《PERFECT》Chapter 18


Chapter 18 – Edited by

“You have amazing blue eyes, do you know that?” I flirted with Nick while looking into his eyes; they are deep like the ocean and I always find myself sinking into them. We both lay on the bed after we had made love (yep again and again, I’ve lost count).

“Of course I do. Do you like it?” he asked looking at me seductively with his eyes.

“Hmm, they are ok” I teased.

“So, what else do you like?” he chuckled.

“Hmm,” I twisted my lips trying to think what else I do like about his body. I like everything from his tousled hair to his satiable lips to his strong chest and... My thoughts were interrupted.

“I think I know,” he said grinning cheekily at me.

“What?” I scowled.

“My…..” his whispered sexily in my ears and looked downwards. I followed his gaze and gasped.

“You are so cheeky and full of yourself,” I playfully hit him.

“Well just admit that you like it. We did it twice yesterday and probably today too,” he playfully reminded me.

I blushed profusely and hid my face in his chest. “Yeah I won’t deny I like it but that’s not a part of your body,” I pointed out softly.

“Hey, that’s a part of my lower body, so it’s count,” he defended his man-hood, making me laugh.

“Stop it,” giggling, I hit him softly on his chest, “Your making me blush.”

“I purposely did that because I love to see you blush,” he told, making more blood rush into my face. He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my face forcing me to meet his gaze.

“You look even more beautiful when you blush,” he said looking intensely into my eyes pushing a strand of my hair behind my ears. He softly kissed my lips.

“What else do you like?” I asked him, staring deep into his deep oceanic eyes.

“Your eyes, they're beautiful,” he told me, “Do you know they change color according to your mood?”

“Really,” I’m still blushing. I don’t think I could ever stop blushing with him complementing me like this.

“Yes. In normal situation, they are crystal green like emeralds. When you’re angry they turn to dark green. When you laugh or blush it sparkles, and when we make love they glow with fulfillment; I love it when they glow.” he told me.

I cast him a weird look, “You observed all this?”

“I told you I’m an observant guy,” he smirked.

I smiled, “What else have you observed about me?” I asked him. I couldn’t help but wonder whether he ever observed me before we were married.

“You like to pout your lips whenever you know you are wrong but don’t want to admit it,” he chuckled and added when I pouted my lips ready to protest, “Like you are doing right now, you are going to deny it.”


“I’m not going to deny it,” I defended.

“Yeah, right,” he chuckled and kissed my pouted lips making me smile.

“You want to know more?” he asked and I nodded.

“You love to bite your lips whenever you’re speechless or out of words on an argument but refuse to admit it. You love to roll your eyes when you are annoyed, glare when you are angry, and recently I found out that you snore like a pig when you sleep,” he told me.

I hit him lightly on his chest, “I do not snore! You are the one who snores so loud that you can hear from the next room.”

“Yes. but you do too,” he insisted and laughed, “I shall tape it next time.”

I rolled my eyes and moved away from him, “Maybe you shouldn’t sleep with me next time.”

He managed to grabbed my waist before I managed to get off the bed, “Aw, but I love to listen to you snore. It’s like a lullaby to my ears, even though at times I think it’s going to burst my eardrums,” he joked while hugging me tightly from behind.

I tried to hide my smile and pretend to be angry, “Well I don’t want to hurt your eardrums, so I think it is best you sleep on the floor tonight,” I pursed my lips.

“I know you do not mean that. You wouldn’t let your husband sleep on the floor,” he soothed, “Besides, you will be cold sleeping alone; you need someone to warm you, Wifey.”

“I have a duvet,” I pointed out.

“A duvet is not the same as human body, especially a sexy guy like me,” he murmured at the same time kissing my ears and neck making me turn my neck onto the side giving him more access. He whispered into my ears, “There are others things you can’t do with a duvet. I can do them. I will kiss you senseless.” He nibbled my ear softly making me moan. “Make slow and sweet love.” He turned me around in his arms and kissed me.

“Hmm, maybe if you promise to keep me warm and all those other things, then I’ll let you sleep with me but not a word about me snoring like a pig,” I warned him.

“Did you ever hear me complaining?” he chuckled.

I glanced at his full lips, “Nope,” I said before kissing him. Kissing him has become natural; it is just like breathing air.

After we let go to breath, he said, “I also noted that you like to sulk but are easily persuaded by words and sometimes by smooching.” I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

I looked at him amazed, “I’m surprised that you’ve observed so many things about me in just a short while.”

“I knew you since we were children that is almost all of my life,” he pointed out.


“Well, yes. What I mean is that we were never this close or alone before. We always ignored each other,” I told him what I meant.

“It’s you who has been ignoring me,” he stressed. “I always watched you, look at you when you were not looking,” he confessed. “Shit,” I heard him almost immediately curse softly. Maybe he didn’t intend to tell me about it.

I was shocked to hear it. My eyes and mouth were wide open. He has been stealing glances at me all this while and I didn’t even realize it? He looked at me with one eye as if scared to look at me after his confession.

“I thought you didn’t like me?” I asked him softly.

“You are the one who thinks that,” he said.

"You mean you actually liked me all this time?" I couldn't stop myself from asking that and wanting to hear him admit to it.

“From the first day I was introduced to you," he admitted.

“But you have been calling me names ever since Amy introduced us,” I pointed out.

“I was stupid at that time,” he admitted, “I was just a kid and boys are suppose to hate girls because they have cooties.” He laughed at his own stupidity. “I and my friends always made jokes about boys who show any emotions for girls. I was scared I'll be the same victim if I ever show any emotions towards you at that time. That's why I invented a name for you to pretend I don’t like you. But as we grew older, I saw you growing up in front of me. You have transformed from a pretty girl to a beautiful woman.”

"But you continued to call me names?" I reminded him.

"Because you continued to ignore me," he twisted his lips; "And you called me jerk."

"Because I thought you hated me," I admitted.

“Do you really hate me?” he asked.

“I used to think I do,” I said to him softly.

“Why? Because I called you names?” he asked again.

I nodded, “And you always acted like a jerk,” I bluntly told him.

He chuckled, “In what way am I a jerk to you?”

“Well you use to bully me,” I reminded him.

“No, I never bullied you,” he denied.

“Well you never really bullied me but you always cast me a cheeky smile whenever you walked in front of me with your girlfriends, as if telling me that I’m ugly,” I told him.

“Did I cast you a cheeky smile?” he inquired, “I don’t remember doing that.”

“Of course you don’t remember something bad that you did,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, if I ever do that that’s not because I wanted to tell you that you’re ugly. You were never an ugly girl to me, Ashley. I’m sorry for giving you a wrong impression,” he apologized and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

“Why did you do that then?” I asked him.

He hesitated for a while before replying, “I actually wanted to make you jealous,” he mumbled the words softly, so soft that I couldn’t hear it properly.

“What? Can you repeat what you say?” I asked him.

He stared at me before taking a deep breath and repeat, “I actually wanted to make you jealous.”

I chuckled, “What?”

He nodded, “Yes, I wanted to make you jealous. That’s the reason why I was with those girls. I wanted to make you jealous but unfortunately you didn’t show any of that sign.”

“Why would you want to make me jealous?” I asked him.

“Because I like you a lot,” he admitted.

Am I hearing things? I could feel butterflies in my stomach after knowing the fact that he actually liked me a lot back then. I wanted to smile but stopped myself instead I threw him another question, “Why didn’t you just tell me then?”

“Because I am egoist,” he admitted again, “I was scared you might turn me down. I was thinking that if there was a sign that you were jealous, I will take a hint that you actually like me too,” he explained, “Instead you just kept on ignoring me.”

I bit my lips trying to stop smiling, “Is that the reason why you willingly pretend to be my boyfriend back then?”

He nodded, “Yeah. I was so happy to be your boyfriend even though it was just pretence. I loved playing that part.”

“The part as my husband, do you like playing that part too?” I asked and couldn’t stop myself from smiling any longer.

“Ah, that's the best part,” he grinned and planted a kiss against my lip expressing his feelings towards me.

“I love playing the part of your wife too,” I admitted with a grin to him but couldn’t help myself from blushing.

“You do?” he smiled.

I nodded, “Yes, because I get to do whatever I want with you,” I told him while I pushed him down so that I’m on top of him and started to kiss his body with him underneath me.

“Are you sure you have never done this before?” gasped Nick.

“Why? You don’t believe me?” I asked looking at him.

“Hard to believe when you doing it like an expert,” he smiled.

“Well maybe because I have good teacher,” I teased.

“Hmm, yeah, you are right,” he grinned, “So now my obedient student you should know what you are supposed to do next.”

“Yes master,” I mimicked his tone and began my exploration of his amazing body.

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