《Angry Birds movie (rewritten)》Save the eggs


Terence put Chuck on a slingshot, and prepared to launch him.

"Launch me exactly the same way you did for Red...!" Chuck told him, but he was cut off when Terence released him without a signal. "I WASN'T READY!"

Chuck went soaring through the air. He ramped into super-speed and passed through an open window, which he broke through walls, some doors, and entered random rooms like the kitchen, circus-like room, cactus garden, and fencing-training room before stopping in a wall next to Red.

"Chuck, is that you?" Red could see Chuck through the wall with his face broken.

"This is the house of horrors?" cried Chuck.

"I got to be honest. You look a little..." Red tried to tell his friend about his looks, but he doesn't want to shock Chuck or hurting his feelings, so he lied a little. "Fine. You look fine, Come on."

"Bomb and Aggie are on their way," Chuck told him with his tooth fell off his beak.


Aggie was already launched and soar in the sky. Unfortunately, there are many building ahead of her, and she'll never make it to the castle.

"Ugh, I hope no one can see me doing this," She hoped as she tried not to reveal her secret yet that she has various powers, and never belonged in this world. She quickly blasted the buildings on her path with her laser beams from her eyes.

When she made it towards the castle, she crashed into a glass window, and accidentally hit Red while he and Chuck were looking for the eggs. Aggie fell on her face while Red tumbled to the other side. He got up, and rushed to help Aggie stand up.

"Ags! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He looked so worried.

"No, I'm fine! Really. Thanks for asking," Aggie smiled.

"Come on, guys! The eggs are around here somewhere," Chuck interrupted for dashing forward, and the two followed him.


The three made it into the halls of many doors. With his speed, Chuck almost check on every door in the halls.

"No eggs in here. No. Nope. No. No."

He was about to check on the last door, but Red stopped him.

"Hey! Whoa. We're on this," He said as he and Aggie opened the door to check if there are any eggs there.

The two birds then saw inside the room there were two pigs, holding hooves, wearing dresses, pink flowers on their heads, and stared at them blankly. "Redrum."

Aggie remembered this reference before as she stared at the Grady Pigs in horror, and froze in fear, like a statue. Red noticed her like that, and covered her eyes with his one wing. "Uh, never mind," he quickly closed the door.

Aggie then snapped back from her freezing, "This is one of the scariest things I have ever seen of my life in this world."

"Yeah. Just get use to it. Come on," Red grabbed her wrist, and left the halls.


As they kept finding the eggs, they noticed someone familiar on the wall.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Hold on a second," Red stopped himself.

Chuck ran back to Bomb, "Wait, I know that rear end. That's Bomb."

"Yeah. Chuck, that's not his rear end. That's his face, man. Very embarrassing." Said Aggie.

"Sorry, Bomb," Chuck apologized.

"No problem. It's a shaky week," Bomb told him as Red, Chuck and Aggie pulled him out, only to be accidentally sitting on Chuck. "Thanks for getting me out."



At the second floor, the four birds realized they had found what they were looking for. Down ahead was a large door with a sign on it that read NO EGGS IN HERE. There were five pigs guarding the door, too. The four knew better by now-the pigs were not smart enough to keep the eggs truly hidden.

"No eggs in..." Chuck read the sign of the door, and gasped in anger. "Ooohh, these are clever pigs."

Red quickly came up with a plan, "Okay, look. I'm gonna run up and tackle the pig on the left. Bomb, Aggie, you can handle too. Chuck, I don't know if you can help. We got to figure out a way to get into that roo..."

Before Red could finish his sentence, time became slower, and Chuck went into super-speed. He grabbed a bucket of paint, and put it on one of the guards' head. He put a toilet plunger on a small pig's mouth, and stretched as far as possible. He took more paint and wrote FART FACE on another guard's chest and belly. He then put a paint bucket on the other guard's hoof, and put a boxing glove on the same guard's other hoof, triggering it in front of the rest of the guards. He took a camera and took a selfie before time returned back to its normal speed, and chuck returned to his friends.

"...om Anyone have any bright ideas?" That when Red finished his sentence.

At the same moment, the arranged prank Chuck made worked perfectly. The four guards think the fifth one was responsible for it as they chased him down the hall. The egg room was now completely unguarded.

Hey, what just happened?" cried Red.

Chuck looked pleased with himself, "Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying."

Aggie scoffed, "Ugh! You're crazy."

The four birds ran into the room, only to see that the eggs were in a net that was being carried away on a large rope.

"Oh, come on!" Thinking fast, Red leaped up and grabbed onto the net.

Aggie followed as well by pinning her sharp feathers on the wall and used them as stairs or a ladder, and grabbed onto the net as the eggs were being pulled through a large hole in the wall.

"Guys, come on!" Red shouted

"Quick, follow them," Chuck pushed Bomb out to follow Red.

Chuck and Bomb ran after him, trying to catch up as the eggs traveled through Leonard's castle.

"Hurry up, Bomb! Come on!" yelled Chuck as she tried to catch up with Red and Aggie, but they were transported to the banquet room with the eggs, and the doors were shut closed.


Red and Aggie tried to untie the ropes to free the eggs, but the rope is too strong for them to untie or cut.

Leonard noticed them, and shouted in rage. "What are they doing up there? This is a civilize buffet!"

"Don't hatch now. Do not hatch now." Aggie whispered nervously as she quickly tried to cut the ropes again with one of her feathers.

Outside, Chuck, and Bomb thought of a way to get in, until Chuck noticed a small pipe that is leading inside the room.

"I'm going to get a running start!" Chuck ran as far from the pipe, then ran faster, inserted himself in a pipe. "It's Chuck time!" But he can't get through because the pipe is too small for his size.

In the room, Red, Aggie and the eggs are now above the pot, ready to be boiled down.


"Fine. Boil those love birds, too!" Leonard commanded.

When she realized they were lowered onto the cauldron full of boiling water, Aggie thought thgis is gonna be the end of her life, but she can't die yet, not until she has something to say to Red, "Red, buddy, if this is the end, there's something I have to tell you."

Red heard her as he's ready to listen, "Okay, but make it quick."

"Umm, well, I... I..." Aggie doesn't have the courage to tell him, but then, she noticed Foreman pig pushed the arrow-down button to drag the eggs. That's how the eggs were dragged here. She quickly changed the topic, and yelled. "Red, there's a remote that controls of moving the eggs here!"

Red spotted the pig that Aggie was talking about. He has an idea. "Looks like it's just you and me, pork belly! I'll be taking that!" He released himself from the net, knocked the Foreman pig out of the window, and grabbed the remote before he could fall. He pushed the arrow-up button with his spare wing to drag the eggs up from the boiling water.

The vibration of the rope caused Aggie to slip off the net, and fell out of the broken window.

"I got you!" Red used his spare wing to grab Aggie's wing before she could fall to her death.

Back to the duo, Bomb punched Chuck in to the pipe, but it's still not good enough. "Red, Aggie, we're coming." Chuck muffled.

"Deep breath." Bomb blew Chuck through the pipe, until he made it inside.

"I'm in!" Chuck exclaimed. "Classy joint."

Surprisingly, Mighty Eagle arrived flying, looking for his fellow birds.

"Hello! Where is everyone?!"

"Mighty Eagle! Where's he going?!" Red called, but he didn't hear him. "I can't believe I'm about to do this." He groaned as he shouted a battle cry.

Mighty Eagle heard that as he flew back to the castle, and break through the ceiling.


But he fell on a large table, sliding all the way down the table, and hit his head against the cauldron with a loud BONK! He was knocked out cold.

Red threw Aggie back inside and she pulled him in. They rushed to Mighty Eagle and tried to wake him up. "Mighty Eagle! Mighty Eagle, wake up. Come on, please." Red slapped him with his tongue to wake him up.

Aggie caught a whiff of Mighty Eagle's breath, "Oh, that's bad breath."

"I can sleep late, Mom. It's not a school day," Mighty Eagle blabbered as Red and Aggie lifted his head to wake him up.

Leonard stomped toward the birds. He was fed up and determined to eat the eggs without further interruption. "Throw him in the pot too. I'll have the big turkey."

When Chuck managed to get in, he unlocked all of the locks of the door, and Bomb burst in.

"Red! Aggie!" Bomb yelled, making Mighty Eagle snapped back to consciousness. "Whoa! What did I miss?"

"You got to fly those eggs to safety!" Aggie pleaded.

"I got this." Mighty Eagle grabbed the net and started to make his way out of the banquet hall and into the open sky when Chuck and Bomb opened the window to let Mighty Eagle escape with the eggs.

"My eggs!" screamed Leonard.

Red grabbed Aggie's wrist and jumped onto the net with the eggs.

"Don't forget Chuck and Bomb," Red reminded.

"Who?" asked Mighty Eagle.

"Those guys."

"Right. Right."

As Mighty Eagle flew past, Chuck and Bomb grabbed on to the net of egg and were carried away. But then, Leonard pulled one of Red's legs and wouldn't let go.

"You're not getting away that easy!" shouted Leonard.

Red was being pulled in two directions. Mighty Eagle was straining to break free and fly away with the eggs and his friends. And Leonard kept tugging at Red's leg. Then the net started to tear. A single blue egg fell down. It bounced back into the banquet hall and cracked when it hit the ground. Red knew he needed to let go in order to rescue the egg.

"Save yourselves," he told Mighty Eagle, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie.

"Hold on, Red!" Bomb tried to reach for his friend.

"I'm gonna save that egg," Red said before he let go and was pulled back into the banquet hall.

"Red, no!" shouted Chuck, Bomb and Aggie, and Mighty Eagle took off.

Aggie started to tear up as Leonard castle grew smaller and smaller in the distance. "What was going to happen to Red," Aggie wondered. She didn't want to think about it. It hurt too much.

However, she had no time to worry, as Aggie saw the Piggy Air Force behind them, shooting explosives and toilet plungers at them. More and more planes were coming out of the hangar and down the ramp.

"There's just so many of them, we're outnumbered!" said Chuck.

"What? How many?" Mighty Eagle panicked.

Chuck tried to calm Mighty Eagle down, "Oh, not that many. Just the right amount really. No need to look back. Just keep flying. FASTER!" He yelled as Mighty Eagle flew as fast as he can.

Bomb then thought if the hangar was destroyed quickly, there will be no more pigs and planes coming out to attack the birds.

"I know what I got to do. I got to blow up that ramp," said Bomb.

"And that would be a good plan if you were good at blowing up!" reminded Chuck about his exploding issue.

"I need to stop those planes! Remember me, Chuck. Remember me. Bomb's away!" Bomb jumped onto the nearest plane, and bounced from one to another until he reached the ramp, leading into the hangar.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Aggie then followed, much to Bomb's surprise.

"Aggie? What are you doing?" Bomb inquired in worry.

"Listen, Bomb, ever since I first got here, you willingly gave parts of your DNA to me so I can be a real bird like you. We share the same traits now, even if we're not actually blood cousins, so we're going to blow this ramp together! What do you say?" She extended her wing to Bomb for a handshake.

After hearing that sweet speech, Bomb shook wings with Aggie, "Let's do this, cous!"

Aggie beamed when Bomb called her "cous" for real.

The two tried to blow up with their head feathers ignite a spark of light.

As massive piggy planes started descending the ramp right toward bomb and Aggie, the two realized it was now or never.

"Think explosive thoughts. Surprise parties!" Bomb said to himself. "Yoga poses!"

"Come on! Think of something that makes you angry!" Aggie said to herself as she tried to think something that makes her mad.

Finally, the two found their instinct to blow up as a loud BOOM shook the hangar, and they launched into the sky.

"I blew up... on purpose!" Bomb shouted happily.

"We did it! YAY!" Aggie cheered delightfully.

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