《Frenemies》Chapter 11: Meet My Boyfriend!
Your feet were dangling.
Brows knitting in your sleep, your eyes were tired and too stubborn to open. The fact that you felt as if you were walking but being held at the same time was a huge shock while slowly finding consciousness.
Head heavy, eyes barely able to function and grow open, you felt your temple bounce a little while leaning against a cloth. Snuggling into the cloth, once smelling the familiar scent, your head tilted away, form awakening.
The moment you felt like you were about to fall from whatever was holding you up, you instantly shock awake.
Eyes wide, it took a moment to realise that you were just being set onto a bed and weren't falling.
It took you an even longer moment to realise that you were bring set because you were being carried by Jungkook.
Confused, and head jerking around, your hat was weirdly tipping off your head. Fixing it, you were oblivious as you looked over at the awkward boy that stood by the bed's edge, on his feet, blanket disappeared, and a completely new set of clothing on him.
You closed your mouth while trailing off. The last you remembered was his terrible state and the both of you watching a movie. Looking over at the window that was showing a brightly lit sky, your confusion sky-rocketed...
Jungkook noticed your expression. Swallowing hard, he wanted in all his might to slip out before you questioned what was up. However, he knew, if he delivered all the information in one go, he wouldn't have to answer any more questions.
"Listen carefully since I won't repeat myself," he said softly, watching as your sleepy and distressed form looked over at him.
Jungkook licked his bottom lip awkwardly, moving his hand slowly through his freshly wet hair as he had recently came out of the shower. Nose stuffy, and voice clearly hard to understand, Jungkook tried his best to communicate what was up.
"You fell asleep yesterday on the couch while watching the movie-"
"Yesterday?" you asked shocked, interrupting the boy.
He simply ignored you, continuing. "Eventually the boys came back and we all tried to wake you, but you were out...we figured you haven't been having much sleep since you come out here at 4:30 in the morning."
Jungkook watched as you didn't look away from him. Eyes strong, although tired, still remained open and awake.
"We all," Jungkook swallowed, lying through his teeth. He remembered having to be the one to reinforce and ask the others to let you be on the couch...
He continued, "We all let you sleep and you slept through the whole night on the couch...since its morning and everyone was out, I thought I'd move you to somewhere more comfortable."
Jungkook was highly awkward.
You felt the need to shrivel out and shed from your skin at his words.
Too nice, too nice, must shoot myself in the face, holy shit, you sang out in your mind, screaming internally before trying to register what he had spoken.
When you finally understood the fact that you had slept in several hours on BTS's couch, you swallowed, glancing back out the window again only to look at Jungkook who was trying to stand straighter from slouching.
"What time is it now?"
"5 pm...a new day for you," he said with a painfully awkward ring to his tone.
Your eyes widened, hands gripping at the sheets of the bed Jungkook had placed you on.
"5 pm?!"
"5 pm?" you softly questioned yourself, incredibly uncomfortable as you stood in Jungkook's shower.
You were a little bean in the shower. You had cleaned the bathroom millions of times, but actually being in the shower made you feel so uncomfortable and scared. Looking around a lot, you were still in awe of all that had happened since you woke up from hibernation...
1. Jungkook carried me to his bed for my comfort????????
2. Hello! Refer to number 1! That is so weird and out of the ordinary no?
3. After I was done freaking out when realizing I stood up Jae twice, all while missing school twice...I called up my parents to let them know I didn't die. Guess what Jungkook did that entire time. He stood, weirdly eyeing me the same way Jae looks at me often these days! WHAT THE HELL?
4. To top it all off, when all came to order and conclusion, he guided and "insisted" me to shower and "freshen up" all while awkwardly giving me more comfortable clothes to slip into.
5. Did you read number 4??????? HE GAVE ME HIS CLOTHES TO CHANGE IN TO!
Jumping when hearing a soft knock at the door, from the way the voice sounded with the stuffy noise, you forgot how to breathe when realizing it was Jungkook again outside the door.
"Once you're done, I'll have your clothes washed if you'd like."
Your eyes widened further at that.
[You really were scared. Surprisingly, you didn't take a shit in the shower right there and then.]
You stood in the shower for a little longer, completely and utterly astonished.
Managing to slowly move out from the shower, you used a towel that was provided to slowly wipe yourself. Awkwardly slipping into clothes that had a clear scent of Jungkook, you could've sworn a little bit of throw-up surfaced at the back of your throat when having his famous white tees and sweats fully cover you.
Awkwardly making sure to put on the same undergarments however, you didn't mind him washing your attire. But there was something embarrassing regarding him washing your bra and undies. I know I know, that's weird to think since he's already seen me naked, but still.
Having your hair fall loose, it was wet as you tried to dry it with the towel. Letting your clothes move with the towel into the laundry bin by the side of the tub, you swallowed harshly before looking over at the steamy mirror.
You didn't bother trying to look at yourself as you slipped out, slowly, trying not to make noise; you closed the bathroom door behind yourself quietly.
Grab your bag, say an awkward goodbye/thanks, and rush the fuck out of here, you thought instantly, trying not to swallow down so much puke you seemed to want at the back of your throat. You still couldn't digest all that was happening...I'm wearing the maknae's shirt for fucks sake.
Peeking into the hallway, you heard nothing. Too busy in trying to leave the place, you failed to notice how refreshed you felt. Compared to all the days you'd hustle, lose sleep, and work your ass off...today you didn't do anything but wake up and shower and it was already going to be nightfall soon.
Moving awkwardly into the kitchen, you noticed Jungkook awkwardly turn his head to greet you.
"Hi," Jungkook shot out; his brows jumped a bit when seeing your state.
It was a hard sight for him to look away from, almost having the urge to slap himself to look away.
You waved at him, glancing around as you tried to remember where exactly you had placed your backpack the previous day.
"So...you're totally alright with me not cleaning this morning?" you asked, uncomfortable, "...I didn't make breakfast either—were the other's okay with that too or were they pissed?"
"We managed," Jungkook simply said.
His eyes roamed your state all over again. Blinking away, Jungkook didn't understand why there was a weird fluttering at his chest when seeing the wetness of your hair start to damp his white tee. The sight of you in his clothes was nice to him...it felt necessary to see you in his clothes and he didn't know why.
You swallowed harshly, not knowing what to say.
Jungkook couldn't find words to say, you stealing away his breath by just standing vulnerable and adorably awkward in front of him.
"Did you," you swallow, "Did you still have my hat?"
Jungkook snapped out of his daze, feeling idiotic as he blushed, he nodded. Jaw clenching, he instantly took hold of your navy hat, all while grabbing two cheques for you as well.
Passing them over to you by sliding it on the table, you slowly took all things.
Jungkook's brows were knitted lightly when seeing that you didn't open up the cheques to see the amount.
"Not going to double check the money?"
You nervously chuckled, "Nah, I'll trust your word this time around."
Jungkook's head tilted in curiosity at that. Watching as you shoved the papers in the pockets of his sweats, he found himself to force a tiny smile on his face.
The fluttery feeling never left him.
"I should go now," you popped out, pointing nervously over at the door, "I-I, I'll bring back your clothing as soon as I can, I-"
Your brows furrowed at Jungkook hastily shaking his head. Watching his eyes grow wide at what he had just blurted out, you simply continued to carry the same expression.
"What I meant was," Jungkook quickly retorted, "take your time with it...there's no rush i-in—" he gulped, only to continue, "—no rush in returning them."
"O-Okay!" you screeched, growing scared at the way he looked at you, how strangely nice he was being.
"Have you got a ride home?"
Lie off your ass Y/N, you screeched terrified. "Yes," you piped, forcing a huge smile on your face.
Before you could answer, there was a knock at the door. To you it was a familiar knock. To Jungkook, it was something like an almost bang.
Jumping, startled and alert, Jungkook went to the door.
Before he could successfully move to open it, he stopped in his tracks when seeing you slip before him, you had ran from the living room, draped the bag onto your shoulder, and rushed before the maknae could meet who was probably behind that door. You knew that knock from anywhere...
"Someone I called," you said, breath hitching when looking at how close the boy was when you suddenly screeched cutely and stood in front of him.
He took a step back, eyes moving down to your lips as you talked. Jungkook swallowed, looking down at your form one last time before clearing his throat and finding words to say as you awkwardly tried to open the front door from behind your back.
"Who? BigHit?" he tried, knowing internally that you hadn't been using the services in the first place.
His chest fluttered more when thinking about what you had been doing ever since he changed up your timings...how harsh I was to her and she pulled through. Jungkook's nose scrunched.
"No, more on a personal level," you said, pursing your lips a little as you opened the door and turned around instantly.
Your wet hair whipped about as you turned. But it didn't hit the maknae's face this time, instead, it simply managed to get a few droplets of water to hit his neck and right cheek. He shut his eyes for a moment when it happened, eyes soft once looking up and over at the back of your head again.
He allowed his eyes to trail down your back and over your backside as you spoke and greeted the individual on the other side.
"I know I'm here for a ride," Jae whispered over at you, "but I'm kind of interested to look around and see what I want to steal next."
You glared at him.
He grinned, finally managing to look down at you.
His brows furrowed at what you were wearing. Finally managing to have your state grow clear in his eyes, his eyes widened. Jaw clenching, he was about to question you but found his eyes to divert to the shadow that lurked behind you.
His tense form increased when seeing Jungkook, and only Jungkook.
"So you're sleeping with him now?" Jae muttered, angry instantly when looking down at your form shocked.
Your eyes widened. "No of course not!" you softly yelled over at him, trying to push at his chest so that he'd give you room to move.
It was time for the both of you to leave and you felt yourself growing redder as time passed.
"Oh fess up already, how obvious can you be?" Jae mumbled through his teeth.
Your eyes widened as the boy started to grow louder.
Jungkook was confused.
First off, he couldn't see the man you were speaking to well since you covered him by standing very close, whispering over at him.
Hearing the mumbles and whispers, Jungkook swallowed, arching his neck in attempts to get a better look.
"Is there a problem?" the maknae piped, eyes narrowing when the whispering suddenly stopped.
"No," you instantly popped, smiling widely and nervously as you turned to face the maknae.
Once you turned, Jungkook managed to get a look at the man. Jungkook's confused grew into curiosity as he looked between the both of you.
The man seemed to be eyeing him in a harsh light, which clearly made Jungkook more uncomfortable.
"You sure?" Jungkook asked you, not knowing why he suddenly felt concerned when looking over at you.
"Did you not hear her the first time?" Jae snapped, ignoring the sudden elbow to the gut that you gave him.
Jungkook's brow cocked at that.
You looked between the boys.
"Let's just go, please?" you asked over to Jae.
Jae nodded. "Yeah, we will. First you've got to change out of his shit," the man lowly piped, crossing at his arms as he leaned against the door frame behind you.
Your brows furrowed at that. Noticing the anger in the man's eyes while staring at Jungkook, you questioned everything.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed, the irritation in the maknae visible when seeing his jaw flex.
"I've got clothing in the back of my car," Jae murmured, "I want you changed now."
Your brow cocked at that.
"Excuse me?" you whispered over at him.
Jae gave you the coldest stare and you found your entire body to go limp a little.
"Who exactly are you to her?" Jungkook snapped, not understanding why you were so silent and not fighting back with screaming stupid remarks like you always did with him when he offended you. Seeing you quiet was a surprise...it made the maknae more intrigued and highly pissed.
"Her boyfriend."
Your eyes shot over to Jae at that.
"Just do as I say," the man said under his breath.
"Fuck you, no, what's wrong wit-"
"He's clearly got a thing for you, I saw it with the googling out your ass as soon as you opened the door," Jae snapped lowly back, glaring over at Jungkook who was trying to get over the shock of the new information.
"Boyfriend?" Jungkook breathed out, brows knitting.
You were highly confused, "he wasn't checking out my ass, it's Jungkook out of all people he'd never—"
"How many times do I have to remind you to follow I say?" Jae darkly snapped.
Your lips parted at that. Swallowing, you tried not to feel so overwhelmed and terrified in that moment as the hairs alongside your arms went along your forearms.
Your eyes caught Jungkook's confused ones.
Your eyes burned however, still so hung up and confused over waking up this way, now only to be threatened when you didn't know what you did wrong. One thing was for sure, you hadn't seen Jae this angry in a while...
Trying to blink back tears, you forced out a laugh as you cutely pointed over at Jae.
"Meet my boyfriend!" you sang out, voice wavering a little by the end as you caught in a voice crack before you could break completely.
Jungkook's jaw loosened, brows unknitting. His gut twisted in a weird manner as his big eyes stood in awe.
"Oh," the maknae popped out, swallowing a harsh lump as he still tried to register why his chest kept fluttering.
You just wanted to go home. This is ridiculous.
"Yes," Jae snapped, "Oh. So, don't think about laying your eyes on her."
Jungkook's brows jumped at that, swallowing again, he nervously laughed.
"Whaaat?" he sang out, glancing over at you and then back at your 'boyfriend' he had no idea about, "Even if Y/N was the last girl on Earth, I wouldn't dare think of it."
Jungkook's voice was high and squeaky.
Jae grinned bitterly.
You rolled your eyes.
"Thanks for that Kook," you mumbled sarcastic and slightly offended before shifting away from Jungkook and moving down the hall.
Jungkook's forced smile fell as he watched you slowly duck your head and storm in the direction of the hallway again.
"I'll get your clothing," Jae called out as you slumped away.
Jungkook's temples, jaw, teeth, all tensed and came together at that.
...he took it as his last moment to see you in his clothes as you stormed off. Before, honestly, glancing away and never trying to look again.
Jungkook looked at Jae and forcibly smiled again. There was an annoyance in the maknae's eyes however. The way you reacted to the man treating you in such a manner wasn't you. You would make sarcastic remarks; show everyone their place if they tried to disrespect you. Heck, Jungkook went through it every time he saw you...you were fast with your comebacks. But with your 'boyfriend' all Jungkook saw was you being obedient and silent. Since when was Y/N obedient so easy?!
Jungkook couldn't get the sudden feeling in his twisted gut out of his mind. Something's not right here...
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