《Slashers x reader oneshots》Slashers x Reader [Part 1 discontinued]


Y/N was very quite, she never talks and hasn't for years. She's very... intimidating and she likes it that way, Fear is the best way to take control.

She was being moved to a new place due to her actions. It was called Smiths Grove Sanitarium and it was notorious for the nut jobs that where inside. Ranging from huge men who could kill you with the flick of their wrist or scrawny dudes who talk to themselves. Y/N was shoved through a door and taken to a hallway. It was coated with stalls on each side of the walls, with people inside she couldn't quite see. She was pushed into a cell at the end of the hall and a guard not so nicely gave her a suit. It was ugly and didn't fit very well, way to tight and baggy in places you wouldn't think possible. She already hated it here and she doesn't like the staffing anymore than the horrible suit you can't even think to call fashionable.

She heard the same guard come back, open the door, and take her old clothes who knows where. She could hear the other inmates talking through the walls. She could care less, and frankly she's already tired of their voices.

The cell door opens and a new guard takes her out of her cell to like up with the other cell mates of this hall. She was behind a tall man a little chubby, the back of his head was well... rotting... ya straight up that shits nasty as hell. [bro i'll stop sorry] you glanced past the mans arm and saw another man in front of him, he was scrawny and looked really burnt. [wonder who that could be... okay for real i'll stop] Next was a huge monster of a man, like seriously he was tall and wide,he didn't seem well taken care of hence the messy hair. After him there was 3 other men in the front, the one at the very front was a normal looking guy who was, surprisingly attractive, and a guy who looked cracked out, both of them looked around 18 -20. The last man you looked at was hella tall and unlike the others he was skinny with broad shoulders.


Hearing foot steps behind you, you turn your attention to a little man, he looked like a doll who's been through some shit. He was stitched up, you can't help but think about the people making his little suit, it was quite funny actually, but you turned back to the front as you and the group made your way to some random place.

I soon found out where we were going, a big room with tables and sofas, it was surprisingly nice for killers and maniacs. Everyone else sat down at a table so now I'm forced to pick a place to sit, looking around my eyes land on a open spot, it was with the tall and skinny man and the messy haired one. I down in the seat and they both looked at me. Maybe I'm unwanted? Well I can't sit anywhere else so I had no other choice it's not my fault.

"Good morning." A older man walked in greeting us. No one moved or gave him anything more than a glance. He kept talking about things, I wasn't listening... I don't care I need to get well acquainted with the people around me, but how the hell am i supposed to do that, Talking hell no.

"We have a new member joining today, would you like to introduce your self?" He asks gesturing towards you. All the others look at you. You say nothing and stay blank faced as always and glare daggers into his eyes. You didn't hate him or anything, well not yet, you just have a resting bitch face, once people get to know you, you can be really nice.

"Okay, well this is Y/N, She was moved here from [place your from]" He tells everyone. You couldn't help but notice you were the only girl. You sure hope that changes, and fast.


"Everyone is going to introduce themselves, we will go around this way." He motions from table to table. Great this should be interesting.

"I'm Freddy, and yes... I'm single." Okay fuck that. You stay blank faced... even though that was the funniest yet saddest thing you have ever seen. Sitting beside him was the same guy who was standing in front of you before. "This is Jason, he can't talk." Jason waves at you. How cute, then you remember he's twice your size. The next person was the same midget that was behind you before. "The names Chucky." His voice was low and hoarse. Yet playful, it was strange in a way. The next person was the HUGE guy you saw earlier. He grunted and waved. "This is LeatherFace." Guess he can't talk either.He finished waving and threw his hands around. He was acting like a kid. After him you looked over and saw a man you didn't see in line. He was somewhat tall and had a strong beard. Half of his face looked burnt. "I'm Brahms, it's very nice to meet you." He said in a low voice. He seemed nervous, since he was fiddling with his suit.

The next guy looked cracked out, like you said before. "Hey I'm Stu!" He was very energized, maybe a little too much. The boy sitting beside him looked so tired of his shit it was so hilarious. "I'm billy- Sorry about Stu, he's a retard..." He glares at Stu. Coming back around the other side of you, The tall man looked down at you. God his eyes where the coldest thing... But of course you show no weakness! You don't know if you can trust these guys yet. "Ah that, it Micheal. He doesn't talk so don't try to get anything out of him." The old man says. You found it strange how he never told you his name. I guess that's a reason to talk to people. He leaves and the rest of the patients get up and start walking around. You look around and see different groups.

Jason, Michael, Brahms, Leatherface. Chucky, and Freddy. Then Billy and Stu. God who should I choose!?


BRUH that took way to long!! I know this sucks but it will get better! I PROMISE! Also I might not continue this... oops just because I don't know where to go with it so if you have any suggestions comment them please.

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