《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 3


Chapter 3: WTF??

"I...uhm...I tried knocking but there was no answer and the door was...unlocked." Mr Garner said while I just stood at the bottom of the stairs,still wondering what he was doing here. I can't believe I was that deep in thoughts to have not heard him knock.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him,still stunned.

"Oh...me and my fiancee just moved in two blocks away. And I figured since we are gonna be neighbors,I should come say...hi?..." he looked at me eyebrows raised.

"Did you just say fiancee?" that was definitely unexpected. I didn't even know how I felt about that statement,but wait...am I suppose to be feeling anything?

"Yeah...she's currently on a business trip in South Africa." he stated plainly. He then took a few steps towards me, his eyes trained on mine. He could be so intimidating. I was burning under his blazing eyes, and he had no intentions of looking away.

"uhm...do you maybe want a glass of water." I asked him as I walked to the kitchen,trying as hard as I could to avoid his gaze and be as far away from him as possible. I took two glasses and filled them with ice cold water.

Mr Garner must have followed me into the kitchen 'cause when I turned around,he was leaning on the door frame,hands crossed on his chest. I was so edgy that I dropped one of the glasses,caught off guard by his mesmerizing presence. This guy's effect on me was beyond words and I just met him today.

Could he be my mate?? No,No way. I can't think like that.

"Are you okay...?" He walked over towards the kitchen counter, concern perched on his face.

"Ye..ah...I'm okay. Sorry about this." I put the other glass on top of the counter and leaned down to pick up the glass pieces,avoiding his eyes completely.

Bad idea!


He hurriedly came to my side of the counter and held my hands away from the broken glass.

He pulled me up and our eyes met, with my wrist held tightly in his hands and I knew right then, the connection I've been denying to feel towards him was in vain. What The Fuck is this guy doing to me?

"I...don't wa-nt you to hurt yourself." he stuttered,our eyes not departing. When he didn't let go of my wrists, I was convinced that he might have felt the same way as I did and for a second there I felt...right?

"uhm...sure." I quickly took my hands out of his and took a step backwards, breaking the eye contact.

"I'm just gonna take something to clean this up,i'll be back." I turned,walking out of the kitchen and to the closet which held cleaning equipment. I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. This was definitely torturous. Couldn't he have been one of those uncaring neighbors?

I returned to the kitchen to find him standing beside the table,hands in his pockets,was that confusion I saw on his face?

I smiled at him lightly,walking over to where the broken glasses were and bend down to clean them up.

"What is it about you?" Mr Garner asked unexpectedly.

Now that caught me off guard. What is it about me? I don't know, I can turn into a wolf...

Or better yet, I'm your mate,or should I say we are mates. We belong together and the reason you jumped on me earlier was because you had the natural instinct to protect me. Or how about this,I'm the only one who'll ever be able to make you feel whole,loved,wanted and appreciated.

Now,I couldn't say all that,could I?

"What do you mean?" I asked cleaning up the broken glass and wiping the water off the floor.

I made sure not to look at him.

"It's like....I don't know...you are..."He sighed before continuing."Never mind. Do you live alone or..." He asked.


"My mom should be here any minute." I answered, and finished cleaning up. Just then the front door opened. I swear, a weight was lifted off my shoulders that very minute. Being alone with this being was quite dangerous...incredibly dangerous. He was my teacher, he was engaged to be married and I was well, nobody.

"Ah...that should be her." I said heading into the living room,wanting to be as far away from him as possible. I don't think my wolf can handle all this without jumping on him and claiming him on the spot. Mr Garner followed suit.

My mom walked in looking all lovely and motherly in her navy blue suit.

"Mom,this is Mr Garner,he just moved in two blocks away." I told my mom as she approached us.

"Please,call me Jonathan outside of school." he said offering my mom his hand.

"Hi,good to meet you Jonathan,I'm Rosylyn." she shook his hand,then took a sip of water from the glass. His lips...

"You have a very beautiful daughter Rosylyn." he commented,looking at me,I looked away to avoid his eyes. He could be so inappropriate or maybe not.

I can't believe I'm blushing...oh god.

"Thank you..." my mom replied smiling lightly. Jonathan still had his eyes on me, like he was scrutinizing me. My mom is in the room you arse.

"Well,let me go change in my room and I'll be down in a sec." my mom went upstairs and thank heavens she didn't seem to notice his piercing stare on me. I was left alone with Jonathan again.

Why does this have to keep happening? Being alone with him is not a very good idea.

I sat down on the couch opposite to the one Mr Garner was sitting on. I had to keep my distance.

"So...where's your father?" he asked. Presumably trying to break the awkward silence between us.

"He died..." I said it like the words weren't affecting me, making me miss my dad in an instant. It always hurt to think of him. He was like a brother I never had,a friend I can always count on and now he's gone.

"Oh i'm so sorry,I didn't....I just..." he stuttered, the one thing i noticed he seemed to do quite often. Was it because of me?

"It's okay..." I said waving my hand. Truth is,I was not over my dad's passing yet and the topic was making me uncomfortable.

Fuck,my eyes started welling up with tears and Jonathan just sat there,not knowing what to do. I tried to calm myself and he must have noticed.

I chuckled sadly,and he gave me the one look that made me feel like it was right to seek comfort from him. He cared. Not in a sympathetic nor pitiful manner but in a way that made me feel so...important.

He stood up and walked over to me,offering me his hand which I hesitantly took and was now on my feet. He then embraced me tightly in his arms.

Sparks,butterflies,goosebumps,desire,body tingles...what in the world is Jonathan doing to me?

I could feel my body warm up instantly in his arms, I have never felt more at home than right I did in his embrace.

I couldn't help it, I just wrapped my arms around him tightly, not wanting to let him go. He made me feel complete and right.

Being in his arms made my entire body come to life in a way I never even knew existed. My small figure fit perfectly in his big arms.

I knew right then I've got to have him. I didn't know how, but I knew I had to make him mine before I lose my sanity from all this desire burning up inside of me.

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