《PERFECT》Chapter 17


Chapter 17 - Edited by Grammar_Nazi

I'm so glad that Nick and I have agreed to stay married before going to the Island. Reason? Both of us, especially I, don't have to pretend to be unaware about the chemistry between us. We could kiss and touch each other without caring what will happen or what other people around us would say. We are husband and wife. He's mine and I'm his. Body, yes.... Soul? Not yet. I think because I'm not ready to give him my soul. I need to trust him first. I know that's part of marriage but I need time to understand him before I coud trust him.

We have been exploring each others' mouth ever since we arrived at the island. We have the whole island to ourselves, just the two of us without anyone around. The island is beautiful and what made it more romantic was the heart shape, which we could identify from the chopper that brought us here. The water is so crystal clear that you could see small fishes swimming around with you.

"Has anyone ever kissed you?" Nick asked me in my ears; when we sat together on the seashore. I sat in between his legs while his hands wrapped around mine. I could feel his breath on my neck which was increasing my heartbeats.

"Besides you?" I asked and he nodded, "Yes."

"Do they kiss better than me?" he asked again.

"Hmm," I pretend to think and when Nick scowled at me, I laughed, "Don't worry, I like your kiss much better. If not I would have dumped you just like I did others."

"So you dump all the guys because they are not good kissers?" he inquired and I just raised my eyebrows. "Ah, thank god," he said making me chuckle.

"Do I kiss better than the rest of your girls?" I turned to ask him.


"Hmm," he paused and started to think. I could feel myself getting angry. I immediately pushed his hands away and got up, "From now on, keep your mouth away from me, Jerk!" I angrily told him and stomped away from him.

He managed to grab me back into his arms, "Why are you so angry?" he asked.

"Let me go," I pushed him but he didn't budge instead he pushed me to the ground. "I said let go!" I tried to push him again.

"No. Not until you tell me, why you are so angry?" he said. I didn't say anything but just ignored him looking anywhere but him.

"Are you angry because I didn't say that you kiss better than the rest of the girls I have dated?" he questioned while looking at me. I glared and pouted my lips at him. He then chuckled, "Gosh, that's the reason why you're angry, aren't you?"

Duh, I wanted to say to him but instead I denied angrily, "No."

He laughed, "Denying then facts again, my darling?" he asked.

I glared at him again, "Why should I be angry when I should have known for a fact that I'm not your type. Therefore, I definitely am not a better kisser that the rest of your girls," I scoffed.

He stared at me like a dumbstruck before snorted, "What gave you the impression that you're not my type?"

"Well, I'm a "Walking Corpse" and a "Carcass" to you? Definitely those are not your type of girl?"

He gave me an apologetic look and sighed, "I'm sorry for calling and saying all those things to you," he apologized. "I was wrong," he admitted. "You were never those things. I just did that to annoy you." I could feel his breath on my face; I wanted to grab his face and kiss him senseless. He always has that effect on me and I lose track of my thoughts.


"Why did you want to annoy me?" I asked him.

"Because I was angry with you," he said.

"Angry with me? Why?" I asked again.

"Because you always ignored me," he scoffed.

"I ignored you?" I scoffed back at him, "You were the one who had been ignoring me all the time!"

"No I did not!" he protested.

"Yes you did," I pressed, "You always entertained those other skanky girls, except me."

"That's because you started it," he accused.

"I started it? You are the one who started everything!" I scoffed.

"Well, maybe because I thought you didn't like me!" he scoffed.

"Well, you call me names on the first day we met, what do you expect me to do?" I retorted angrily.

There was silence for a while before he started to say, "I'm sorry. I am sincerely sorry for giving you the wrong impression," he apologized, "I never hated you and never meant any words I said about you. You are perfect. You are beautiful and you are every man's dream."

"I'm.... beautiful?" I couldn't' believed my ears.

"Yes," he nodded and added while softly running his fingers along the jaw line of my face, "Very, very."

I was speechless and I know I'm still blushing while he traced his fingers on my eyes, "You have beautiful eyes," then on my nose, "small petite nose," and stop at my lips, "and sweet kissable lips which I can't resist tasting over and over again."

I stared into his eyes and I could see the sincerity in his every word, "So in other words, I kiss and taste better than your other girls," I decided to tease him.

Nick chuckled and nodded, "Yes, you definitely do. I can't stop sharing intoxicated kisses with you because I can never get enough of you," and he crushed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back eagerly; tasting the sweetness of his kiss while our tongues explored each other's mouth was making us both moan with pleasure.

I could feel his bulging needs on top of me and I moved wrapping my legs around him letting him know that I wanted him too. He didn't waste any time in understanding what I wanted because the moment his mouth left mine, it was already on my peak nipples, sucking, teasing and nibbling it. I hadn't even realized when he took off my bikini top and I didn't care as I shivered in pleasure. I wrapped my hands around his neck and ran my fingers through his soft hair, moaning at the pleasure he was giving me.

"I need you now," I whimpered when I couldn't stand to hold my feelings any longer. Nick positioned himself and discarded my bikini bottom before sliding himself inside me slowly at first.

He then shoved himself deep and harder inside me, before we both reached our orgasm. He collapsed on top of me and we both were breathing hard. Minutes later he lay on his back pulling me with him. I rested my head on his chest with his heart pounding in my ears.

"Have you ever done it on the shore before?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "No, it's first time for me too," he admitted. I smiled feeling satisfied.

He kissed on my forehead softly his lips lingering there. Then he whispered in my ears, "You are beautiful. Never doubt yourself." I nodded and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

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