

I wonder where did he get the guts to face a guy like Hisoka,

I interestedly watch what will happen next.

Leorio attacked Hisoka first but,

Of course you are doomed to be dissapointed because that Leorio guy was so weak!

He was single handedly got beaten by Hisoka. It was no thrill watching them fight.

As Hisoka was about to kill Leorio,

A fighting bait struck Hisoka on the face.

'Who might that be?' I asked feeling more interested.



It's me again °^w^°

Thanks for reading❤❤

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