In Serial

Reaching for One's Desire: Kane's Ascension

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Author: Type:Male

After living most of his life as a worthless orphan, Michael Kane only desired for the chance to make something of himself in this world of monsters and magic. In a world where only wealth and power mattered, he was literally at the bottom of the food chain. He fucking hated it.

Always having felt that he was destined for something greater than what was essentially a beggar’s life, Michael held hope that things would change with the arrival of the Day of Gaia’s Gift, which happened exactly halfway through the year. It was the day in which everyone that was fifteen years old was given access to the System and was given a ‘Class’ depending on your aptitude, two if you were exceptional and lucky.

It was his hope that he was given at least one class worthy of becoming an Adventurer, which would help him start his path to a life of wealth, fame, luxury and pleasure. Being an orphan that never knew his parents and having no one that he cared for nor that cared for him, it was not surprising that these were Michael’s goals.

Little does he know, that he is destined for even greater things.

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