《PERFECT》Chapter 20


The alarm went off at 7.30 am waking me up from my sleep. I felt Nick stir behind me, turning it off. Instead of getting up, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him.

“Wake up, Nick. Time to go to work,” I told him but snuggled closer to him.

He grunted before tightening his arms around me, kissing my shoulders before nibbling at my neck. His hands traveled to my stomach and then slowly snaked inside my tank top. I started to moan when one of his hands folded my breast while the other snaked into my pants touching my sensitive part. I felt him arose behind me. I slowly snaked my hand behind me and messaged his already hard manhood making his turn to moan.

“You better stop teasing me it you want me to stop,” he whispered in my ears while nibbling it softly where his hands still in my top.

“You better stop teasing me too if you want me to stop,” I told him and at the same time moving my head to the side giving him more access to my neck.

He moved on top of me stopping everything we were doing. He was staring at me and I stared deeply into his deep blue sea eyes too. No words were needed because we both knew what we wanted.

“What’s you plan for today?” asked Nick while munching his bread.

“I’m going to my parents’ house. I want to take my car and check whether there are any mails,” I informed him.

“Why? You expecting any special mails?” he asked.

“No, I’m hoping I received some letter of acceptance or interview for the job I applied,” I told him, “I’ve turned down one offer when we were gone to Bora Bora.”

“But you don’t regret it, right?” he raised his eyebrows teasingly at me.

“No,” I blushed. I would turn down more jobs to relive those days again.

He chuckled before kissing me, “Don’t worry if you don’t get any offer, you can always work in our company,” he said, “Dad said so himself.”

“Hmm,” I thought, “What position are you offering me? Will I have higher post than you?”

He scowled, “No way. You will be working under me.”

“Oh really? Will I get special treatment if I work under you?” I queered.


“Definitely no,” he frowned, “When we are in the office you are my employee and I’ll be your boss.”

“No, thank you then,” I snorted, “You might bully me once I’m under you.”

He smirked, “You might be surprised what a good boss I am.”

“Yeah, I have no doubt that you are a good and reasonable boss,” I smiled kissing him on the cheek, “But, I don’t think I would want to work together with you.”

“Why not?” He asked.

“Well, I don’t want people talk something behind my back if I receive any special treatment from you or your dad might give me later. I know you are fair but there will some kind of partiality because you will know what goes on after office. Also, people will not be happy that I’m sleeping with the boss.” I winked at him. “Anyway I don’t believe husband and wife should work in the same office because then professional life and personal life get mixed up. Stress in one place travels to the other,” I voiced out my opinion.

Nick smiled, “Whatever you decide, baby. I’m with you,” he said before kissing me on the lips. “I better get moving now. You want me to drop you?” he offered and I gladly accepted.

“What time will you be coming home?” I asked him once we reached my parents’ house.

“Most probably by half past five,” he said.

“Oh before I forgot, my parents invited us to dinner tonight. Your parents and Amy will be there too. They said there’s something they need to tell us,” I told him.

“Ok, I’ll come here straight after work then,” and I nodded before kissing him goodbye.

“Hey mum,” I greeted my mum as I entered the house. She’s in her usual favorite place, the kitchen.

“Hey Hun,” she smiled while I kissed her on the cheek.

“Has Daddy gone to office?” I asked her.

“Yeah, he has an urgent meeting this morning.” she nodded and then asked, “How was your honeymoon? Did you have a great time?”

I blushed and nodded, “Yeah. I didn’t feel like coming home,” I told her and she smiled knowingly at me.

“Are you happy?” she asked.

“Yes, very, very,” I honestly told her.

“We all know Nick would make you happy. We just needed to make you realize it,” she commented.


I cast a curious look at her, “What do you mean?”

“Nothing,” she shook her head and smile. I let the matter drop.

“Are there any letters for me?” I asked her.

“Yeah, let me get them for you,” she said and went into the living room and came back with a few letters; “These all are yours.”

I looked through my mail and was disappointed that all were rejections. I sighed.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“All rejected my application,” I told her.

“Don’t worry, Hun, you will get one and anyway why would you rush to get a job. I’m sure Nick will be able to support you,” she said.

“Yeah but all that I’ve learned will go to waste,” I told her, “And what am I supposed to do at home alone?”

“You will find something to do with your precious time,” mum chuckling and added, “Or you could get yourself pregnant as soon as possible.”

“Mum,” I scolded her. Our conversation was cut off when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. I immediately excused myself before answering it, “Hey.”

“Hey, baby,” it was Nick, “Still at your mum’s place?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I answered, “Why are you calling?”

“I missed you,” he responded making me blush, “Do you miss me?”

“No,” I joked.

“Ok, then,” he sighed sounding so disappointed making me laugh; I can imagine his face.

“Of course I do, you idiot,” I told him.

“I know you do but I just want to you to tell me yourself,” he chuckled.

“Don’t you have anything better to do in the office?” I scolded him.

“Well, yes, there’s lot of work but I need to check something with you,” he said.

“Oh. So you actually didn’t miss me, right?” I teased.

“Of course I do, I’m finding a reason to call you, so that no one here suspects anything,” he told me.

I chuckled, “Yeah right. What is it you want to check with me?”

“Do you have our wedding certificate?” he asked.

“I assumed you have it with you,” I told him.

“I just remembered, I don’t have it with me. I don’t remember seeing it after I woke up that day in Vegas. So, it’s definitely lost before that in a drunken haze or someone else who was present has it. ” he said.

“Maybe Amy has it with her?” I suggested. “I’ll check with her.”

“Thanks, if she doesn’t have it with her, then we have to check with the chapel whether they have the copy with them,” he told me.

“I’ll call you once I’ve asked her ok?” I said to him.

“Right, thanks babe,” and he off the phone.

I immediately dialed Amy’s number asking for it, “Hey Amy,” I immediately greeted her when I heard her voice on the other side.

“Hey Ash,” she responded in a sleepy and groggy voice.

“Hey wake up. Do you know what time it is?” I screamed on the phone and heard her grunt on the phone. She always woke up late unlike me.

“What do you want?” she grunted.

“I just want to check with you. Do you have my wedding certificate?” I asked her.

“Wedding certificate?” she sounded as if she didn’t know what it was.

“Yes. A legal document certifying our marriage that was signed by me, Nick and the priest confirming that we are married,” I explained to her like she’s stupid.

“I know what a wedding certificate is,” she scoffed.

“So do you have it?” I asked.

There was silence at the other end, “Amy?” I called.

“Yes, I’m here,” she said.

“Well, do you have it with you?” I asked again.

“No,” she slowly responded.

“Oh, they must have forgotten to give us then?’ I said.

“No,” she responded again.

“What do you mean by ‘no’?” I asked her.

“They did not forget to give you,” she said.

“Oh, then where is it?” I queried.

“They don’t have it,” she told me so softly.

“They are supposed to issue it,” I pressed.

I heard she inhale deeply, “They can’t have issued it.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because,” she inhaled deeply again before continued so slowly as if scared to say it out, “You… and…. Nick….. “

“What Amy?” I scolded angry that she dragging of telling me the reason.

“Youbotharenotmarried,” she said quickly uttered but I managed to get what she said. I felt my head spinning and then everything went black.

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