《open your heart》chapter three


Thankfully the traffic was nice to George that day and he was able to drive along town smoothly, despite his slightly off mood.

He wore his simple outfit, not even caring that he looked slightly like an adult trying too hard and he hoped his students treated him with the respect he deserved.

The weather seemed nice for it only being 7 in the morning and he thanked the gods for that.

Nobody was awake yet and he had the roads to himself so he was able to play his songs from

His playlist.

A smile formed as his favorite song was the first to shuffle onto the bluetooth.

Roadtrip by PmBata started and he hummed along to the lyrics as the school came into view.

The parking lots were empty besides the teachers cars parked up front, the students would soon pile in with their vehicles soon, crowding the area.

George sighed, he wasn't quite ready to be in front of a room with a bunch of smelly teenagers but it was his job and he chose it.

Parking was easy as presumed and he was able to get a decent spot right near where his classroom was. In case he ever needed an escape route.

He noticed some students chilling near the front, thirty minutes early for comfort.

He didn't question it though, only taking his backpack and walking towards the doors, keycard in hand as he fumbled with it. Which way did it go again?

He could feel eyes on him and someone even whistled.

George just rolled his eyes and entered the school, flinching as the door shut loudly behind him.

This school was definitely smaller but still big. The hallways were long and classrooms were separated by subject.

George had 11th grade math so he was on the left wall. Across from the left wall was 11th grade english and all the other grades beside it.

He pushed open the door to his classroom and exhaled loudly at the disgusting smell it contained inside. Did nobody keep up with this place?


It was boring too. The walls were empty and the desk he was going to sit at just held a lamp and a few broken pencils in a pencil holder.

This was going to be so much fun.

George set his bag on the desk and pulled out his laptop, opening it up as he set it on the wooden table.

As he waited for it to boot up, he grabbed the air freshener he had brought because he just had a feeling he'd need it.

He walked around the room, giving small sprays around the room and allowed the area to smell of cinnamon and marshmallows.

He settled down at his desk and got his laptop set up as he waited for the bell to ring.

George knew kids hated math so he decided to be nice and give them a day off for their first day, just to relax and catch up with their friends.

He was in school only 6 years ago so he knew mostly how the students felt. Forced with a bunch of homework when all they wanted to do was party and hang out with their friends.

He missed those days. He missed going out and getting drunk even when he wasn't of age. He loved dancing with his friends and playing video games with them until they all passed out on the couch.

Those were the days. Now he barely talked to his friends because he forced himself into work, declining all invitations to parties and events they were holding.

There was no time for that anyway.

Maybe he had left his friends on read or just said a dry "not today". He didn't feel regret for it because he knew they were having fun without him.

The bell was what took him from his depressing thoughts, snapping his attention back onto the job he had to do.

He walked to the classroom door and opened it, standing beside it to greet the students that would soon pile in.


George glanced to his left, across the small hall to see another teacher, presumably the english one, looking slightly at him.

He blushed, embarrassed that someone was staring at him. Did he have something in his hair? Was he dressed inappropriately?

They both made eye contact for a brief moment and George felt something spark in his heart but he ignored it quickly.

Teenagers started filling the halls, their morning conversations creating loud echos and incoherent chaos.

The first kid to arrive was a shortish boy with jet black hair. He had a white bandana around his forehead and George knew he should tell him to take it off but in his opinion, it looked cool.

"Good morning Mr. Davidson!" The student greeted, holding out his hand as he stood proudly. Was this supposed to intimidate George?

He returned the gesture and smiled back. "You're..?" He trailed off.

The kid smiled what seemed to be wider, if even possible, "I'm Nick, but everyone calls me Sapnap," He told George, waving goodbye and entering the classroom without another word.

George noticed he took the back seat from his side and then turned back to the halls.

A couple other students greeted him before taking their seats. One kid with a multi-colored hoodie with a green spiral in the middle, took a seat next to Sapnap and they both started giggling quietly over something.

George gave one last glance at the teacher across the hall, silently admiring the way his blonde hair was pulled back in the perfect bun and some strands still covered his forehead.

They once again made eye contact before George turned away and closed his classroom door behind him.

The classroom was definitely quieter than he thought, to his luck.

He grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote his name on the board, facing the class.

"My name is Mr. Davidson. I'm the new maths teacher here and you're gonna respect me as the higher authority."

The class went silent.

"Just kidding."

The class exhaled and a few laughed quietly.

George smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I used to be one of you, so today is a free day but tomorrow we get straight into it, 'kay?" He told them, placing the chalk down.

Everyone exploded into cheers and he could hear backpack zippers opening as students pulled out their phones and went straight to their bubbles.

George settled down in his chair and turned on his laptop from its sleep, moving his mouse across the screen as he pulled up his schedule for the day.

He was distracted by memorizing the teachers names so he wouldn't accidentally slip up when two of his students approached him.

"Mr. Davidson?" George heard and he looked up to be met with the two boys from earlier, Sapnap and the colored hoodie one.

He gave a soft smile and sat back slightly in his seat, giving the boys his attention.

Sapnap shifted slightly before clearing his throat. "Me and Karl here.. We're dating and we wanted to know if that was okay with you?"

George bit his lip and nodded immediately after he heard the words exit Sapnaps mouth, "That doesn't bother me one bit, I find that quite wonderful that you two are so close, I'm so okay with that," He tried his best to seem welcoming.

Their nervous expressions brightened and they hugged each other happily, spilling out small thank you's.

George waved them off and watched quickly as they went back to watching something on Karl's phone, giggling their heads off.

Young love was so cute.

Too bad George would never have that.



Wc: 1296

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