《Frenemies》Chapter 10: You Look Cute While You Sleep
Another two weeks.
...but the second week into this new pair of 7 days, Jungkook was different towards you.
Jungkook was kinder, heck, even Yoongi was.
[yeah, I know. I still haven't figured out why he flipped a switch and decided to be nicer.]
Similar routine: get two to three hours of sleep, four if you're lucky, and then race over to catch a bus to BTS's home. Clean the home as all 7 sleep—I have a key to the place now so that's a good time saver—make the older one's coffee and serve breakfast. All love separate dishes, yay you. Wake up Jungkook; wait for him to get refreshed so you can clean out his washroom as well. Leave without them caring, then attempt to fake that you've come here in a car and run back to catch another bus...
Not that they care if I'm running and struggling every morning to get here by 4:30 am that is...they all think I have a ride from BigHit.
But guess what? I don't. I don't, because the person who would probably be assigned to drop and pick me up would be PD Nim. The only person who's been decent to me other than Lia...I don't want to put him through such a hassle so I keep my arrival by foot and public transport a secret.
...and yes, in the end, although it's a noble act, I am dying inside.
It was incredibly hard at first to get used to. But now, the burning in your limbs, the sinking of your eyes, and the lack of sleep simply was a routine. You'd wake up at 3:30 am, make it to the house by 4:30 am, get them set up, go to Jae (another trip of running and bus hunting) with new cheques given to you every day in the morning, then go to classes (another trip of running and bus hunting) and wipe away sweat from hands and forehead while writing notes, only to come back home in the evening, help parents with chores and act like your life is amazing. After 'family time' you'd work on assignments and review homework, which takes you, at most 12 am. Then you finally sleep, only to wake up a few hours later and repeat the same process all over.
[I know. It sucked. But it got better eventually...kinda.]
Another two weeks and you could feel yourself getting sick but not reaching the tip of the ice berg yet. You knew you'd get sick, and horribly sick physically with such sleeping habits soon, but the as of right now, you were about to handle migraines at most...
Fresh and early, a Monday morning...let's do this!
Moving into the home, everyone was sleeping. As per usual. You moved, did your regular duties, served breakfast for the 6, only to have all of them start to leave.
That right there wasn't a part of the routine. They didn't leave without Jungkook, what's up?
"What about Jungkook?" you asked, as all were lamely moving out the door.
No one really heard your soft and cracking voice as they all swept out. Yoongi however stopped, turning around for a moment as Jin stopped with him.
"Thank you for breakfast," Jin said softly, kind as he nodded in appreciation at you.
Your eyes softened at that acknowledgment. Feeling suddenly teary, you had the sudden urge to jump and kiss the oldest man all over.
"Sure," you said, a large and pained smile moving onto your face.
Jin left.
Yoongi was smiling a little kinder as well and your brows furrowed when he eyed your form up and down. Feeling uncomfortable, you hid a little behind the counter.
"Jungkook's fallen sick," Yoongi said lowly, "I assume you'll take care of him."
Your eyes widened at that.
"Good luck."
With that, Yoongi moved out swiftly.
Sick? He was perfectly fine last Friday...what's up with the weekend to suddenly have him so sick?
You panicked. "Wait n-no, I have class I can't sta-" you cut yourself off the moment the door closed and Yoongi stepped out and away.
You sighed to yourself, pouting a little as the happiness you felt from Jin in that moment disappeared right away. There is no way in hell I'm staying here the entire day with a sick Jungkook. I've still got to regularly give Jae his share of the cheque or else I'll be in big big trouble...
Moving to hesitantly stride over to Jungkook's closed bedroom door, you noticed that the room was partially dark as most of the curtains were pushed to cover the little bits of light peering in. Glancing at his head that was under the blankets, you noticed his feet sticking out from the ends of the blanket and cringed at the memory of all the times you had to massage that part of him. Stank-ass feet he's got, you thought internally, nose squished together as you didn't think twice before opening up the curtains.
There was a muffled groan from the bed.
"Nooooo," the sleepy voice mumbled, sinking further into the white blanket that covered his form.
"You're sick; I get it, but at least tell me if you need anything before I leave," you mumbled, moving to go towards the end of the bed, "the others have left. Congrats, you'll get the house to yourself."
You voice was unamused as you stood and waited for him to look at you.
Watching as he moved the blanket a little from his face, he poked his eye out, peeking and looking directly at you.
"You aren't staying?" he asked; voice a mess when covering his face.
"Not a part of my routine," you said softly, waiting for him to sit up, "plus, I've got school."
Jungkook sighed into the blanket. The sigh was heard, along with the huge collection of mucus at the back of his throat. He instantly started to cough, groaning again when it settled, his face was in disgust.
"I haven't been able to sleep the whole night," he whined, irritated as he glanced over at the pills he had by his bed.
You glanced towards them too.
"I've been taking medicine for fevers but couldn't find anything for sore throat and headaches," Jungkook whined cutely, eyes squinting as he looked at the ceiling and started to cough more.
"Cool story bro," you said softly, not knowing how to react to tired, drugged up, and sick Jungkook that was clearly talking to you.
"What class do you have?"
You didn't respond. Instead, you pulled the blanket away from his face and let your hand meet the side of his cheek immediately. He jumped at first, but then gave into how cold your hand was against his burning face. Jungkook smiled, almost childish, when your hand went a little along with his sweat and towards his forehead—he sighed.
He hummed in a breath as he moved into your touch.
You awkwardly let your finger's twitch at his cheek, surprised by the fever, but most importantly, surprised by the fact that he was smiling at your touch. Yanking your hand away, you awkwardly laughed as you wiped your hand onto your bottoms.
"Alright, rest up, sleep, eat, and don't shower if you've got a fever," you quickly sang out, ready to run out of there before the voice inside your head told you to stay, "I'll see you tomorrow!"
You didn't notice the frown form on Jungkook's half-woken form when you moved to instantly turn and leave. Stopping when you felt a hand grab hold of your sweater, you were yanked back. Yelping, your butt fell straight onto Jungkook's arm that had tugged onto your attire. Shifting away, you eyed him in shock.
"Stay please," he whined, face visible to you from where he lay.
You eyed him groan and move his head to scoot close to your lap. He sunk into the seats, sweaty and mumbling into his sleep as the top of his head leaned against the side of your leg.
"I'll ask to have the money you receive for tomorrow raised if you stay," he mumbled groggily.
You let out a long sigh at that.
"Fine, I'll stay."
"Yay," he piped, muffled as he practically ate the covers.
"How many pills did you take last night?" you asked, chuckling as Jungkook looked confused over his surroundings.
"Lost count," he mumbled.
All of it clicked the moment you say drinkable medicine on the ground as well.
Sighing, you patted at his bare shoulder awkwardly before moving to help him get ready.
Well, this is going to be a weird day.
"Let's get you ready then you druggie," you mumbled, watching him sink into a quick nap as you went to collect and search for a shirt for his sweating and cooling body.
"The sweating cooled down your body pretty quick yeah?" you piped, moving a bowl of soup over towards Jungkook who sat, red nose, tissue box in hand, blanket over shoulders, at the stool in the kitchen.
He was in shorts, a sweater he begged to wear as he had started to freeze up just as fast as his fever had dumbed down. Hair a mess and in his eyes, he was incredibly quiet and cute the entire morning. Although he was wide awake now, the heaviness to his eyes was present when he'd look at you moving around in the kitchen making him things to help with the process of healing.
Sliding over soup, you smiled a little side smile when he didn't make a rude remark, nor did he scowl or make fun of the food. He instantly just dove in to what you could possibly muster from the kitchen...again, I had bought the broom out of my own money, and now I'm apparently in charge of grocery as well. You rolled your eyes at the stocked fridge that used to be so empty before you had come to manage and clean up the place every day.
Jungkook eyed you awkwardly as you moved away from him, a kind smile on your face before turning to wash up dishes from earlier. It was probably from this morning with the members...
The sudden urge to say 'thank you' emerged within him. Heck, he'd want to say it every day he saw you for the past few weeks. The boys had started off with trying to make your life hell, but at this point, they weren't trying anymore...they just got used to being messy and not acknowledging you much. It's a sad thought but it's true.
"Y/N?" Jungkook tried.
His voice was really soft as he slurped up his soup, he was wondering if you had even heard him.
It wasn't the best but he ate it as if it was. He was just glad his throat was somewhat clearing up now.
"Sup," you mumbled as you washed away at the dishes.
The only thing stressing you out at this point was the fact that you missed your morning visit to Jae's. School was barely a thing on your mind at this point as all you focused on was trying not to freak out over the money you'd give Jae on a routine. With helping Jungkook the entire morning, you weren't able to call the man either.
"Your hat's nice," Jungkook said, jaw clenching as he tried his hardest not to look away so fast when the muscles in your back flexed a little.
You were genuinely confused at that. It was a surprise that you didn't drop a glass plate right back into the sink. Eyes slowly looking past your shoulder, you glanced up at the navy blue hat you always wore on a regular.
"I thought you found it ridiculous?"
Jungkook simply looked down at his soup as he started to slurp up some more. His red nose flaring cutely as he felt the hot liquid run down his mouth.
"It's nice," Jungkook simply said, shrugging.
You looked forward again, slowly doing the dishes. Throughout it all however, you had your brows knit.
All that was heard after that was silence filled with water coming from the tap, and the occasional sucking of the spoon coming from Jungkook.
It was awkward and pretty quiet between the two of you at first. But the moment the thought of watching a movie took place, you found yourself to grow a little comfortable. At least this way, you didn't have to try and try talking to the boy that was surprisingly sweeter to you. Can he be sick forever please?
Sighing, you glanced over at the maknae that was bundled up in the puffy blanket. All you could see from sitting a far distance away from him was the fact that his nose was now a soft pink, eyes still heavy, and hair and even bigger mess somehow.
He kept sniffling throughout the movie, tissue box being used. You didn't retort or say a word however. Watching the movie for a while, you found your normal headaches kick in. Feeling light headed and incredibly tired, the lack of sleep caught up to you as you fell fast asleep.
Jungkook side glanced over at you.
"Thanks for taking care of me today," he said, letting it all out in a sigh, "I'll make sure to pay you well for the next few days."
He felt like he let out something he had been holding in for a while.
He had a valid reason at this point to why he was suddenly so kind to you—or was trying to be at least...he had his reasons. There was a reason to why he was sick, why he was making an effort to speak respectfully, and why he was gawking at you every chance he got.
There was a reason.
...a reason even he wasn't able to stomach as he felt worse and worse about it as time flew by.
The reason being, him realizing that maybe there was a change in you. In his eyes, he could almost trust you with no more stealing, no more lies, and just...well him. He could trust you with himself. He found that to be a reality the moment he found out about you refusing car services from BigHit Entertainment when knowing PD Nim would be burdened.
It was selfless of her, Jungkook thought internally, not able to imagine at what times you had to wake just to make it to the house on time, all that sleep she probably lost and I didn't even know...too stubborn in my own mind.
Jungkook sighed internally, feeling terrible every day since the past week started.
All he remembered was how throughout this entire weekened, his doubtful-self went around to each designated driver in the building, strolling around in the rain during the past two days, asking whether or not what PD Nim claimed to say about you was true. And it is true. She truly didn't want anyone to suffer so she suffered alone...
"Thank you," he cutely muffled out into his tissue as he wiped at his nose.
He was thankful for you, and he was thankful that he might actually try trusting a girl like you...
Brows furrowing a little when he didn't hear anything from you, he moved his tissue away from his fingers and held it more onto his palm as he looked over at you fully.
You were asleep, head leaning against the back cushion of the couch. Hat still on, your hair dropped onto your face as your head lifelessly sank down to the side. Cheek snuggling into the couch, your face was in view of Jungkook who now was looking away from the movie and at you instead.
His lungs slowly gave out, stuffy nose bothering him more; he watched you and only you. It was in that moment where he noticed how tired you seemed to look...
His head tilted to the side, his heart sinking a little. He didn't know how to react, nor did he know how to turn his head and focus on the movie instead of your beautiful face.
Seeing your hair far on your cheek, he saw the fact that the tips rested at your nostrils. Hesitating at first, he slowly brought his hand that held his used tissue slowly to your face. Eyes were still incredibly soft for the maknae as he awkwardly had his hand move away from the blanket and over to try and get the hair away from your face.
"You look...cute while you sleep," he breathed out, trying his hardest not to cough in your face as he saw you and nothing else. It was a weird sentence to say out loud, he was actually surprised he found your sleeping form somewhat...nice to look at?
Maybe it's because she's shut up and isn't making idiotic remarks, he piped internally, trying to give a snarky reason to why he couldn't look away from your face.
Managing to get it away and free, his soft eyes vanished and changed to shock ones when his used tissue from his hand seemed to graze your cheek as he sweetly moved your hair.
"Holy shit," he pitched, voice high as he whispered to himself.
Snot was on your cheek.
Instantly moving his tissue and hand away from your cheek, Jungkook didn't know what to do. Hastily looking around to find the tissue box he was just using. When he needed it the most, he couldn't seem to find it in the mess that was the blanket.
Seeing you move, you snuggled into the cushion and Jungkook froze. He stopped moving, holding in his breath until you went back to fast and hard sleep again.
Managing to get the tissue, he pulled out a new one. Hands haste, shaky and panicking, Jungkook awkwardly started to wipe the nasty goo off your cheek and onto the clean tissue.
He was trying not to gag as he did so, mentally apologizing as this may have been the nastiest thing he had done in a while.
...and this is what happens when I try to be nice for a change? He mumbled internally, freaking out as he screamed and hollered in his mind.
Flinching away with the tissue when seeing you start to steer in your sleep, he hid the tissue in his blanket and snapped his head to the television; pretending to have been watching the movie, he remain 'oblivious'.
Your brows furrowed a little as you slowly let your eyes open. Squinting, you saw Jungkook still watching the movie. Opening your mouth to yawn, you moved your head on the couch only to have your sleepy form grow confused when feeling wetness at your left cheek.
"Why is my cheek..." you mumbled, barely awake. This all occurred as sleep was trying to knock your exhausted self all over again, you finished, "...wet?"
You knocked out, head sinking to your neck.
Jungkook let himself breathe out loud. He had been holding his breath a second time.
He didn't touch you at all after that. The occasional side-glance, followed by the awkward shifting on the couch when he tried to snuggle to cushions as well—he fought off his dropping eyelids for as long as he could, only to fail eventually...
Jungkook found himself to knock out similar to you soon after.
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