《Slashers x reader oneshots》Micheal myers x Reader


so I've never written for Michael before so this is a first... don't judge me please.This is going to twist the events of the Rob Zombie remake.


Y/N was very lonely, no one ever talked to her and seemed to forget she was there. She's very sweet until you piss her off. She try's to be nice but people don't give her a chance. This was until she notices a boy going through the same thing, but worse, he was bullied and it was very bad. Today was the day she decided to step in. The bullies cornered him in the girl's bathroom, this time she had a reason, it was the GIRLS bathroom, so you could go in.

You heard them talking *ahem* SHIT. So you pushed the door open. They didn't notice you, some how.

"HEY!" You yelp. They all snap their head towards you. "What are you doing? This is non of your business little lady." One of the boys mocked. You didn't say anything. Not because you were scared, but because you couldn't think of anything clever to say at the moment. "What you got nothing to say little bitch?" He brings you to the wall and picks you up by your shirt. He was only a year or so older than you but he was significantly bigger than you, though skinny, he is actually quite strong. "I have my limits, push me over the edge and you'll regret it." Yes that is the edgiest thing you have ever said, but who cares? "Oh ya let's see about that." The kid immediately throws you to the ground. That did it, that did it for sure. You got up and punched him square in the face. He fell to the ground and you kicked him in the stomach.


"YOU BITCH!" One of the other bullies run up to you and push you down. You end up hitting your arm on the sink and falling to the ground. This is getting ridiculous. You kick him in the... place.... and stand back up. Looking over at the kid, he was just standing there starring at you.

"Are you okay?" You ask walking over to him. He nods. "Fine... thanks..." He says looking down. You couldn't help but think it was cute. It was very clear he didn't talk to people very often.

"We should get out of here. You know... before a teacher comes in and sees all the people in the floor." You grab his hand and lead him out of the bathroom and out the front of the school.

The space is filled with comfortable silence as you walk through the forest. It felt so calm, The wind in your hair made you feel at piece. "I've always liked the forest." You say looking over at him. He nods and looks at the sky. "You don't talk much do you? That's okay." You say stepping over a large rock on the path. He looks at you. Looking away you start to hear foot steps. In a flash your tugged into the trees and shoved down. "Wow! What's wrong?" You ask. Micheal was right beside you looking through the bush in front of the both of you. "Ssshhhhh. Look!" He points at something. You follow his finger and see a person walking. It's the bully from the bathroom. "Ugh THAT asshole!" you whisper scream. Micheal squints. "What should we do?" You ask him. "I have an idea." He stands up and grabs a huge stick. "What's your idea?" You ask following him. "Go our and talk to him." He blankly states. "Um are you sure?" He doesn't move. "Okay." You walk out and meet the bully in a open part of the forest.


"Well, Well, Well. Your the bitch from earlier!" He points out getting in your face. " Indeed I am." You say crossing your arms. Without warning he shoves you down on the ground and sits on your stomach. "Hey get off!" you yell kicking your legs. "You shouldn't have messed with me! You'll pay for it!" He screams bringing down his fists.

Blood rushed of your nose, you felt it drip down your lip and onto your neck. It hurt, It hurt a lot. You couldn't do anything. He was bigger than you, and not to mention he was sitting on you. You can't help but wonder where Micheal is, This was his plan and he was no where insight!

Almost on cue, You hear a muffled scream, and then the bully falls off of you. Thumping sounds are heard from beside you. You kept your eyes closed as you sat up.

Finally opening them you look over and see the bloody mess in front of you. The bully was on the ground and wasn't moving. "Is-Is he dead?" You ask wiping your nose. He looks at you. "Micheal?" What's wrong with him, is he okay? He drops to his knees. You crawl to his side. "Micheal? What's wrong?" You where so worried. He was acting so strange. "I'm sorry." He says. It was barely a whisper and you almost couldn't hear it.

"It's okay! Really it's okay!" You hug him from the side. He doesn't move a muscle. "I'm so sorry... I'm a monster... I'm sorry." He was shaking and breathing heavily. "Micheal... Your not a monster. I'm here talk to me." You say leaning on his shoulder.

After he calmed down he told you all about his family, and the bullying. Your heart hurt so bad for him. It's clear he needed someone, and thank god you chose to step in. " You aren't alone anymore Micheal... I'm here, and I'm never leaving." You push some hair out of his face. His eyes where burning red from crying. He looked so small and scared. "Thank you..." He pulled you into a hug. "No prob." You kiss him on the cheek. His cheeks grew red and he gave the smallest smile. "Your the best Y/N." He says. "I know".


Phew. I was writing two parts at the same time. This shit is to short, I know but maybe this will make up for how bad the last one was.

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