《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》1.5 The ML Is Now A Beast
Annabell was walking through the hallway to the office with a subtle smile on her face, conversing with Jules in her head per usual. Escaping from her fan club had been easy as none of them possessed the same schedule she did, plus signing up for being a student guide had been the easiest thing ever. Being Miss Greene's favorite had such wonderful benefits. Joining the Newspaper Club would be even easier at this rate.
"Jules, what was it that you said about 'skills' or whatever earlier?"
[ I had remembered it recently. Host has three different types of skills. Innate, which you brought over from your original life and body, Stolen which you gain from your host body, and Bought which you receive from using points to buy them at the end of a mission. ]
"How did you forget all this?"
[ I'm not sure. If I wasn't in your head, I'd forget I was a system. ]
Jules was being completely honest in this statement. If it were a human, it'd likely get lost after seconds of stepping out of their front door, even if they had somehow wandered into the backyard. Brooke had already been too attached to blame her poor system. She'll just deal with its terrible memory for as long as it won't kill her.
"Anyway, could I see these skills? Do I have to open a menu or something?"
[ There is a menu. I'm surprisingly organized. Please wait a moment. ]
Annabell felt her head fill with static, still somehow walking to the office and greeting the occasional late student running through the halls. Finally, a selection screen seemed to pop-up in her head, just like her tasks.
[ System Menu - Please select an option
- Host Status -
- Tasks -
- Worlds -
- Store - ]
She was surprised by the simplicity of the menu, but also a bit intimidated. From what she had learned over the years, the simpler the menu, the more sub menus it had within it. Tedious and way too particular they would make navigating a website suck dick. Too bad this website would constantly be in her head. She assumed any skills would be in [ Host Status ] so she selected that.
[ -Host Status-
Host Name: Brooke Evans
Age: 18
Gender: Female
System #: 137 (Jules)
Current Rank: F
Current Body: Annabell Richards
Skills: 6 [View Details]
Points: 200]
Brooke was about to select Skills when she realized that she had arrived at the office doors. She'd have to check them out later. Planting a cheerful, pink lipped smile upon her porcelain face, Annabell walked into the office and greeted Miss Greene.
"Good morning, Miss Greene." She let out an exaggerated gasp. "Is that a new jacket I see? You have to tell me where you got it."
Miss Greene giggled like she was the same age as Annabell. The girl knew style if she saw it at the very least. "Oh, this old thing? It was a gift from my grandmother. I'll let you borrow it if you want."
"Really? I wouldn't like to inconvenience you-"
The chatting girls were interrupted by the clearing of a throat. Miss Greene couldn't help but subtly glare at Charlotte. Terrible style and terrible manners. Already two marks in her dislike box. Annabell revealed nothing but slight embarrassment by her pale cheeks flushing, giving Charlotte a sheepish smile.
"Pardon me. I didn't know you had business with Miss Greene..."
Charlotte gave 'Snow White' a perfect smile depsite cursing her existence in her mind. She was just as pretty, if not prettier than that girl. How was she being treated with more care and friendliness than her? Another thing that would need to be changed. Or she could just get the old hag fired. "It's alright. You seemed quite into conversation anyway."
Miss Greene tuned Charlotte out and turned back to Annabell with a smile. "Anna, this is Charlotte." The elderly lady didn't give her the opportunity to introduce herself and curry favor. "I was hoping you could lead her around, show how our school works. Along with how to behave here." She spared a glance at the blonde girl, an underhanded suggestion getting across exactly what she wanted.
This bumpkin princess obviously doesn't know how to conduct herself. The real princess should help make an example.
Charlotte burned in embarrassment. Was this hag trying to ruin her whole school experience? As much as she hated to admit it, Annabell was her best bet for becoming the creme of the crop in this school. When she was more popular, she'd kick this princess off the succession line and become the queen. 'Don't make me leave a bad impression!', were her thoughts.
It was too bad Annabell could practically hear her thoughts, or at least have a good grasp of them. It made Brooke who possessed her body cackle like a maniac. You, a queen? In your dreams, blonde bimbo! Ironically, this was the only blonde Brooke had ever not liked. Most of the two people she disliked were bald. Long story.
Annabell smiled at Charlotte awkwardly. "Another transfer student? What a coincidence, I just transferred in a month or two again." Yet the bias had already distanced their statuses to an extreme point.
"Really? I hope you can help me out, Anna." Charlotte gave a sickly sweet smile and Annabell couldn't help but slightly cringe away from her. She was already trying to establish a close relationship by using a nickname. Would've worked on the old Annabell for sure.
The black haired girl made her discomfort and the gap between the two girls obvious with only a sentence. "Please don't call me that. Annabell is preferred as we're in no way close."
Shutting down someone who was used to getting their way quickly was always a comfort. The expression of shock on Charlotte's face could've been made into a meme. Oh god that was actually hilarious. Brooke would take a picture of that and make it the next big thing if possible.
[ Host's request heard. Taking picture...*click* uploading picture to System Database for other Hosts and Systems. ]
"... Since when could you do this, Jules?"
[ Not sure, Host. It just triggered within me. ]
Brooke had already adapted to her little Jules forgetfulness and given up on reminding him of things that she didn't even know existed. If it happened, it happened. Also, when did it become possible for her to use emoticons in her mind? Too many damn unexplained things in this System.
Charlotte, who had no way of knowing this conversation and a picture of her was circulating around various universes at light speed gaining traction, was indignant at Annabell's reply to her attempted connection making. Was she so far up on her high horse that Charlotte didn't deserve a bit of her respect?! What cheek this girl had!
Choosing to ignore Charlotte's pretty face morphing into that of a goblin, Annabell smiled to Miss Greene. "We'll be taking our leave now. I'll see you after school, Miss Greene."
Miss Greene gave Annabell a smile and went back to whatever work she had before the girls had entered the office, Annabell leading Charlotte out of the office to let one of her favorite staff members get to work.
"Annabell, would you mind telling me anything about this school?"
Charlotte had asked this question as the two girls walked down the hallway, Annabell keeping distance between them. This further showed how much the school's princess didn't feel comfortable around the newest transfer. Those in the hallway who saw the two couldn't help but think 'If Snow White, who likes everyone, doesn't like this girl, what must she have done?'.
Hearts blackened and hardened without the blonde girl even knowing.
[ Congrats, Host. 15% of the school now hates the FL. ]
"Already? There weren't even that many people in the halls."
[ People talk, host. It is only a matter of time before gossip begins to spread. ]
Brooke couldn't help but agree with her system. The high school rumor mill was one of those things that once they started, could never be stopped even if you wanted it to. Gossip and rumors were one of the leading things for many high schools anyway. If you knew all the gossip and could make a rumor about anyone, everyone wanted to be your friend to prevent social humiliation or would avoid you with all their might to stay off radar. Victims of a malicious rumor were left friendless and alone. It was truly a dog eat dog part of growing up. It sucked dick to say the least. The Host knew this better than anyone.
"Something about this school?" Annabell let out a soft hum, as if she was thinking. "Well, this school seems to enjoy its nicknames."
"Yeah. Like, I'm called Snow White for whatever reason. I think some people have forgotten my actual name." She laughed, a bell-like sound ringing through the halls. However, the laugh seemed forced. Uncomfortable. Fake. Charlotte picked up on this quickly and haughtily made up her mind of Annabell being intimidated by her. She was right to feel that way.
"Seriously? Is there like a Prince Charming or something then?"
"Actually- Oh. There he is now. Jason!" Annabell flagged the familiar boy down, walking over to him quickly and leaving Charlotte in the dust. The blonde girl couldn't help but be stunned. Both by Annabell's behaviour and Jason's appearance. Calling him a Prince was an understatement. An Emperor seemed to be a better statement. With the way he carried himself with confidence and grace to his very appearance with white hair and striking blue eyes. Charlotte was in love at first sight. However, she couldn't help but notice how his entire posture relaxed at the sight of Annabell. He seemed to become warmer and more inviting. He might've even been blushing. The blonde felt herself burn in jealousy.
Annabell greeted Jason with a cheery attitude, intending on showing off her close relationship with Jason to the fullest. "I heard from Max you didn't go to any classes yesterday." She pouted at the taller boy. "Why would that be? You weren't sick."
Jason scratched the back of his head, noting the closeness of the other girl. He could smell her perfume or maybe that was shampoo. It was subtle and sweet, the complete opposite of the other smells he was often assaulted with. He couldn't help but find comfort in it. "They seemed boring." This earned him a light hit to the arm.
"Boring? I wonder how you keep your place as a top student when tests come along."
"Maybe because I'm just that amazing."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."
The two chatted amicably, teasing each other. It was honestly quite cute. However, the warmth the two emitted together was struck cold when Charlotte butted in.
"Annabell, who's this? One of your friends?"
Jason couldn't help but click his tongue in annoyance at the interruption. Who the hell even was this? Annabell gave him a helpless puppy look which made his heart melt a bit after hardening towards this random blonde.
"Oh, um, sure. Charlotte, this is Jason. Jason, Charlotte. Just transferred here."
Charlotte gave Jason a wide smile. "It's nice to meet you-"
"I have something to talk to you about later, Anna. Usual place?"
"Of course. Room 5 at 3:30. Wouldn't miss it for the world."
The prince waved to the princess before walking off to their shared class, giving Charlotte no chance to even give face. Annabell gave her an apologetic smile.
"He's not very social. You have to forgive his behavior until he gets used to you."
For the first time in their entire meeting, Charlotte actually showed her jealousy outright. "He seemed to be chatting with you just fine, despite it only being a 'month or two' since you transferred."
Annabell only smiled at her before continuing to guide her around.
Throughout the day, Annabell had heard various rumors about why she seemed so uncomfortable around Charlotte along with people's opinion on the girl. She'd also been able to apply for the Newspaper Club and talk to the club manager about her history section, but that wasn't as important to her mission. It had been a secret task though.
The most popular rumor was that Annabell reccognized Charlotte from her old school where the blonde had been a delinquent of some sort. Why that was the most popular, she had no idea. It was utter bullshit though. Before this school, Annabell and Charlotte had never had any interaction with each other.
Another was Charlotte had been rude to Annabell during the school tour, making the girl less enthusiastic to interact with her. This one had spanned from someone overhearing the office conversation of Annabell not wanting the blonde to call her Anna.
There were way too many other ones to count, so Brooke left them alone at the back of her mind. To put it simply, Charlotte's first impression wasn't quite good. The only friend she'd made was her dog-like loyal friend, Sarah. She'd been mentioned a little in the FL's summary that Brooke may have skipped over. If Jules could be forgetful, she could be lazy. Sarah already practically worshipped the ground Charlotte walked on, that was a thing. It was similar to how Annabell's 'Dwarves' acted, but for some reason not as accepted. Double standards or something.
Speaking of those Dwarves, Annabell was in a bit of a pickle. Ethan, Max's older brother and a Dwarf, had taken over her space in Room 5 and seemed to have no intention of leaving. The chair that Jason usually filled was filled by Ethan instead. She couldn't just make him leave, but Ethan couldn't stay in here.
"Um... Ethan?"
"Yes?" The dark skinned boy sat straight up at the calling of his name from Annabell, attention trained all onto her. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.
"Don't you have Boxing Club today?"
"... Then why're you here?"
Ethan was smiling like an idiot and Annabell could see exactly why Maxine called him as such. Couldn't he lose his spot in the Boxing Club by skipping? Should she text Maxine to come get him? She was really lost in this situation.
"To see you of course." Ethan's smile grew even wider. Annabell kind of wanted to hit him for some reason. You skip something you're passionate about to see someone? Isn't that a red flag in a relationship? Should she ask for an intervention for his well-being? Perhaps get his brain checked?
Before Annabell could even say anything else, the door to Room 5 opened, revealing Jason Yates in all his princely glory. He stared at Ethan for a moment and Ethan stared back at him. Casually, Jason set his stuff onto the carpeted floors of the room and brushed his hands against his uniform jacket before taking it off. What was he doing?
Without warning, he grabbed the chair Ethan was sitting in and moved it towards the door with the boy still in it. He then dumped the chair's contents outside of the room and closed the door. Annabell was speechless. Despite the knocking coming from the other side of the door, Jason sat down in the chair like nothing had happened.
The two people in the room were silent, the only noise coming from the incessant knocking on the door.
"... Why?"
"Because I didn't like him being in here."
Jason said it like it was. He had nothing to hide from the girl in front of him in terms of feeling. He had come to terms with his feelings the second he walked into this room. The burning feeling of jealously or maybe rage that had seeped into his veins at the sight of Ethan in here, in their room had gotten to him in a way he'd never felt before. Having Ethan be around Annabell had done the exact same thing. He could sense how uncomfortable she felt with him there and disposed of him. That's all.
Annabell honestly had no idea of what Jason was thinking of. She was still in shock of what had happened barely minutes ago. The black haired girl could only shake her head in amazement. "Well thanks I guess. I really didn't know how to make him leave."
She stood up her spot across the table and walked over to Jason, petting his head. "You did good, but please don't use methods like this again. Ethan could have been hurt-"
"Hm?" Annabell blinked in confusion at Jason. Did he not want her to pet his head? But this worked for rewarding dogs all the time. If he wanted to be a guard dog, she'd pet him like one.
"Don't say his name in here."
Before she even knew what was happening, Annabell found herself pressed against the wall of Room 5, Jason standing above her with a complicated look on his face. Wait, was this like a kabedon or something you'd see in a cliché romance anime or something? Was this even legal in this world? This was in no way Japanese.
"W-why not?" Annabell stared up at Jason with her grey eyes, sparkling slightly for whatever reason. Probably the lighting in this room. Her frame was so much smaller than his, he easily shadowed Annabell and towered above her. She truly looked like a puppy in this situation.
"Do you still not get it? Even like this?"
Annabell shook her head.
"Then I guess I'll have to show you."
Once again without warning, Jason leaned down and connected his and Annabell's lips in a kiss. Her head spun. Wait a second, this was Annabell's first kiss! And Brooke's first kiss! Why is this happening?! What the fuck?! Send help, please! She had no idea what to do in this situation.
Sensing no defiance on Annabell's side, Jason deepened the kiss practically consuming Annabell's lips like they were a sweet treat. There was no doubt that they'd be bright red and possibly bruised when they seperated. They didn't do that for a long time.
Annabell was the one to break the kiss, feeling light headed due to lack of air. Not to mention confused beyond belief. "Wha... What.. Why..."
Jason stared down at her, a predatory look in his eyes. "You don't need to know why. Just know."
Annabell felt like she was going to cry. Don't say cool lines like that after stealing someone's mouth! Apologise to me! This wasn't what she'd expected at all.
"By the way, are you free this weekend?"
[ Congrats, Host! You've passed 2 out of 3 tasks and unlocked another secret task! ]
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