《open your heart》chapter four


The class went by surprisingly well and so did the day.

Before George knew it, the day was almost over and he sat alone at his desk after hours.

It was quickly growing dark outside but he didn't care, he couldn't. There was so much to do now that he was a new teacher. So many assignments to come up with, so many emails to send, no time for anything else.

His hands tapped away at his keyboard, sending messages to parents that asked how their kids did during the day and trying to come up with the rest of the weeks schedule .

His mind drifted back to the two boys in his class. Karl and Sapnap.

They seemed so happy together and he was shocked that they had asked if he accepted them. Of course he did! It would be stupid not to. Why should he care who other people love?

George himself, was straight and he would never date or have any sort of feelings for a man. Last night was a complete accident and would never happen again. He wasn't stupid enough to give his body to someone he didn't know for a second time.

The sun was setting quickly. He sighed, realizing he had stopped typing and was now staring blankly at his laptop screen. Was he really this messed up to be telling himself these things at 5pm when he should be at home by now?


The door creaked and almost made him jump. George raised an eyebrow as the teacher from across the hall walked into his classroom. He followed his movements with his eyes saying nothing.

"Hey, you're the new teacher right?" The teacher began, sitting himself in one of the students desks nearest to George. His head went to rest on his hand as he looked at George.


The brunette closed his laptop and smiled the best he could. Lord, why was he so awkward. "Yeah, I am.." he responded, more into looking at the others features. Why was he even caring how he looked? It wasn't like his charming blonde hair and heavenly green eyes were anything special.

The teacher chuckled, "Nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Wastaken," He introduces, "But you can call me Dream."

Even his name was lovely.

George smiled more genuine now. At least his classroom neighbor is nice. That was an added plus to working here, "I'm George, er.. Mr. Davidson," he says casually, not sure which name he should say first.

Dream smiled. "Okay George, it was nice meeting you, I have to get home now though." He rises from the desk and gave a small wave to the brunette, "Got a cat to feed before she scratches up all my furniture."

George laughed quietly at that, "I get it, it's alright," He waved back to Dream as he stands up to pack his things and go home as well.

He looks up once more as he's slipping his laptop into his bag but Dream was already long gone.

He was nice. George thought to himself. He was also kind of cute. George liked his hair, the way it was parted and how it curled on the ends. His eyes too were something George couldn't stop thinking about. How they glistened in the fading sunlight and stared at George as if he was the most perfect human in the world.

Which he wasn't but he could Dream.

George swung his bag on his arm, adjusting it so it wouldn't fall and left his desk area. As he walks to the exit he turns and gives one last look around the room before he was leaving.


As much as he loved the classroom and working hard and proud on his laptop, he was also hungry and wanted a well needed shower. He felt all greasy and dirty from sitting all day and not moving. He didn't even get lunch because he was busy.

The sunlight was almost completely gone as he walked out of the school and started down the sidewalk towards where his car was parked. His feet seemed to carry him on their own. He was way too exhausted to even comprehend the world around him.

His hand tightened around his phone as it suddenly vibrated. There was only one person who could possibly be contacting him. All of his other social media's were silent.

He wanted to leave it be, not respond and just leave them on read again.

But he was curious.

A sigh escaped his lips as he fumbled with the device. He stopped walking and turned on the screen, reading over the message on the top of his lock page.


get out of your house old man, come with me and big daddy halo and have fun! plz?

George groaned. Of course Quackity would be texting him. What else would he be doing? Poor guy tried so hard for George to get out and loosen up.


I have work to do


you always have work to do

one night???

please gogy? bad will be there to watch us!

George sighed and looked around, spotting his car across the parking lot and staring at it with great intensity. Does he really want to? After his one night stand he felt even worse about going out this late.

What if something happened again?

He knew there would be drinks. He knew Quackity so well it would be embarrassing if he was wrong.

He turned back to his phone.


one. night.


Short chapter but they will get longer i just need time


Wc: 937

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