《PERFECT》Chapter 21


“Ashley, Ashley, honey are you ok?” I heard my mother’s concerned voice, her hands caressing my face softly.

I touched my aching head and looked at her confused, “What happened?”

“You fainted, Hun,” she said, “I should be the one asking you what happened.”

Then everything came slowly back to me and left me shattered. After I remembered the reason I fainted, I couldn’t help my eyes from leaking. I can’t believe that I’m actually not Nick’s wife. How could that be? Wasn’t Amy the one who told us that she was my witness for the ceremony? If I’m not married why were we wearing her wedding rings?

Mum saw me crying and immediately pulled me into a tight hug, “It can’t be that bad, can it?” she concernedly asked, “What’s going on?”

I just don’t how to tell her and I continued to cry and sobbed on her shoulders. Why does my world fall apart every time I think that everything is perfect in my life? First, I was leading an amazing perfect single life only to get drunk and marry. Now when I am completely in terms with the new circumstances, I find out that all my efforts were for a non-existent relationship. Just when I started to have feelings for Nick as my husband suddenly he’s not. Damn, did God hate me so much that he wanted to ruin everything that was perfect to me?

Why is this happening to me and how could such thing have happened? The only person who could answer all the questions is Amy and I’m going to get some answers from her.

I immediately wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and told my mother, “I need to see Amy.”

“Don’t worry, she’s coming here,” my mother informed me, “I’ve told her you fainted and she’s coming but she didn’t tell me what made you faint. Anyway you shouldn’t drive in this condition. Come,” she pulled me up from the floor, “Lay down here and I’ll get some warm milk for you,” she instructed and I just nodded my head along.

Amy came in few minutes later and her face was pale like a corpse. She immediately rushed towards me and when she tried to pull me into a hug, I pushed her hands away.

“Don’t touch me!” I gritted my teeth, “How can you call yourself my best friend and do all these things to me? How could you do this to me?”

She looked at me with teary eyes, “I’m so very sorry Ash. I was only trying to bring you and Nick together. You guys are perfect for each other.”

“And you do this stupid thing?” I scolded her, “And how……” I swallowed my words halfway when I realized that mother was standing in the same room. She’s looking at both of us worriedly.


“I think we better go and talk somewhere else,” I said and pulled Amy along with me. I didn’t want my mother to listen to our conversation.

“Where you going, Hun?” my mother asked worriedly, “Nick is on his way back here.”

“Tell him to meet me at home,” I said to her. “I’ll call you tonight,” and with that both of us were out the door while Amy cast a sad look at my mother.

We took Amy’s car and we drove back in silence. She tried to talk to me but I told her to concentrate on her driving. I don’t want any of us to have an accident just because I couldn’t control my anger.

Once we reached my apartment, I immediately started yelling at her, “How could you? How could you do such a thing? How am I going to tell our parents that we both are actually not married? How could you lie to me about this? God, what were you thinking?”

She cried, “I’m sorry Ash. I know I’m wrong. I shouldn’t have done all those things to you. Like I said, my actions were focused on bringing you and Nick together.”

“That is just a lame excuse,” I said to her disgustingly.

“I meant well Ash. I just want you and my brother to be happy. I know I shouldn’t go overboard but I just don’t know how to make you see that you belong with him. I tried talking you both into it.”

“How long did you want to keep this a secret from us?” I asked her. “Forever?”

“No, I wanted to tell you the truth last night but I just didn’t have the guts,” she said, “But we decided to tell you and Nick tonight.”

“We? Who else knows about this?” I asked her.

“Everyone except….,” and I cut her off.

“What?” I yelled, “Everyone including our parents?”

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Everyone except the stupid me? But now at least I don’t need to worry about breaking the news to them.” I couldn’t contain my anger any longer and it precipitated as tears. I didn’t bother to wipe them.

“I’m sorry Ash,” she apologized and tried to hug me.

I put out my hands in front stopping her from doing so, “Don’t hug me. Get out! Now!” I yelled, “Get out! I don’t ever want to see your stupid face ever again. You and I are finished. I don’t ever want to be your friends ever again,” I said to her.

She cried and tried to reach for me but I yelled again and pushed her out the door, “I said get out! Now!” slamming the door on her face.

I immediately sobbed and fell to the ground. Why are they doing this to me? I can’t believe it. Even my parents are in this conspiracy. I know they wanted to prove to me that Nick is the best for me but why lie about me being married to him? Damn. They are so mean for doing this to me. I hate all of them right now.


I heard the door open and I immediately look up to find Nick’s blue eyes staring down at me. His face etched with concern and anger. I just wanted to be in his arms, forget all worries. Forget that our marriage is just a sham; a sham that everyone construed, everyone including him.

“Baby, I’m sorry,” he came to me.

“Don’t you baby me,” I pushed his hand away. “You are into this too, right?”

“No, I’m not,” he defended, “I’m as shocked as you are. We are both victims here.”

“I don’t believe you!” I yelled, “You are a lying bastard!”

“Baby, please,” he begged.

“Don’t you dare call me baby again,” I yelled again, “I hate you! I’m going to sue you for doing all this to me. I’m going to sue you for taking my virginity without my consent! I’m going to sue each and every one of you including my own stupid parents!”

“I really didn’t know about their conspiracy. That’s the truth. I love you, Ashley. I love you with all my heart and I’ll never do anything that would hurt you. Ashley calm down. We can get married for real now, this doesn’t need to be a sham.” he said looking intensely at me.

My heart nearly melted at his declaration, but my anger ruled over any emotion, “Huh! Love,” I looked at him with disgust, “I don’t think a guy like you capable of love. You just say those words to get into a woman pants. Maybe because I’m not like your other stupid women, you decided to do this,” I accused him and I could see the hurt in his eyes when I say all those things to him but he remained quiet. “This declaration isn’t going to save you from the law suit, I really, really hate you,” I screamed to him.

“It’s not his fault Ash,” Amy defending her brother. “He didn’t know about this too. Don’t blame him.”

I looked at her with hatred, “Do you think after all the lying you have done I’m going to believe you? You both are just the same and I hate both of you!” I said to her and ran up to our room.

I packed all my stuff and when everything was completed, I dragged my suitcases to the door. As I walking down the stairs I heard his conversation with Amy.

“I never meant to harm anyone off of you, Nick. I’m doing it for you. I want you both to be happy,” I heard she told Nick.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I have my own way to make her fall in love with me? Didn’t I tell you that I’ll find my way? Damn you are so stubborn and stupid!” he scolded her.

Is he telling me the truth that he didn’t know or is it just a drama? I asked myself. Whatever it is I’m not going to stay and listen to anyone of them. I pulled my suitcases down the stairs. Upon hearing me enter, they both stopped and looked at me curiously.

“Where are you going?” Nick asked walking towards me.

“None of you business where I’m going,” I said to him, “I’m not going to stay in here anymore. Just wait for my lawyer’s letter,’ with that I dragged my suitcases to the elevator.

He pulled me by my hand stopping me, “Ashley, baby, please don’t do this. Please, we can resolve this. We can go somewhere and get married. I love you. I want you to remain as my wife.”

I looked at him with disgust, “I would never want to be a wife to someone like you. A scamming Cheat.” I pulled my hand away from him. I could see the hurt in his face upon hearing my words which made me regret ever saying it to him but I couldn’t control my anger. I immediately got into the elevator before my heart began to melt and forgave him.

When James saw me with my suitcases, he helped me with my luggage without any questions and helped me to hail a cab.

“Where to miss?” asked the cab driver.

“Can you just drive anywhere until I ask you to stop?” I asked him.

“Sure, as long as you don’t mind paying the meter,” he shrugged.

“Yeah, no problem,” I nodded.

I don’t know where the cab driver took me but I don’t really care. My phone kept on ringing and I didn’t bother to look at the caller ID, I turned it off. I didn’t want to talk to anyone of them including my parents.

After a long drive I finally asked him to stop me in front of a hotel. I went in and checked myself in. I need to get away from everyone. I still don’t understand why they did this to me. What hurt me more is that Nick is part of the conspiracy too. If only he told me he loves me before, all this might not happen. We could be married for real.

The bellboy took me to my room and handed me the keys. I lay on the bed thinking about the incident. I cried and cried until my eyes hurt but I don’t know why, Nick’s declaration of love kept repeating in my head and his hurt face kept appearing in front of my eyes. I closed my eyes and continued crying until I succumbed into a deep slumber.

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