《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 5


This chapter is dedicated to DemonGirl [She deactivated her account :( ]. My first ever fan. Thank you so much, you're amazing!

Chapter 5: What he does to me

" You must be lost..." why does his voice have to tickle me, he's such a turn on.

Now what do I do? I can't exactly run away and I'm definitely lost.

"Uhm..yeah..." I said turning to face in his direction to find him much closer than I had expected.

"And where exactly should you be?" he asked taking a step forward. I took a step backwards, not wanting him any closer. He must have noticed.

"Are you okay??" Mr Garner asked looking at me curiously. "I should...uhm...be in calculus." I stuttered looking anywhere but his eyes. He stepped closer,again. Did he really have to do that? I step backwards, again.

He looked at me apprehensively again but seemed to wave off any suspicions he might have had.

"I'll take you, just follow me." I followed him silently, trying to keep myself from staring at his ass and failing miserably. Looks like the class was a bit further than I had expected or maybe his presence was just driving me insane. He really did have a well shaped behind.

I'm such a pervert, or no, it was my wolf.

"I didn't get a chance to say goodbye last night, are you sure you're alright?" he asked stopping in his track to face me. I think he must have noticed that I was staring at his ass and I quickly averted my gaze elsewhere.

"Yeah,positive!" I said confidently still not meeting his eyes.

"That's good. Well, I guess I'll see on your next period...the class is second on your left once you've turned the corner." he said pointing at the direction of the supposed class.

I nodded, feeling a bit pathetic not because I was lost, but he was so indifferent. His smile was not reaching his eyes. We were back to being student and teacher again, but I guess we never really were anything else.


"Have fun in calculus." He sounded so fucking formal. I just looked at him passively, giving him my 'whatever smile'.

I walked off without saying anything, brushing past him unintentionally. It took all my will power not to turn around and do the inevitable. My wolf was whining uncontrollably as I walked off. 'Shut up you whiny baby.'

Having spent most of my lifetime surrounded by humans, I've learned to control my wolf exceptionally. But now that I've met my mate, it takes more than what I could ever give to even think without his scent haunting me. It really was difficult.

I walked into class explaining to the teacher what had happened and because I was new, he didn't have a problem. I sat next to Jess and I could still see that something was bothering her.

" I'm sorry I left you." she whispered to me and I just nodded. I was in a noddy mood today.

The class was pretty boring or was it the fact that I didn't like calculus. Was there any class I liked? I took out my scrap book and started doodling. When the lead pencil came into contact with the page, my hand of its own accord started drawing his eyes. His eyes. Jonathan's eyes.

After a very short while, the bell rang signaling the end of the first period, or was it short because I was dreading the next class?

We got out of class, with Jess still quiet,w hat on earth was bothering such an amazing person like Jess?

"Whatever it is, you'll get through it." I didn't even know where that came from but i'm glad I said it. Jess was my friend now and my wolf was starting to really care about her. Trusting her, bit by bit.

"Thanks." she gave me a sad smile and we headed to Mr Garner's class in a very comfortable silence.

I started getting all nervous and shaky, fortunately my nerves eased when he wasn't in class yet.

As soon as we took our seats, he arrived. Looking all sexy in his blue jeans and a cream shirt, which had the sleeves rolled up, exposing his muscles.


I'm so screwed, how am I suppose to control myself when he looks like a sex god? Hold on, what's a sex god?

I swear, teachers should be mandated to wear overalls to work.

I looked down but I could feel his gaze on me.

"Okay class, get your homework out." He commanded in that authoritative voice I love to hate.

But wait, what homework is he on about? Surely we didn't get any homework yesterday. Or....

I wouldn't know, I wasn't even concentrating.

Uh-oh. He's approaching me.

"My guess, you didn't do it." he said, amused I think. And certainly not surprised.

"No sir." I replied still looking down. I was a bit embarrassed. 'The new girl didn't do her homework.' I could imagine all the lifeless twats would find this amusing.

"Detention after school and don't be late, you too Michael." he commanded not sounding as serious as he should. Well, at least it me an Mikey.

He looked really amused, or was I just imagining it?

Class went on at a snail's pace and Mr Garner kept staring at me, I could feel it even though I was looking down the whole time, doodling. His eyes on me were were like blazing heat scorching my body. I could feel my whole body warm up by just a mere look. What is he doing to me? And whenever he'd walk by our side of the aisle, his scent hit me hard.

My wolf was restless. I had to control my breathing to avoid any incidents I would never be able to explain. But he was making it really impossible, smiling, laughing at some stupid student's dry jokes, leaning by the table, his muscles clearly visible, running his hands through his hair whenever some Chemistry geek went Einstein on him. Every little thing he did was captivating. I could watch him, and watch him and just watch him for centuries and maybe even then, I'd never get sick of the sight of him.

Five more minutes and I swear I'm never coming back to this class. Maybe it's time I spoke to my mom about switching schools.

Damn I haven't even been here for two days.

"Next week Monday we'll be writing an assessment test. The test will enable me to spot learners which needs special attention on the subject, nothing serious, so you can all breathe. But I do want to help you and I can't help you if I don't know whether you need help or not. See you guys on Monday. " as he concluded the bell rang.

I tried picking up my stuff on the table as fast as I could, but clumsy as I am I dropped everything.

Why did I have to be so edgy around him?

Jess had ran after some guy when the bell rang and now the class was emptying with students as I tried picking everything up, not wanting to be alone with the temptation.

Mr Garner must have noticed me struggling, why did I get clumsy when I'm nervous? So many questions!

"Clumsy now, are we?" I didn't expect him to be that close when I tilted my head up to look at him, helping me pick up my books on the floor. The guy really needs to stop creeping up on me.

His eyes caught mine when I looked at him. I swear, my whole body was yearning for him, the need to touch him, to feel his lips against mine, to be able to just hold him, lust, body tingles, all these feelings were extremely overwhelming me and at once I just wanted to jump on him and tear off his clothes and make him mine for once.

I wanted him so bad it hurt, but I had to compose myself. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but I think it was just a couple of minutes, until Jess called me from the door. He kept staring at me, not for one second looking away as I hurried to leave the room.

This needed to stop.

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