《Slashers x reader oneshots》Chucky x Reader


So let's pretend tiffany doesn't exist and all other story plots and shit are nonexistent, okay, Great!



I was so tired from work, My boss yelled at me today and I was SO close to being fired. Walking home I walked through an alley way. Yes it was stupid, but it's a short cut!

It was late at night and it was damp all over even though it hadn't rained. I hear rummaging a little ahead, oh man... Welp I did come prepared! I pull out my decent sized pocket knife and step over to the source of the sound. I slowly peered over one of the garbage cans.

A doll? Huh not what I was expecting... I crouched down and looked into it's eyes. Those eyes... They're so life like, Yet so cool, making that must've been so difficult... but it clearly payed off.

"Cool" I pick the doll up and trudge home. I'm late... Shit. B/F is gonna kill me! I start running hugging the doll to my chest. This is gonna be bad.

I creek the door open and peak inside. "Oh thank god." I whisper. "Okay I need to make dinner don't move." I must look insane, I'm talking to a doll.

I made spaghetti and meatballs, and set the table. I sat down and awaited B/F return. I don't like doing this everyday but I have to... If he doesn't have food waiting for him... he gets more mad than he already is.

I look over to the counter and see Chucky sitting on the counter. I don't remember putting him there. Those eyes where starring at me again, but this time... it felt weird, it felt wrong.

*SLAM* The door rips open and B/F stomps in. "Y/N is dinner ready!?" He yells. He never talks, he's always shouting or screaming, whether he's mad or not. "H-hey hunny welcome home! I-I made spaghetti and meatballs for you!" You try to sound as happy as possible. He sits down. "Water-Now" I get up immediately and rush to the sink. I filled the glass and put it in front of him. He shews me to my seat and I sit down. "H-how was your d-day sweetheart?" You ask playing with your food. "Great! I didn't get the raise I wanted!" He raised his voice and slammed the cup onto the table. "Oh I-I'm sorry... Maybe next time?" I need to be carful with my words. "Oh don't give my that! Your happy I didn't get a raise! YOU WANTED THIS DIDN'T YOU!?" He got up and threw his chair. God I've really done it now!


He picks me up and throws me to the side. "what the hell is this!?" He looks at Chucky just above my head on the counter. "I-I found it on the way home." I didn't want the doll to be broken so I got up and took it off the counter and held it to my chest. "Give me the doll Y/N..." He rips the doll out of my hands and throws it on the couch across the room. "Your too old for dolls! Don't be a little bitch!" He slaps me across the face. My hand rubs where be hit me. It was burning and I'm almost positive it was hot red. "You slapped me..." I whispered more to myself than him. "You slapped me." He grabbed my face and pulled me up to eye level. "you. SLAPPED. ME!" I head butted him and he fell to the ground.







OW SHIT!! That looks way cooler in the movies! I rubbed my head and stumbled to the couch to get my keys. I set them there with my work bag when I got home.

I hear B/F stomping behind me. I go to grab Chucky and leave. But... He wasn't there. I hear a large thud from right behind me. Slowly turning around I look at the floor. B/F was bleeding from the neck and blood spewed all over his shirt.

"HOLY SHIT!" I look a little to the left and see... CHUCKY! "YOU-YOU KILLED HIM!!" I crawl over to my, Now, ex-boyfriends body. "You okay?" He was talking to me! This is crazy... play it cool Y/N! "Ya fine.... Ar-are you okay?" You ask the doll sitting criss-cross. Yes your ex just died... but you were happy! [what a crazy bitch] "Why do you care." then you guys fell into awkward silence.









"Thank you." You looked him in his eyes again, instead of being uncomfortably scary, or lifeless, they where confused "wha-?" I look at my ex's corpse. "You saved me... I'm free. Your my hero..." I look back at him. He cackles. "I'm not hero..." He looks at the bloody knife in his hand. "I'm not even close." He seemed a little... sad? I look at the dinner I made, Un eaten and thrown to waste.

"You hungry?" I get up. He looks at me.

"I could eat." I motion for him to follow me as I walk to the table. He struggles to get on the chair. So I put my hands under his kicking feet and holster him up. With a humph me crossed his arms and taps his foot. For a killer doll he is pretty cute.

He ended up eating on the actual table, since when he's sitting his hair is the only thing showing. We talked about a bunch of stuff and got to know each other.

Not the way I expected my night to go, but I wouldn't change it for the world.


god I hate the ending but whatever. Hope you like it anyway! I'm super lazy right now so don't hold it against me...

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