《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》1.6 Weekend Date
Annabell just really wanted to cry. Why had she said yes? Why was she going to be stuck with him instead of at home watching that t.v. series she was obsessed with? And why was Jules just now remembering various important details that she needed to know?
Laying in her bed and trying to suffocate herself with her pillow, Annabell was practically a toddler throwing a tantrum. On the bright side, she'd finally been able to check out her Skill Tab uninterrupted. Those 6 skills had been interesting, to say the least.
[ Skills: 6
Probability Princess [Innate] (S): An ultimate mathematic skill, gives the owner the ability to predict events with 95% accuracy due to exceptional skill in the area. Practically like a psychic ability.
Mischievous Flirt [Innate] (A): The owner of this skill has the ability to use corny pick-up lines with a 50/50 chance of making an immediate friend or romantic interest. "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." - being an example.
Supporting Actress [Innate] (C): A moderate skill in acting, enough to properly take the role of a host body in F through C rank worlds. It can be leveled up through experience.
History Buff [Stolen] (A): Wow, you're a real history nerd. An extensive study of history around the world, almost nothing about the world of the past and present is unknown to this host body.
Sweet Subtlety [Stolen] (B): Along with emitting a naturally sweet scent, the host body can use the world around her to help make suggestions and make them seem like someone else's idea. Makes for the perfect wingman.
Killing Smile [Stolen]: The ability to deal the final blow in a conversation with a sweet smile and poisonous words. It can only be used during a situation where the host is being accused or confronting another character. ]
Weren't these abilities a little too OP for an F-class world? What kind of beast would Annabell have been as an adult? Then again, F-class worlds were supposed to be the easiest. The body being OP made sense. As long as she didn't keep them after the world passed, everything would be fine.
[ Actually, Host, you get to choose one Stolen skill to keep at the end of your mission. ]
"You weren't helpful earlier, Jules. While this information is helpful, kind of going through a crisis right now."
Jules sounded a bit dejected when it spoke. [ Would it make you feel better if I said your post has gained over one million likes from Systems and Hosts alike? ]
Annabell let out a whistle. "A little. How many Systems are there anyway?"
[ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I only remember around 5% of them. Which would be 5,000 Systems with unique numbers and names. And those are just the ones without Hosts. ]
Annabell decided to keep her curiosity to herself at that statement. There were over a million Systems without and probably even more with Hosts. That made her wonder a bit. What were the chances of her sharing a world with another Host? Hopefully, extremely low.
Back to the current problem at hand. What the fuck was she going to do about Saturday?! Sure, it was supposed to just be a movie and possibly lunch, but what if it wasn't? If that kiss from earlier said anything, Annabell touched her bruised lips and shivered, then it could very easily not be a normal date. She still wanted to cry over her lost first kiss.
"Jules, open the System Menu for me."
[ Will do, Host. Please wait for a moment. ]
The familiar menu opened before her again, Brooke selecting the Store option this time. Maybe it had some lip balm or something for her poor lips.
[ System Store
- Skills -
- Items -
- Boons - ]
She chose Items first as something healing was what she was looking for. She ended up skimming through the many subtabs. Storage, Food, Weapons, Clothing, Accessories... Why was there a specific tab for Drugs? Brooke eventually found the Medicine tab and started to browse. Maybe she'd check out the Clothing tab later since she didn't know if there was anything for her to wear.
[ -Medicine-
Pain Relievers (F) (D) (C) (B) (A) (S) 10 to 1,000 Points - Pain relievers for various ailments from period cramps to gunshots wounds to the gut from a machine gun. F-Rank only relives 10% of the pain while S-Rank relives 100% of the pain.
Full Restore (S) 10,000 Points - Restores the body to an even better state than it was originally. It makes muscles stronger, boosts stamina, and can boost regeneration skills.
Healing Cream 100 Points - A simple cream that heals all types of wounds from paper cuts and bruises to a stab wound or two. It does not heal the insides, do not consume. Makes skin softer after use. ]
There were tons of other things like Bone Resetters, Detoxifiers, herbs, but Brooke wasn't looking for any of those things. "Jules, how many points do I have?"
[ At the moment you possess 1,000 points due to passing multiple Secret Tasks. Main Task points are rewarded at the end of the mission, each task rewarding 10,000 points for 30,000 total should they all be passed along with 5,000 bonus points for being a completionist. The amount of points for Main Tasks raises as the world difficulty increases. ]
Brooke let out a low whistle. Points stacked up quickly with missions. She'd be able to buy a lot of stuff after this mission, hopefully.
"Nice. I'll be buying the Healing Cream then."
[ Great choice, Host. Purchasing in progress, please wait. ]
Within a minute, something bonked Annabell on the head and she couldn't help but cry out. She rubbed the place of impact and looked around to see a medium-sized container on her bed, presumably the Healing Cream.
[ Sorry, Host. I was aiming for your hand. ]
"... At least you apologized."
Annabell picked up the container and turned it in her hands for a little before unscrewing the top to reveal the cream inside. She took a sniff and was surprised to smell roses. It was a light smell but it was there. The black-haired girl carefully put a little of the cream on her fingertip and rubbed it against her lips.
After putting it on, Annabell went to her vanity and looked at her reflection with wide eyes. Her lips were no longer bruised, not even a bit of leftover redness from the kiss. They actually looked plusher, having reverted to their original light pink color. This stuff was the real deal.
Returning the top to the container and putting it within a drawer of the vanity, Annabell began to fully think about her situation. Today was Friday, making her date with Jason tomorrow. "Jules, show me my tasks."
[ 1. Become popular and befriend at least ten people. ✔
2. Get the ML to ask you out. You cannot ask him in any way. ✔
3. Make the entire school hate the protagonist. Any method is valid.
Secret Tasks
- Join a club ✔
- Become a staff favorite ✔
- Kiss the ML ✔
- Assert dominance over the FL ✔]
Brooke clicked her tongue. "I swear if one of the secret tasks is to date the ML I'll die."
[ That's dramatic, Host. ]
She stood up from her bed and began to look through her closet, moving through clothes for a short while before stopping at a dress she hadn't noticed before. It was a short, white summer dress with a yellow sash around the waist. It was cute.
Annabell searched through her memories for a bit. She remembered seeing a pale yellow cardigan somewhere. Maybe this was an outfit the original actually had. After being unable to find it in her room, Annabell checked the laundry room before finally resorting to her final option.
Annabell peaked her head downstairs to look at her mother who was lounging on the couch. The older woman turned to look at her daughter curiously. "Yes, Anna?"
"Have you seen my yellow cardigan? I can't find it." She pouted slightly when she spoke, looking a bit miffed.
Her mother raised an eyebrow at her. "Isn't it hanging on top of the door of your room?"
Annabell made a face and headed back upstairs. Sure enough, her yellow cardigan was hanging off of her door. "Thanks, Mom!"
Annabell's mother shook her head. Her daughter must've not been looking hard enough. She saw her put it there to air dry weeks ago and it never moved. Silly girl.
Said silly girl had grabbed both her cardigan and dress and laid them on the bed together. It still felt incomplete to her. What else could it be missing? The dress was cute, the cardigan would keep her warm in the movie theater. God knows how they crank those things up. The cold! She needed tights or leggings. Preferably black ones.
And so, Annabell went rummaging through her drawers like a maniac spewing clothes everywhere. She'd clean up later. Probably. Possibly. Maybe. After a good bit of searching, Annabell found a pair of opaque black tights that fit perfectly. Put with the rest of the outfit, everything came together perfectly. Brooke nodded in pride at her styling skills. It was a bit disheartening that it wasn't one of her skills but whatever.
With everything set up, Annabell moved the outfit to her desk chair and flopped onto her bed with a sigh before thinking of something.
"Hey, Jules?"
[ Yes, Host? ]
"Is it required for me to... Date the ML?"
Jules paused at that, seeming to search through his brain if systems had brains, to find the answer. He finally answered after some consideration.
[ I don't believe so, but it minimizes the chances of the FL recovering. You could always lead the ML on should you not want to be in a relationship with them. However, that isn't recommended. ]
Annabell went silent for a good while, alone in her thoughts. She wasn't interested in Jason. Sure, he was attractive and fun to talk to but more in a friend type of way. Not a romantic partner type of way. Leading him along wasn't something she'd like to do either. She wasn't that type of person. Would she just tell him she wasn't interested? That would be the best way to respect both his and her feelings. But that would put her mission in jeopardy. What if she got punished for not completing it? Brooke's morals when it came to these types of situations were being tested. Before she could slip deeper into her moral integrity, she heard her cellphone ring.
"Who the hell? I'm having a crisis right now." Annabell groaned, picking up her phone and not even checking the caller before answering. "Hello?"
"Hey, Anna."
Annabell was stunned silent at the familiar voice and felt her face flush. Why didn't she check who was calling? This whole situation could've been avoided.
"The one and only." Annabell could practically hear him smiling through the phone. Which wasn't far off because Jason actually was grinning on the other side of the phone. He had just gotten out of the shower after coming home from football practice and was drying his hair before remembering his date with Annabell. Well, more like the details. Since Annabell had recently moved here, she probably had no idea where the movie theater or anything was. Which means he'd have to pick her up. Jason would fully admit that the thought sent his heart into a bit of a frenzy. Okay, it sent his heart into a big ass frenzy. Imagining Annabell sitting in the passenger seat of his car, windows rolled down with her black hair fluttering in the wind...
Jason was only brought back from his fantasies by Annabell's voice from the phone. "Umm, Jason? You still there?"
Jason let out a cough. Stupid teenage hormones. "Yeah, yeah I'm here."
Annabell raised an eyebrow at Jason's strange behavior but shrugged it off. "What were you calling me for?"
"I wanted to get your address so I could pick you up."
"Oh. Sure. It's 1234 Appalachian Drive. Got it?"
"... Yup. That's all. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Mhm. See you."
With all that said, Annabell hung up on him and instantly felt like twenty tons had been lifted off her shoulders. How the hell was she supposed to fall asleep after this ordeal?
Turns out Annabell wasn't able to fall asleep until 6 am and woke up at 9 am. Only three hours of sleep total with predate stress is a pretty terrible combination. The black-haired girl glared at her reflection in the mirror, bags having formed under her eyes. Thankfully, with a swipe of healing cream, they were all gone. Now there was just her sleepiness in general. She felt like she was nodding off through breakfast with her family, well her mother. Dad was still at home office. Which was great because if he saw his precious daughter get into a car with a boy he'd freak out.
As of current, it was now 11:45. The movie would start at 12:30 and Jason was picking her up at 12 o'clock. So Annabell was playing the loudest most annoying pop song she could think of to keep herself awake while she got dressed and got ready. What song is better than 'Friday' by Rebecca Black. Indeed, extreme measures had to be taken to keep herself wide awake. Even with her mother screaming at her to turn it off, sacrifices had to be made. How this song existed beyond one world was a mystery but it was here.
Looking at herself in the vanity mirror again, Annabell applied a light coat of lip gloss and nodded in approval before heading downstairs. She still had a good ten minutes until Jason was supposed to arrive so she settled into the couch to finish up the latest episode of her favorite show.
"So you finally turned off that demonic song, huh?"
"It was a sacrifice I was willing to make to keep myself awake."
Her mother pouted. "Well, I wasn't." She mumbled before finally catching a proper look at her all dolled-up daughter. "What's with you looking all fancy."
"... Hanging out with a friend."
"A boyfriend?"
Annabell flushed red and turned to glare at her mother. "No! Just a friend."
Her mother only grinned. "So he is a boy."
Annabell could only sink into the couch silently. Mother's intuition was way too scary. The true OP characters were mothers. She couldn't help but pray that Jason would text her that she was there instead of knocking on the door.
[ High chance the ML will not do what you wish. ]
"... Jules, do you have a mute feature?"
[ Not until I'm upgraded ^-^ ]
"That was a threat, not an actual question. And tell me these things the second you remember them!"
At exactly 12 o'clock, Jason arrived at the Richard's residence in a white Cadillac, dressed as casually but stylishly as he possibly could. To be honest, he'd wanted to leave earlier but his mother had kept him inside fussing about his outfit and anything else for this date. He could explicitly remember what his mother had said before he left.
"If this date goes well, you bring that girl right home! Any girl that can deal with you other than me and Candice is a blessing!"
Jason felt himself rolling his eyes all over again. His eyes could get stuck in the back of his head with the amount of rolling they'd done today. That could say a lot. After checking himself out in the car mirror, shirt neat, no lint on the jacket, pants not falling down, glasses on straight, he got out of the car and approached the door. The house was averagely sized but the flower garden out front was well-maintained. Jason could only guess Annabell had a stay-at-home parent who enjoyed gardening. With a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
Almost immediately, he heard a rush of noise from behind the door and a struggle and grumbled: "I'll get the door!"
"No, I will!"
"Mom, if you don't MOVE!"
He had half a mind to open the door himself before the door was finally opened to reveal a woman with extremely similar features to Annabell, mainly dark black hair and wide doe eyes. "Oh, so you're Anna's friend. Come in, come in."
Annabell wanted to cry as Jason stepped inside. Jules was right, her prayers had been ignored by the cruel god of fate. Abandoned to have her mother basically destroy any possibility of keeping anymore of her dignity. She had already lost her first kiss, why must this happen too? Screw traveling through worlds, she should've just stayed dead. Annabell did all her silent sulking while putting on her tennis shoes as her mother talked up Jason.
"It's nice to meet you, ma'am."
"Oh, don't call me that. Just Gwen is fine!"
"Alright, then just call me Jason."
'Mom! Don't put him on a first name basis like a son-in-law! Please let me keep a little bit of my dignity!' Annabell screamed mentally. It was too late. Her mother had already been charmed by her daughter's 'boyfriend'. Good looks and good manners were instant checkboxes on her list.
"Are you and Anna classmates?" She asked all smiles.
Jason nodded, a little surprised by the warm welcome. At least he could tell that he'd made a good impression on Annabell's mother. "Yes, we share a lot of classes with each other."
"Really? Well, you're welcome to come over anytime-"
The conversation was cut short by a curt and honest to god whinging voice from Annabell. She was pouting and giving her mother the stink eye. A basic sign for her to shut-up, please. Her mother could only retreat at the sight of that face that reminded of her when her little girl was still a little girl.
"Oh, fine. You two have fun." She fixed Annabell's cardigan with a smile. "Bring her back by 4, Jason."
Jason smiled. "Of course, Gwen."
Annabell made a groan like sound and began trying to push Jason out the door. "Yup, we're leaving. I'll see you later, mom." She said through gritted teeth, finally getting the white-haired boy out the door with a lot of effort. Once the door actually closed behind the two teens, Annabell's mother couldn't help but giggle. Her daughter always thought she was subtle, but she truly wasn't. With her pink face and antsy attitude, it made everything way too obvious. She couldn't help but smile.
Annabell let out a long sigh once she closed the door. "Ugh, I'm so embarrassed. Please don't pay any attention to my mom..."
Jason had a strong urge to pet Annabell's head at the dejected look on her face. She was really too cute. "It's cool. My mom's the exact same way."
"That's comforting." Annabell was still lightly pouting. "What movie are we going to see anyway?"
The white-haired male got a wide grin on his face. "You'll see." Speaking of see, Jason was actually getting a good look at Annabell's outfit now and couldn't help but blush. She looked unbelievably cute. From the slightly low-cut dress to the black tights and sneakers, she looked cute. He felt himself blush slightly.
"Eh? What kind of mysterious answer is that?! Tell me!" Annabell paid no attention to his blush and pushed for an answer. If she was going to see a movie, she wanted to know what it was about. The suspense would kill her the whole car ride.
Jason dismissed her pleading and simply pushed her towards the car with much more ease than she'd had than pushing him out the door.
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