《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 4


Chapter 4: Lost

Truth is,I felt like in his arms was where I belonged, I wanted to hold him like that till the end of time. He smelled so freaking good, I could feel my inner animal stir.

He stroked my back gently,giving me shivers across my spine. I wanted to just burst out and cry, not because I was missing my dad, but because being in that close to him reminded me just how much my wolf's been dying to mate. I just wanted to weep, but I managed to pull myself together. Not wanting to let go, I tightened my arms around him, he did the same and stepped closer to me, closing the little space between our bodies. If he kept rubbing my back like he was, I was going to lose it.

And very inappropriately, as usual, his hands rested on the lower of my back, pulling me closer. Was he even aware what he was doing to me?

I couldn't take it anymore.

I turned my head around, I looked into his eyes. They were enchanting. I could stare into the electric blue color for eternity and still never figure out what it was drew me into him.

We just stayed like that for what seemed like forever, boring into each other's eyes. Sometimes when you look into someone's eyes, it's as though your soul or spirit or whatever it is that's inside, is being molded into the right shape. Somehow with Jonathan, it was beyond that.

He was so right in every single way. My entire body was on fire from staring into his eyes, my wolf was whining relentlessly to claim him in every way possible. I wanted to just go away with him and escape this cruel world that was keeping us apart. His eyes were filled with so much care and concern and...lust?

Unexpectedly,he raised his hand and stroke my cheek lightly,sending volts of electricity spreading all over me. I closed my eyes unwillingly, enjoying the feel of his hand on my skin. I could feel my wolf urging me to just claim him right at that moment. 'Relax you beast...'

The pull was just too much for me to handle. Nervously, I leaned closer to him and he did the same. Everything inside was screaming no, after all, he was fucking nearly married. But how do you resist the one thing that sets your world on fire?

Before I knew it our lips collided. For the first time in my entire existence, I felt complete.

His lips fit perfectly with mine. So soft and tender, turning me on, turning me up, bringing me to life again. I wanted him so badly, and so did my wolf.

He moved his hands to my waist, then before I could even even think of stopping the whole thing, his hands were on my bottom as he lifted me up to straddle him. The kiss was lustful and passionate, it was like we've been waiting for this our entire lives.


He pressed himself further into me, pulling me even more closer. He was really unexpected. You'd think he was all uptight when he was throwing chemical anecdotes to us in class, but god, he could kiss like an expert, if there are kisses-experts.

I wrapped my legs around his him tighter, unable to control the surging desire at the deepest parts of my belly.

I could feel his hard member press between my legs, involuntarily making me moan in pleasure. If I didn't have him right then, I was going to lose my sanity.

His hands traveled under my top to unclasp my bra. He hurriedly laid me down on the couch and cupped my breasts with both his hands. We broke the kiss to breathe and his lips traveled to my neck. He was...amazing!

I was in heaven. The way he made me feel, was so unbelievable and out of this world.

He was about to take off my top when his phone rang loudly...


NO! No... I couldn't have been dreaming.

Shit, I was.

Groaning, I reached out for the alarm clock to stop its annoying ringing. I sighed heavily...

What a dream.

Jonathan... Even his name had my wolf stirring. Beast.

I knew this was not going to stop. With him being my mate, my wolf was going to try everything 'wolfily' possible to claim him.

Now,I was going to suffer from this dreams until I make him mine.

My mom had told me how she experienced the same thing before she was mated with my father, but fortunate enough for her, dad was not his teacher and was not engaged to be married.

I rested my face in my hands,sitting up on my bed. This sucks.

I walked into the shower, turning on the cold water to soothe my warm skin. Events from last night rushed back to my mind.

My mom had found me and Mr Garner hugging last night, but she never asked anything about it. She never talked to me about my father frequently and I guess she must have figured it out that it was about him and didn't want to press the subject. I left my mom and Mr Garner to be alone, feeling like I had stepped over some imaginary line. After all, the guy was just being polite and I didn't want to see him after the hug. I had no doubt in my mind that what I felt last night after the hug was exactly how he felt.

Maybe, I'm just imagining things, after all it was just an innocent hug, but even though he was my teacher and could never look at me that way, I somehow had to find a way to let him know that I'm all his whenever he's ready to make me his.


Shit! This was all just so complicated.

This is all confusing for me, I needed to talk to my mom about all this. I didn't want to involve Jess 'cause I hardly knew her, we'd just met yesterday.

Although my wolf seemed to trust her and so did I, she seemed like a good person and hell, you don't bump into those in this era.

"Charlene you better be up or you're going to walk to school." my mom said from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Actually my friend Jess said she doesn't mind picking me up and dropping me off after school." I replied getting out of the shower.

"But that doesn't mean you 're entitled to be late...breakfast will be ready when you're done." she stated exiting my room, no good morning, no nothing. Typical mother.

I quickly stepped out of the bathroom and dried my hair. Moving as fast as I could so that Jess found me ready.

I put on my ripped dark blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. I tied my hair in a pony tail like I always preferred it and hurried downstairs. My mom was already gone and she left a note saying she'll be back late tonight.

Sitting down for breakfast ,I checked the clock and realized that Jess would be here any minute, so I tried eating as quickly as I could.

I didn't wait long, after I had finished eating, Jess' car was parked outside my house.

"Hey. How are you?" I greeted Jess as I got into her car and closed the door.

"Cool much...and you?" she smiled at me lightly,seeming rather...upset??

"I'm alright. Thanks again for doing this,much appreciated." I said honestly.

"No problem. We're friends now,so..." she shrugged,starting the car.

Whatever was upsetting her,I didn't want to push her to tell me, so I let it slip, we hardly knew each other anyways.

The ride to school was silent,but the sound of the radio kept it a comfortable one.

She seemed so deep in thoughts while she drove, I could tell that her mind was on something important so I didn't want to distract her.

We exited the car and she smiled at me sadly, I wanted to tell her that whatever was bothering her will eventually go away but I didn't think it was right. So I just returned the smile and we walked to class in another dreadful silence. Where was the bubbly girl from yesterday?

As we approached our first class, I noticed Mr Garner passing by the hallway on his way to his class. The dream from last night came back full force and I knew then that I couldn't control myself. If I didn't get away from him,I was gonna do something utterly out of order. We were approaching him, fast, too fast for me.

So I did the one thing that could get me away from him.

"Uhm...Jess,I'll me right back. I have to go to the restroom."

"Want me to come with you?" She asked.

"No its okay, I'll be fine. I'll catch up with you." I said and she nodded.

I rushed to the restroom as fast as I could,getting weird stares along the way.

I found no one in there and I locked the door, pulling my bag off my shoulder and sitting down on the floor with my hands covering my face. I really needed to keep myself together, even though I knew that I've got to have him, I had to accept that it could never happen, so I just had to pull myself together and forget about him.

But I just couldn't help it, the way his presence made me feel was so extraordinary. This really does suck!

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone moan from the last stall.

Cautiously, I got up and walked to the stall, I looked down and noticed a pair of trousers on the floor. Eww...

I quickly ran to the door to pick up my bag, not wanting to distract.

Before I could walk out ,"Do you wanna join us?" a male voice asked from the stall, I nearly gagged at his words.


Unlocking the door I ran out of the restroom to find the hallway empty. Gazing at the time, I noticed I was late for my first class and I didn't even know where it was.

I walked towards the end of the hallway, trying to find my way to class.

Suddenly,the flashback of the dream from last night came back. I knew he was closer than he should be. Damn him. Shouldn't he be working or teaching or whatever it is that teachers did in the morning?

I could feel my wolf instincts shoot up as his now familiar scent hit my nostrils. It was intoxicating. It was like...oxygen. My wolf again was urging me to go find him. The pull was just too strong.

This was going to be far too difficult than i had expected.

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