《PERFECT》Chapter 19


Time flies fast when you are enjoying. We had more than enjoyed ourselves. Our romantic honeymoon was finally over and we were already on the plane heading back home.

“I’m so sad that it’s over,” I whined and laid my head on Nick shoulders.

He chuckled wrapping his arm around me, “The honeymoon might be over, but we are far from over,” he told me kissing my temple. “We shall continue from where we left off back at home.”

“Promise?” I smiled.

“Promise,” he nodded and kissed me on the lips.

I continued smiling, “I can’t wait for us to get back home,” and snuggled closer to him.

“Hmm, me to,” I could hear a smile in his words.

I slept throughout the flight and only woke up when we were about to land. My phone buzzed indicating an incoming message immediately after I turned it on.

“From whom is the message?’ asked Nick.

“Amy,” I told him, “She’s coming to pick us up with Marc.”

“She definitely will be in shocked upon seeing us like this,” chuckled Nick whose arm wrapped snugly around my waist pulling closer to him.

“Yep, she sure will,” I chuckled with him.

Sure enough, I saw Amy eyes wide open when she saw us walking through the exit door. However, I couldn’t contain myself any longer and rushed towards her.

“Amy,” I yelled and hugged her, “I missed you.”

“Yeah right, you missed me,” she pouted her lips, “You didn’t even bother to call once.”

“I’ve been busy,” I told her but couldn’t contain from blushing.

“Busy? Doing what?” she scolded, “And why are you blushing?” I just smiled.

She looked at me and then at Nick who was standing beside me wrapping his arms around my waist again. Her eyes went wide open again.

“Oh my God!” she screamed, “You two had se…….” I immediately covered her mouth stopping her for continue. I looked around; some people were staring at Amy.

“Shut up, Amy,” I scolded her, “People are looking. I’ll tell you everything once we reach home,” I said to her and released her mouth.

But once I did, she started to rant, “I don’t believe it that you had s….” And I shut her mouth again.

“I’m going to tape your mouth shut if you don’t shut up now,” I threatened. “Now promise you’re not going to say a word until we reach home or I’m not going to tell you anything and never talk to you again.”

She nodded her head but I wasn’t fully satisfied, “Promise?” I asked again and she nodded again. Satisfied, I finally let her go.

She kept to her promise and remained quiet all through our ride home but didn’t stop grinning like a stupid monkey. Once we arrived at our apartment, she immediately pulled me to my room and closed the door shut.


We both sat on the bed and she immediately commanded, “Now, tell me everything.”

“I will tell you but you must promise not to scream or yell or go hysterical,” I warned.

“I promise,” she raised her right hand making me smile satisfactorily.

But as I started to open my mouth, there was a tap on the door and Nick’s head appeared from the back of the door.

“Hey you two, are you hungry? Both Marc and I are starving,” he told us.

“Yeah, I’m hungry. What about you?” I asked Amy.

“Yeah, I’m hungry too,” nodded Amy

“Do you want to order pizza or Chinese?” asked Nick.

“Chinese,” both of us replied in unison.

“I thought you would say that,” Nick chuckled and then looked at me, “Since Amy is here, why don’t you asked her to help you to pack your stuff and bring it to the master bedroom?” he suggested.

“I haven’t unpacked anything since I moved in. They are still in those suitcases,” I pointed out to him my two big suitcases in the corner of the room.

He went over, took them and smile at me, “I’ll take this to our room then,” he said and winked at me while I continued to blush profusely. I think I am going to turn into a tomato if I stay with him all time.

“You’re sleeping with my brother?” asked Amy with wide eyes.

“Where else should I sleep but with my husband?” I shrugged.

She looked at me weirdly and I smiled before telling her, “I’ve agreed to be your sister-in-law forever.”

“You mean you’re staying married to Nick?” she asked and I nodded, “Ahhhhh!” she screamed, jumping around and hugged me, “I knew you will come to your senses. I knew it! I knew it.” She fist pumped her hand into the air and started dancing.

I pouted my lips at her, “You promised not to scream or go hysterical,” I reminded her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she apologized, “I couldn’t contain my happiness. I’m so happy for the both of you. You know how I always wanted you both to end-up together,” she grinned. She pulled me into another hug.

“Yeah, how could I forget?” I smirked.

She chuckled, “So what made you change your mind about my brother?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “Nick wants us to give a try and I didn’t see any harm trying. Anyway, all our friends and family already know that we’re married, so why not give it a try?” I don’t think I need to tell her what transpired between me and Nick.

“You don’t hate my brother anymore?” was her next question. I shook my head and smiled.

“You like him?” another question asked.

“Hmm,” I nodded my head while blushing away.

“Hmm, I think I know why you agreed to be with him,” she cast me cheeky look.


“Why?” I scowled.

“He must be very good in bed,” she laughed and I hit her with a pillow.

“You’re just as cheeky as your brother,” I couldn’t help but giggle and blushing at the same time.

“Ah just admit it,” she teased again hitting me back with a pillow. Before we knew it, we both were giggling like teenagers, hitting each other with a pillow while Amy continued to tease me until we both finally collapsed on the bed exhausted facing the ceiling.

“I’m so happy that you are finally with my brother,” said Amy after our laugh subsided. “I’ve told you that you’re perfect for each other,” she smirked and I just smiled.

“Are you happy?” she asked.

“Yes, I am,” I admitted.

“Do you think you could already be in love with my brother?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I told her frankly, “But what I know right now is that I like him a lot.”

“Is it because you have accepted him as your husband?” she queried.

“No, because I have managed to get to know him better,” I responded.

“I’ve told you to give him a chance and that once you know him better, you will love him,” she reminded me.

“Yeah, you did, so many times and I’m sorry for not listening to you,” I’ve apologized.

“Do you regret that you didn’t give him a chance before this?” asked Amy again.

I thought for a while before answered, “A little, I guess.”

We both remained quiet and after a while Amy asked again, “Ash?”

“Hmm,” I looked at her.

“Did Nick tell you he loves you?” she asked.

“No, he didn’t,” I shook my head.

“He didn’t?” she sound shocked and the mumbled, “Stupid”. I looked at her hoping she would tell me something but she ignored my questioning look and asked, “He didn’t tell you what he feels about you?”

“Well, he did tell me that he likes me a lot since the first day we met,” I told her.

“Hmm,” she didn’t seem satisfied.

I then added, “I think that is enough for time being because we both are in the midst of getting to know and understand each other. Who knows in the process of getting to know each other we might start to fall in love with each other.”

“Yeah, it’s all begins with like, then love,” nodded Amy.

“Yeah, that’s what’s Nick said to me too,” I nodded too

“Is that what happened between you and Marc?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she smiled.

“How did you know that you had started to fall in love with him?” I asked her.

“Well, when I started to feel something different towards him whenever I’m with him. I felt my heart beating so fast, butterflies in my stomach and Goosebumps whenever he looked at me or spoke to me or touch me. I felt fireworks whenever we kissed and still do. I started to miss him whenever he wasn’t around. Things grew and now we are getting married,” she explained dreamily. “Did you ever feel that way towards Nick?”

Heart beating inhumanly fast, butterflies in the stomach and Goosebumps? That’s what I felt every time Nick looks talks and touches me. Not recently but ever since I set my eyes on him. I have had these feelings and even when I’ve told myself I hate him, those feelings didn’t go away. Does that means I am already in love with him?

It couldn’t be, I told myself because I never missed him whenever we were not together. I didn’t miss him when I was in college. Maybe I didn’t feel it because every time I’m with Amy, she would tell me all about Nick. Even though I acted annoyed whenever she talked about Nick, I couldn’t help myself from wanting to know how he’s been doing. If I didn’t miss him, then why did I compare every guy with Nick?

“Earth to Ashley, earth to Ashley,” called Amy waving her hand in front of my face shaking me out from my trance. I rolled my eyes at her trying hard to hide my embarrassment.

“Are you day dreaming about Nick?” she chuckled.

“No,” I pouted my lips.

“You always pout your lips when you are denying the fact,” she pointed out.

I smiled dreamily, “Nick said the same thing too.”

She smiled too then there was a comfortable silence. After a while Amy started again, “Ash,” she called me softly.

“Hmm,” I responded.

“Will you forgive me if I’ve done something bad just to bring two of you together?”

I immediately got up and look at her, “What? What did you do?” I asked her.

She gulped, “Promise me that you won’t be angry?” she demanded.

“What did you do Amy?” I questioned.

“Promise me first that you won’t be angry,” she insisted.

“Ok, I promise,” I put my hands up swearing it, “Now tell me what you did?”

”Well, you see….” she stopped when Nick suddenly appeared at the door again.

“Hey you two, our food is here,” he told us.

“Great I’m starving,” Amy immediately jumped up from the bed and walked to the door. I shook my head but let her go. I’m going to ask her about it later when we are alone again.

Watching Amy leave out of my periphery vision, I pulled Nick to the side and kissed him fully on the lips.

“What was that all about?” he smiled on my lips.

“Just to tell you I missed you,” I said to him.

Oh! What did I just say to him?

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