《open your heart》chapter eight


"What do I know about him?"

George stared at his desk in disbelief as Eret talked him through what could possibly be making him so red and anxious around Dream.


He went silent as Eret started on to his response to that. It was true, he knew absolutely nothing about Dream and having this sudden 'crush' wasn't ideal.

"You want me to stalk his social media?" George asked, repeating Eret's words and slowly rising from his chair to stretch his tired limbs.

"Okay, I guess I can do that."


"Yes, I will call you if I need anything."


"Oh fuck off, bye."

George put the phone down on his desk after they hung up and walked up to the classroom door. His hand glided across the wood gently before he reached the handle and twisted it to push open the barrier.

The halls were empty, everyone was in class. Thankfully he didn't have any students to teach this period so he was free to do whatever he desired for about an hour.

George could see Dream moving around in his classroom, teaching another class twice in a row. He felt bad for him slightly.

Then he thought back to what Eret said. To look for his social media and see his out of work life and get a little kick of what Dream was like.

It wasn't creepy at all. He was just genuinely curious and needed to know if the man was in a relationship or if he was a weirdo or not.

How to find him was the question.

The room was quiet and there were no signs of anyone entering. He had the perfect amount of time to look through instagram and twitter and just pray something showed up.

His phone was in his hands once again, his fingers typing away in the instagram search bar.

He tried Dream Wastaken, the teachers name and bingo there was one profile result.


Wow, he didn't expect him to have over 10 thousand followers and an active posting schedule. His profile held photos of him at beaches, at his computer and some with his students that George assumed were in his classes.

George couldn't help but notice how attractive he was in each and every one of them. He knew it was wrong to be staring but he couldn't help it.

His finger hesitated over the follow button and he had to close his eyes as he followed the account. He prayed that Dream wouldn't mention it to him or even notice it. He must be followed a lot so an account with his full name shouldn't stand out. Right?

This was absolutely ridiculous. He was acting like a school boy and he might as well be. Crushing hard over a man he'd barely spoken to and knew nothing about. He hadn't even been to his house or out for coffee!

Maybe this coffee date they had planned would go successfully and George wouldn't have to beat himself up for it.

He was glad he met Eret because now he was coming to terms with how he felt and George was positive that he was not in anyway, straight.


He taught two more classes that day and was finally ready to go home and work on his schedules and other assignments.

Maybe it was bad to be this addicted to working and shoving his life away just to work and never go out for himself but it felt good to be productive.

His headache had finally relaxed and gone away so he felt much better by now, despite the exhaustion starting to sink in and his eyelids closing for longer blinks.

Sometimes George questioned if his life would ever get more interesting. Would he ever find a significant other and move in with them? Would he get promoted from a teacher to a professor? There were too many questions with impossible answers.


He stepped out of his classroom, locking the door behind him as he was supposed to do. He hated to leave such a perfect place for the night but his nice, warm and inviting bed was also a good thing to go home to now.

As he turned, he couldn't help but glance over at Dream's classroom across the hall. It was dark inside and the door was closed, meaning he'd possibly missed his leave.

The hallway was quiet, only the last few teachers leaving for home. A tired sigh escaped George's mouth as he turned and started down the hall, book bag secure over his shoulder and feet struggling to carry him across the white tile.


Somebody called his name from behind. He quickly turned at the sudden voice to see who it was. He didn't expect Dream to be walking up to him, hand up and waving excitedly.

"Dream, hey," The shorter brunette greeted. Cringing at his choice of words. He slowed down to a stop so Dream could catch up to him. Their eyes met briefly and George's face immediately flushed pink.

Dream cleared his throat, "How do you feel about dinner tonight? You can go home and then I can pick you up in an about an hour?" Dream asked, smiling kindly and putting his hand on George's shoulder. His touch was so addicting and gentle.

Dinner already? That sounded like a date for George's ears. They wouldn't have to grade papers or do any work things, it could just be.. Them.

George nodded quickly, "Okay, that sounds good," More than good, thrilling and perfect.

The taller man hums to his response and starts to walk on, gesturing for George to follow him, "I'll walk you to your car, hurry on now," He chuckled.

George shook away his growing thoughts and moved quicker to catch up to him, making sure to not stand too close in case Dream felt uncomfortable.

The two walked in silence after that, to George's surprise. He expected Dream to be more talkative and friendly but the blonde said nothing.

All George wanted was to be open with him, to open up and be his chaotic and loud self. Yet, he was so scared that Dream would judge him and choose to not be his friend because of his awkward personality.

So he just stayed quiet and didn't bother to speak and accidentally go off into one of his rambling attacks.

Dream lead them outside, leaving their job home behind and out into the parking lot. Most of the cars had left by now except for a few.

George's car was unfortunately close to the doors so they didn't need to go too far before the walk had to end. Even though it was silent, George missed it already. Just Dream's presence was intoxicating.

George cleared his throat once he stopped and smiled up at the other. "This is mine here, I guess.. I'll see you in an hour then?"

Dream nods, smiles and starts to pull out his phone, "Here, put in your number so we can text." He hands it over.

George's hands shook as he took the device in his hand, typing in his phone number where the contact was already awaiting him.

He set the name as a simple 'George from work' and left it at that, he didn't want to seem weird by adding a heart even though it was extremely tempting.

"Cool! See you later cutie." Dream took his phone back and was already walking off before George could even register what he had said.


He wasn't even cute, why would Dream call him that? Even if he was, what the hell!?

He shook his head and slid into his car.

This was going to be a hard night.


so tired gonna sleep after this is written.

wc: 1298

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