《open your heart》chapter two


George wanted to cry at the pain he felt when he opened his eyes from his slumber.

Every part of him on his lower half was sore and his brain was beating against his skull, hurting him.

He was laying on his stomach, face turned to the side on a pillow, barely covered by a blanket. He probably woke up from the cold.

George then realized he was completely nude. His boxers were on the floor beside the bed and his shirt and pants lay on a chair near it.

He slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, cringing at the way his back cracked with his movements. He must've slept hard and awkwardly.

George put a hand to his mouth to muffle his gasp. Holy shit. This wasn't his room.

He glanced to the side almost immediately to see a man who looked about his age, sleeping peacefully beside him, facing the other way and also not wearing a shirt from what he could see.

The man had wavy blonde hair that was pulled into a messy man-bun which George assumed was messed up from last nights activities. It looked quite soft and part of him wanted to reach out and touch it.

He was so fucked.

Slowly getting out of bed, he held onto the nightstand so he wouldn't fall. His legs were shaky and he felt like he was walking on rocks. His legs felt like jelly and his lower half hurt like hell, begging to be sat down and rested.

As much as George wanted to do that, he needed to leave as soon as possible. He had to teach today and the clock on the wall read 6am already. He was lucky he woke up at the time he did.

He quickly shoved his clothes on, not even sure if the boxers were his.

He was such a fucking idiot. He never should have gone out to that club because now he was sore all over and he had just slept with a man.

He wasn't even gay! How could his drunk mind even get turned on by a dude? That seemed stupid and he hated himself for it.

Plus, he'd never had a one night stand before. He's slept with girls before but he's been completely sober and he had been dating those girls. This wasn't like him.


He grabbed his phone and left the bedroom quickly, holding onto the wall incase one of his legs decided to randomly give out and send him falling.

He didn't have any life alert to help him with that and he certainly did not want the man to wake up to see George sitting on the ground with a sore ass.

George still needed to get home and change, grab his things and get to the school. Thankfully he had woken up slightly early but this meant he only had an hour and a half before he needed to be in his classroom.

He was not about to get fired on his first day because of some fling he mistakenly had.

He hoped the man woke up soon because his door would be unlocked. He didn't know why he was feeling sympathy but it didn't matter, he needed out of there quickly.

George closed the door behind him and got a good look of his surroundings. He didn't fucking know this area and he was too lazy to find out.

He scrambled for his phone, pulling it out and flipping on the screen. He'd never called an uber before but that was his only way home right now.

The uber was ordered and he walked down the driveway and down the sidewalk some so he could get out of view of the house.

He brushed a hand through his hair, cringing at the tangles that stopped his fingers from going all the way through.

The wait was about twenty minutes which really cut into his schedule but he held it in so he wouldn't take it out on the driver.

When the uber pulled up, he was quick to get inside and finally let out the breath he had been holding in the entire time.

The uber turned down his music and cleared his throat. "Hey man, tough night?" He asked calmly, surprising George.

He only shrugged, turning to look out the window. The houses that flew by seemed meaningless and just blurs. Then again, everything felt dizzy right now.

"Yeah, I guess.." He responded after a few seconds, deciding to be nice and strike up the conversation more.


The driver stopped at a red light and smiled in the mirror, "You wanna talk about it?"

Oh fuck yeah he did, he wanted to know why the hell he was such an idiot for drinking the night before he taught juniors math. He knew teenagers could tell peoples emotions more than children could.

He nodded and bit his lip, not saying a word until he needed to.

"Go ahead, I don't judge."

George took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Well, today I'm working as a teacher at this high school and last night," He started slowly, gradually speaking more confidently as the story continued, "I decided I would go out and get a drink but I ended up having way more than I should have.."

He looked up to see the driver nodding him on, smiling with such friendliness he didn't seem human.

"I don't remember anything after that but this morning I woke up in this guy's bed and god I never hated myself more," He finished, putting his head against the window.

Why did his life always have to screw up like this? Who knew how he'd do today and that man knew what he looked like, George didn't.

The driver hummed as they pulled up to George's apartment.

The car stopped and he turned to look in the backseat.

"All I can say is to really think about if it'll be worth it. Getting drunk at home would be smarter and that's just my opinion." He raised his hands defensively.

George huffed and gave a short smile, not making eye contact.

"Listen, my name is Eret, here's my card, call me if you ever need a ride okay?" He passed over a small white card with black print on it over to George.

He took it gratefully, glancing over it quickly before shoving it in his pocket. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

Eret smiled and watched as George got out of the car, waving to him as he started to drive away once more.

George checked the time on his phone which read 6:30am. He still had some time and maybe he could pop a shower if he had extra time.

He practically scaled the stairs up to his apartment door, almost breaking the doorknob as he turned it quickly.

His apartment was cleaner than anything he'd ever seen and he liked it that way. Everything had its place and it took absolutely no time to just put it back and keep a clean space for his mental state.

The carpet was spotless, the couch cushions were nearly fluffed and placed in their respectful corners. The counters were shining and practically empty.

He headed to his room and began to strip off his disgusting clothes.

He smelled awful and no deodorant could fix that.

He picked out a few possible options for an outfit. A blue hoodie and some jeans were the best option for his first day, he had nobody to impress anyway.

George stumbled into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. Thankfully he had no marks or hickeys on his body which he thanked the lord for. He had nothing to cover up those things anyway.

He turned around and strained his neck to see his behind and god he had red marks all over his ass.

Whatever, they'd fade eventually.

He turned on the shower and sat on the edge as he waited for it to warm up.

What would he even do if he ever had a one night stand again? The chances of the man being asleep when he woke up were slim and he was extremely lucky this time.


No, he meant girl.

That was besides the point, he still had a growing headache that he had forced himself to ignore for the past hour. Now that he was alone, it was finally getting to him again.

A nice warm shower sounded so wonderful to him right now and he could clean off whatever prints that man left on him. It would be his body again, nobody else's.


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