《open your heart》chapter five


George almost backed out.

Drinking just sounded frightening to him. It was like he was traumatized after what had happened. He might as well be because alcohol scared him whenever he thought about it. It brought out a side of him he couldn't control and he didn't like that.

Yet, here he was, standing on the doorstep of his childhood best friend's house. He had knocked maybe two seconds before but standing in the cold open air was ticking up to hours on his internal clock.

Many thoughts were going through his head. Like how he could be doing something way more productive than this, such as working and grading his student's papers.

At last, the door opened and George flinched at the loud voice that irrupted from his friend.

"George! Get inside before the funnel cakes get cold!" Quackity exclaimed and grabbed his wrist before he could even say hello. He was dragged inside harshly and stuck inside as the door behind him was shut.

The house smelt like fresh warm bread and hot sugar. George's eyes lit up at the sight of perfectly made funnel cakes with the just right amount of powered sugar on the table. They were begging to be eaten.

Quackity must have noticed his glance because he slapped George's back. "Take one, Bad made them," He said, "Speaking of, where is that bitch?" And he was gone from the brit's side and walking across the room, calling for their other friend.

George sighed and looked around. Quackity sure didn't know how to clean. There were wrappers on the carpet and glass bottles that contained liquid George didn't even want to know what was.

He took his seat on the couch and sighed, his head leaning back against the cushions to get some sort of comfort.

George really didn't know why he thought this was a good idea. Sure they would have bad to watch them but was this all worth it? George still wasn't over his last drunk night and didn't think he ever would.


Perhaps Quackity was right though. Maybe he did need to loosen up and get out. He needed the social interaction but didn't he get enough of that as a teacher? He talked to the kids all the time and almost all day.

As much as he wanted to be home and working or cuddling with his cat, he had to do this for Quackity because he couldn't have his long known friend worrying about him all the time.

After this visit, George hoped Quackity never contacted him again. He couldn't have friends if all he was going to do is disappoint them.

At last, bad and Quackity emerge from the hall and Quackity has two bottles of what George assumed to be some kind of alcohol.

"Time to get wasted boys!" Quackity cheers and throws one at George who catches it at the last moment.

He scoffed. "Bad, you'll be here the whole time right?" George peers over his maniac friend to make eye contact with bad.

The shorter boy nodded and waved his hand. "Yep, you two have fun."

And fun they did have.


George had never felt so wobbly and fuzzy in the head. He didn't feel like himself and all that was on his mind was pushing Quackity onto the couch which he was doing currently.

His friend laughed loudly as George kept pushing him back on the sofa as he tried to get up again, both of them were drunk out of their minds and their sober brains had left to go talk elsewhere.

"S- Stop!! George!" Quackity laughed and finally grabbed his friends wrists and forced him to stop harassing him.

George pulled his hands away and looked around, his body moving sloppily. "Where's Baaaad.." He slurs.

Quackity grabs Georges wrist. "Don't know but I'm hungry, let's go get some food," He starts to drag the brunette to the door without his response.


George just allows the other man to take him out the house and down the driveway. Where were they going? He had no idea and nor did he care. He felt so free right now.

They made it to the sidewalk and Quackity was still dragging George down to the corner which he saw was a McDonald's. His friend was so lucky to live so close to this area.

"Soo, how's the teaching going?" Quackity asks, finally releasing George's wrist and allowing him to walk by himself.

George shrugs. "It's fine, I have this hot classroom neighbor though. He has this luscious blonde hair and these emerald eyes that I want to die in," He said.

"Sounds kind of gay."

George glared at his friend. "But it's true! He's so hot and for what? He's a teacher!"

Mr. Wastaken was attractive but George didn't know if he was even in the right mind as he admitted these things. He shouldn't look at a man like this and get shivers just at the presence of him.

Maybe Quackity was right, that was a little gay.

"Look! We are here!" Quackity cheers and breaks George from his thought. He's being dragged again but into the restaurant.

"Did you even bring money?" George asked as they stood in line. They must've looked really drunk and stupid as they stood there with wobbly posture and red eyes.

Did they care though? No.

Quackity shook his head. "Who cares? Once we eat the food it's gone, what can they do then? Take it back?" He bursts into a laugh and George rolls his eyes.

"Yeah definitely," He was not about to get arrested before he barely started working his new job. He couldn't fuck it up again.

So he does the right decision and grabs Quackity's wrist this time, taking him out of the line and away from the register. He ignores the protests as they leave the restaurant and stand outside.

"What the hell! I wanted fucking nuggets man." His friend yells at George, stomping his food.

The brit sighs and reaches into his pocket. Even if he was drunk, he was still smart. "I'm calling Bad, if anything he's worried on where we are."

He keeps a firm grip on his friends arm so he can't run away and do something stupid as he calls their loyal friend.

They must look homeless and maniacal with the way they're dressed and the way Quackity won't shut the hell up.

Bad picks up almost immediately, yelling at George in worry on where he is and if he's okay.

"I'm fine Bad, we are just at the McDonald's down the street." He said calmly, starting to regain his soberness.


"Yes Quackity is with me."


"That would be great."


"Okay, I'll keep him here until then."

He hangs up and turns back to his friend. "I'm not doing this again you know, this is the last hang out." He tells Quackity. Even if he isn't in the right mind, he had to tell him.

This couldn't work, he didn't have time. He was busy and this was dangerous. If he ever got caught getting black out drunk before work, he'd be in so much trouble.

If they ever found out that he got wasted and had a one night stand before his first day.

He'd be fired.


im such a bad author

I know how this book will go but to get to that point is hard because the build up sucks and i hate it.

Wc: 1282

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