《open your heart》chapter seven


He didn't feel better in the morning.

George woke up with the biggest migraine he had ever had. The pain was everywhere in his head, sparking his forehead and near his ears as if taunting him.

His stomach hurt like a bitch and was growling at him, begging to be fed or else it would eat itself. Not only that, but he looked like a psychopath with his dark under eyes and exhausted expression.



It was a little hard to drive but he managed to do it perfectly fine without swerving into a light pole or forgetting to break at a red light.

Which had totally not almost happened.

George got there a little later than he should've but still with enough time to get a moment to himself and let the painkillers sink in. Again there was students outside waiting for the bell and George couldn't blame them. He wanted this day over before it even started.

He chewed quickly on a bagel he had spread cream cheese on before he had left, filling his stomach with something besides air and coffee. He wouldn't be able to have another meal until lunch and that felt like hours.

He finished the bagel as he was walking up the concrete walkway and to the school doors. This time George wasn't stared at because everyone knew he was the new teacher and nobody cared anymore.

After fumbling with his badge, he managed to swipe it on the teachers lock and pull open the door. It was cool inside and the temperature made him slightly relax his tense shoulders. He could really use a massage.

The halls were empty, the school was quiet. It was nice but George knew it wouldn't be nice for long and soon his ears would be filled with chatter and his headache would only grow.

George walked into his classroom with a sigh. There wasn't anything he could do besides wait it out and hope he took enough for the migraine to die out.


It smelled like lavender and the aura of the room was calming, he liked it and as he sank into his chair, he couldn't help but smile.

How did he get here?

From a little boy who was obsessed with books and constantly coding plugins for the video game Minecraft, he ended up here, sat at his own desk teaching the students he wanted to teach and working hard.

George looked at the open door and saw Dream again, entering his class with a bag in hand. He had this walk that George liked, he looked so happy all of the time and he couldn't help but wonder if Dream would like him.

The bell rung and George forced himself out of his seat, guiding himself to the whiteboard. He already memorized today's lesson plans and his hand seemed to write by itself as he wrote down the problems and solutions.

He would say he was a decent teacher. He's tutored kids before and they loved him and always walked out knowing how to do what they hadn't known before.

Students started piling into the room, talking to each other loudly as they found their respectful seats while some of them took a seat on each other's desks to sit closer.

George waiting until everyone was inside and seated before he walked towards the door to close it.

As he reached for the doorknob he looked across the hall to see Dream doing the same. They both made eye contact and Dream sent him a sweet smile before the door was closed.

George sighed and shut the door to block out any outside noise.

The room was still loud but George tapped his dry erase marker on the board to catch their attention.

"Everyone, settle down we have some things to go over today," He began.


"Does everyone understand?" George asked, finally setting down his marker and facing the rows of desks in front of him.

Everyone besides that one boy Karl nodded and said yes, telling George they understood.


"Alright, you can all hang out for the next five minutes until the bell rings. Remember, there's homework next week," He smiled and some of the boys groaned.

Soon the room was back to loud chatter and clanking of chairs as boys moved themselves closer to their friends. George sighed and walked through the rows to reach Karl's desk, crouching down and smiling at the boy.

"You want some personal help? I can help you or I can ask the Sapnap boy to help you if you like," He said quietly but loud enough for the teen to hear.

Karl seemed to brighten up and nod. "Can you help me? You explained it very well but I just lost track.." He trailed off.

George hummed, understanding how he felt. "Of course, all you have to do is this.."

He explained slowly and in detail the instructions to the problem, answering Karl's questions and making sure to give him examples.

It paid off pretty well because after about three minutes, the teen was smiling at George and thanking him.

"You're welcome. Now go to your next class before you're late," George told him and as if it was staged, the bell rung after his words.

He stood back up and watched as Karl tumbled out of his seat to immediately attach himself to Sapnap's side, hold his hand and allow him to lead him out into the hallway.

Young love was so cute.

As he started cleaning up the used room, wiping the tables and putting the chairs back under the tables so nothing was in the way, the door opened.

He looked up from his current wiping on the last desk and went red at the sight of Dream.

"Hey, how's it going?" The taller starts, coming closer and smiling down at the smaller teacher.

George stopped cleaning and stood, looking up at him in confusion. What was he here for? "It's okay, do you need something?" He asked sweetly.

Dream hummed and looked around the classroom quickly, "You keep this place really clean, I like that." He pointed out, making Georges face turn red.

Now he was complimenting him?

"Thanks.." George trailed off, nervous for why he was here and why his emotions were so messed up around the taller male.

"So.. I was thinking, we should go out for coffee sometime," Dream turns and smiled at George who was now staring up at him and probably looking like an absolute dork.

His face was red, his eyes were wide and his body swayed slowly on his feet. Definitely a dork.

"Y- Yeah..?" Was he already being asked out?

An approved hum came from Dream as he returned to Georges side, his hand finding the smaller boys shoulder and tapping it kindly, "Yeah of course, I always take my co-workers out and we grade papers together."

George's heart sank. So this wasn't a special thing. Just when he thought their friendship could develop on its own and become something personal and safe, he wasn't anything special.

Yet he still agreed and had to watch Dream leave the room before he could groan into his palms.

"Why am I feeling this way?" George asked himself as he slides into an empty chair and rests his head onto the slick wood surface, "I'm not gay."

Whatever Dream was doing, it was working and he was definitely falling further into a hole that he could never crawl out of.

He needed advice and he needed it now.

Before he knew it. He had his phone in his hands and pressing the caller id of a number he had saved only a few hours before.

"Eret, I need your help."


yuh get into it. I hit 1k on instagram currently pissing

wc: 1308

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