《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 9- Rumor


As I was searching for my younger brother, I was quite surprised to find him talking to the Hisoka guy.

'Is he an acquaintance of him?' I suddenly thought to myself.

"Gittarakur! What's with the sudden disappearance?!" I approached him with a dissatisfied face.

Again I just got a clatter as an answer.

He apologized to me.

Hearing him apologize, Hisoka guy was smiling ear to ear. He appears to have heard something interesting, but I can't seem to remember anything amusing in our conversation.

"An acquaintance of yours?" I asked looking towards Hisoka.

Gittarakur nod.

'So.... they know each other. Maybe a friends?'

"And who might this be?~~" Asked the Hisoka guy.

"Oh hello, I'm Yilluzu Zoldyck," I introduced myself with a smile. If he's my little brother's friend, I should treat him well.

"Yilluzu? Zoldyck?!" He's quite shocked hearing my name.

"Umm, yes? Is there any problem?" I asked. I looked at my brother, asking with my eyes if there's something wrong.

"Oh, I apologize, it's just that in the assassin's world--- of course the Zoldyck was quite famous~. And there's a story long time ago~, that they have a child who was named Yilluzu-- their eldest.

He was talented and well-knowned when it comes to assassination---most- uhh no, I think all of the assassins existing know who he is. For those who he finds unamusing,

He kills without mercy, he was the nightmare of the other assassins~,"

He explained.


" They say he's an epitome of the saying 'angel face with devil thoughts' his smile was like an angel but his eyes were of a devil-- But, then he just suddenly disappeared after a mission he had gone. Some rumors said that he died and some says that he quited--- and others said that he was still alive but was being kept by his family because he had an illness."


"Oh... I didn't know that I was that famous for them to know me. And even made me an epitome of a saying---- Hahaha... it's quite hilarious knowing that story." I said.

'Well, that's quite a story.'

"Is that Yilluzu, you? I can see why the say that you have 'an angelic face with devil thoughts'~~ " He asked.

I chuckled. "Mhmm, I guess it's me. But what's up with that saying, do really embodied it?" I asked while laughing.

"Wait Ill- I mean Gittarakur, why didn't you tell me this story. It's quite amusing knowing others were intrigued of what happened to me those past years. And even connected a saying to me." I faced my younger brother still laughing about the story.

Clattering, he said that its because he forgot to tell me about this rumor and the saying really embodied me.

He told me that I didn't have the aura of an assassin because I release an aura of a kind, merciful person. Which I know myself was the opposite of me.

I love killing if I say so myself, that is why, I was still able to kill people even with my poor constitution. I was all because I always had fun killing people.

"Wait--- am I really that scary for the other assassins to refer me as a nightmare?" I'm confused.

' Am I really that scary?'

'Oh...Maybe...because I can kill anyone if I wanted to.'

"All the assassins know you, they all want to avoid you if they can and if that is when you appear again." Hisoka answered.

"You? What about you? What do you think about me now?" I chuckled remembering what I had just knew.

"I think you are what the rumors said, you really embodied that saying------- Because you have the face of an angel but can still detect your sharp eyes that viewed everyone as just a play thing to entertain you like a devil. I know you won't hesitate killing anyone you deemed unimportant. Maybe someday I want to fight with you too, I was intrigued if you are that talented and powerful as they say.~~" He said, evaluating me.


"I guess that day won't come, because as you know, my family forbade to fight and use my nen---what happened years ago gave a great everlasting result to my body. I can't fight as I used to like back then." I explained.

After talking for a while,

We heard Satotz told all the participants to follow him to the second phase of the exam.

As we were running again, Hisoka tagged along in our group.

"So~can you tell me what happened to you, which rumor is true? I know the rumor that you're dead is a lie. Then which of the two rumor is right? And is it really true that you are that talented in killing? o-nii-san~~~" He asked quite intrigued of the answer.

I felt goosebumps when I heard how he addressed me.

"Whoa---what's with that address?! You gave me goosebumps!" I told him.

"Well, it's because you're older than us and you're little Illumi's older brother." He reasoned.

"Calling me Yilluzu is fine." I told him.

"Okay~if you say so--- so mind clarifying to me everything about the rumors?" He asked.

I thought to myself.

It's not that my case was secret, it's just that my family did not bother to correct the rumors because they just don't care. All they care about was when will I wake up.

"Hmm... Well the last rumor that you mentioned was the right one. I was kept because I was ill and added by the injuries that I acquired during my last mission, I was in coma for 13 years. I don't know if I was that skilled as they say, but maybe, because all of them kept telling me--- when I was young that--- I could've be the heir if only my body was in a good constitution." I answered his question, simply unbothered that I was disclosing the whole truth to someone like Hisoka.

He kept quite for a while, he appears to be a little shocked knowing the truth.

"Oh~ that was interesting.~~' was all that he could say.

We talked for a while but then Hisoka told us he is going ahead.

We can go together with Hisoka because Gittarakur was making a fuss about me not taking any rest for a long time.

So... I was forced to stop for a while and take a rest even just for a moment.

Killua and the other three was out of my sight now,

'Well, that's fine I can just search for them later. Let's Just take a rest for a while. I can feel my body was tired. It'll be troublesome if I just suddenly collapse and I have to go back home just like in my agreement with dad.'

I remembered that dad stated that if there will be even a tiny thing wrong happened, Illumi would take me back home without second thought.

I just let out a sigh, ' I can't let that happen.'

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