《Slashers x reader oneshots》Ghostface[Billy] x reader


Okay so my phone is completely fucked! Two parts of the screen don't work that well... THANK JESUS FOR AUTO CORRECT! Never thought I'd say that?

Okay so this starts off real serious like then just goes to shit so bear with me...


Today was your first day at school. Well your new school, high school to be more exact. You were beyond scared, You moved here with your mom form [place your from] you didn't want to but who are you to tell your mom what to do?

It seemed pretty warm out so a sweater was unneeded. You also didn't want to seem like a push over...

You don't live far from the school so you decided to walk... maybe it will help burn you nerves? You can see the school from a distance,and saying you where nervous would be a understatement. To your bitter judgment you continue walking trying not to catch anybody's eye. You make it to a fountain and decide to sit down. You look over and see a group of friends, you didn't want to intrude but maybe you could ask them for help? You needed to be in the office really soon and you didn't want to keep the principle waiting.

"Um hi?" You say. They all look at you and you started to feel really stupid... " Do you guys know where the office is?" You ask. "I can help you, I'll be right back guys." A girl with brown hair gets up and starts walking with you.

"I'm Sidney, you can call me Sid." She says as we walk in the building. "Oh I'm Y/N... I'm new here!" You say. "Oh cool! We can be friends, I'm sure my friends won't mind if you hang with us." She offers. "I would love to!" wow today isn't as bad as you thought!

We made it to the office and say our goodbyes. She's nice. I made my way in and got my schedule. I had math first! Greeeaaat...

[Time skip because I'm lazy]

Lunch had finally arrived and you couldn't wait to see Sid again. You walk in and see Sid with the same people as before you walk over.

"Hey Y/N come on sit down!" Sid pats beside her. You sit down and listen to them talk. They have open ended conversations with really no point. And if your being honest you felt kind of left out.

"What about you Y/N? Do you like scary movies?" A guy asked. He was the only one not attached to a girl like a tumour. "I guess you could say that" That was a understatement, you LOVED scary movies! But blowing up and raving isn't really a good first impression.


"Cool what's your favourite?" He asks leaning in over the table. This guys weird as shit... " Um My bloody valentine?" You just picked a random movie... "Well it's hard to choose." You say. "Huh never heard that one before..." he says sitting back down. " I don't even know what that movie is." A girl with blond hair says. "Well poor you..." you say. You didn't mean for it to sound as bitchy as it did. " It's a good movie!" You say. She didn't seem offended so you must've saved it. The bell rang and you headed to your next class.

The day was boring as shit and you just wanted to leave. FINALLY the finale bell rang and you booked it out of class. Till you saw Sid and her friends realizing how retarded you looked you stoped running and walked over normally. "Hey guys!" You say finally making it over. "Hey Y/N want to come over? I can show you around!" She asked turning to you. " Uuuuh sure?" You say smiling.

Little did you know Billy and Stu weren't so happy, another person in the house seriously she was supposed to be alone! You and Sid continue to talk while walking to her house. Her house was nice!

"So what do you want to do? I know I invited you last minute." She says. You guys decided to watch scary movies! She went to make popcorn. The phone rang and Sid said you could answer it.

"Hello?" "Hello Y/N..." you stop, who was it and did they know it was you? "Ya hi what's up?" You tried to play it cool as much as you can. "It's a scary night..." " Um sure? So why are you calling?" I was more irritated then scared.

" What's your favourite scary movie?" What's this guys deal? Maybe it was one of Sids friends playing a joke? "Hey Sid?!" I yell. " Ya?" She hollers from the kitchen. "There's a bitch on the phone! He's asking me dumb ass questions!" I giggled at my own words. She comes in with popcorn and takes the phone. I snatch the popcorn and start stress eating.

She heads to the porch. I follow her popcorn in hand. "I call your bluff." She walks outside. "Sid bro..." I don't know what the guys saying and I'm so out of the loop right now. I snatch the phone and push Sid inside. " Sid! Don't you know anything about horror movies? NEVER CALL THE BLUFF!" I close the door and go back to the phone. "Yo what do you want I'm trying to make friends?" I'm so tired of this. "Do you want to die Y/N?" The guy asks. "Time for me to cut a bitch" with the phone I go to the kitchen and grab the biggest knife Sid had. "Where the fuck are you?" I ask. "I swear to god your eye juices are mine!" I yell running back to Sid. A door flies open and a guy with a black cloak comes flying out! "HOLY SHIT!" Boy am I glad I grabbed a knife. I'm bout to beat a bitch. He tackles Sidney and tries to kill her! I kick him in the stomach and help Sid from under him. She ran up the stairs.


"SID YOU DUMB BITCH THE DOORS RIGHT HERE!" Well damn, I run after her and we run into her room. The killer on our tails. I still had the phone and realized it was still in a call I hung it up and called the police. Sid blocked the door with her closet door and the killer was trying to break through. The slamming stops and we hear noises from the window. We scream and I chuck the phone at the intruder. "OW" I see Billy, Sids boyfriend crawling through the window. "Oh jeez sorry." I say helping him inside. "Billy! The killer!he's here!He's in the house!" Sid hugs Billy while I stand there knife still in hand. He comforts her till. THUMP. I look down and see a cellphone on the ground. "That's fuuuucked..." I say. I rip Sid off of Billy and shove her out of the room. "Use your damn legs Sid!" She's basically tumbling down the stairs. I make sure she doesn't fall as we reach the door. She swings it open and a ghost mask is right in our faces. We scream and the officer holding it does to.

[The next day]

Last night was crazy! I'm so glad I was there because Sid would have definitely died! Billy was taken to the police station and proved innocent. And I'm heading to school once again. I also learned that people where killed the night before and no one told me, which makes me a little mad but what you gonna do?

I make it to school and find Sid. "Hey Sid are you alright?" I ask her. She was with Stu and Tatum.

"This is a mistake I shouldn't be here!" She says. I agree, someone tried to kill her and she's just walking around at school in the open! We all hear screaming and look towards it. Someone was running down the hall wearing the same costume as the night before. They ran by and Stu started laughing. What an asshole. Sid runs away and I see her bump into

Billy. I don't trust him one bit so I wait around the corner. He's talking about her not touching him and how she should get over her mother's death! WHAT A DICK!

I wait for him outside the school.

"Your an asshole." I say leaning against the wall. "What?" He says with a little force. He's trying to hide who he really is! It isn't working on me oh hell nah! "You heard me! You can't expect me to not know." He seemed worried and confused. "Know what?"

He was dreading your answer... what if you mean the THING! He doesn't want to kill you. Actually he's quite fond of you. When he called you and Sid last night he loved how sarcastic you where. It made him feel weird, a good weird. But he hates seeing you with Sid, he doesn't like her one bit... he is going to kill her after all. He thought you where hilarious. And killing you wasn't something he wanted to do.

"I know your the killer!" You whisper yell so no one could hear. "I wouldn't kill Sid! I love her!" He lied he loved you and yes you just met and this is the first time you've talked... other than on the phone. But he felt something he hadn't felt for anyone else. "And Stu too!" You say. He was taken back. How did you know? And the Stu part made him think even harder, the plan was so well thought out and Stu gave no signs of being the killer either. "And I know about you and Sid! Your just with her to play a part!" If your honest you didn't really like Sid that much... yes you where her friend but she does get on your nerves and you're kind of trying to avoid her but you needed to be near Billy.

"I won't tell anyone." He was confused and thankful, but where you telling him the truth. "Y/N listen... I" He started. "I'm sorry... I know we just met but I really like you... please don't tell anyone." He can't believe he's saying this. " I like you too Billy I won't tell anyone I promise." You put your hand on his shoulder. " Sooooo... when are you killing Sid? I'm free tonight?" You say looking up with a smile. He chuckles. "Sure how about ice cream first?"


1767 words damn!!! I hated writing this, I know the endings shit but what ever, I'll make a Stu x reader soon.

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