《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 6


Chapter 6: Kisses in Detention

I snatched my books from his hands, leaving him startled, still staring at me. I exited the class not at once looking back,afraid of what I might do if he kept looking at me like that.

"What was that all about?" Jess asked as I closed the classroom door, heading to our next class.

"Oh so now you're talking." I said the first thing that I thought would get me out of her interrogation.

"Well...let's just say, Will has a way of cheering me up." I presumed Will was the guy he ran to after class. Best male friend of hers I think. Then on the one hand, she was best friends with the entire school.

"Avoiding my question?" she asked after a moment of silence.

"It really was nothing. He was just not happy that I forgot to do my work." I said, unable to explain Mr Garner's reaction.

"Uhhh...so there is something. I can't wait till...oh fuck I forgot to tell you." She looked at me with suggestive eyes. She really did look troubled. Although she was smiling and giggling, I could tell something was off with her.

"Lucas will be driving you home today,I have to go see a doctor. And he'll be escorting you to your classes since he got the same timetable as ours. After this class, I'll be off."

"Why him?" of all the things she said, that was the only thing I could pick out. She was trying to hook us up and it was not gonna work, but I didn't wanna tell her that. Afraid I'd disappoint her. Lucas was another one of Jess' guy friends who I briefly met on the first day.

"He didn't mind when I asked him and i didn't bother asking anyone else. But if you'd like I can ask..."

"No, no, it's cool. Thanks." I said, not wanting to bother her, besides Lucas looked like a decent guy.

We headed to our next class silently. It was quite strange if anything because she couldn't keep her mouth shut the yesterday. This was not the Jess that I preferred. I could still see that something was troubling her.

After class, we said our goodbye and I was on my way to my next class with Lucas, who looked rather pleased to be taking over Jess' role as my 'map'.

"So,what was your previous school like?" he asked.

"Uhm...cool I guess, it wasn't all bad. School is school hey." I really didn't know how to answer that one. Except my previous school was not really your average human-filled institution, half the students and some staff were of our kind, and it although it was normal there, I knew here things were different. Here, people really didn't believe in those sort of fantastical stuff.


"Oh,okay." He said giving me a warm smile.

He was really cute. Dimples and sparkly hazel eyes. But he was not... him.

I spent the rest of the day with him,even went to the cafeteria to have lunch with him. He introduced me to some of his friends and they also were decent people. He was never pushy about anything, if he asked me a question and I didn't answer it, he'd just let it go. He was also incredibly smart, which was somewhat attractive.

I decided then that I liked him...as a friend.

The bell rang signaling school out. Lucas walked me to Mr Garner's class for my detention, he even offered to carry my bag, I was awed. And here I was thinking chivalry was buried.

"So what earned you this detention?" he asked as we approached Mr Garner's class.

"I forgot to do my homework." I replied a little embarrassed.

"Let's just hope you didn't forget it on purpose just so you can spend an hour drooling over him like all the other girls do..." he joked. I chuckled.

"Nah...not me. I'm not like th..." I stopped speaking abruptly when I felt Mr Garner's presence. He was close by, I could feel him.

I got all nervous instantly and my stomach did some serious flips. The effect he had on me.

"You...okay?" he asked looking at me apprehensively. He looked a bit concerned which I found cute.

I just nodded, not wanting to trip over my words. We stood at Mr Garner's classroom door. " So I'll come pick you up in an hour." He asked nicely.

"Sure. That's if I survive that long." I joked and he laughed. He laughed at all my dry jokes, not in any way annoying, but it made me like him even more.

The door opened suddenly.

Mr Garner looked at me, then Lucas. His face fell off instantly and he looked a bit sad, or was it anger? He couldn't be jealous now, could he?

"Sir." Lucas greeted him and he just nodded, still not moving away from the door. He looked like he was gonna murder the poor guy on the spot. Relax human.

"Thanks.I'll see you in an hour?" I asked Lucas and he nodded, handing me my bag.

All this time, he kept his cute smile on. Lucas' dimples were from Mars. He was too adorable. My wolf was not in any way convinced of course.

"Sixty minutes." He said.

"I'll drive you home, so Lucas you don't have to wait for her." Mr Garner stated out of nowhere. He was...off. What was wrong with him?


Looks like I've got myself a possessive mate.

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Lucas said as he walked away a little disappointed.

Mr garner got into class and I followed in, sitting at the very back of the class,

not wanting to tempt my wolf. The thing could get really uncontrollable.

"Is there anything going on between you too?" he asked, trying to sound lighthearted but failing miserably. He was approaching my table.

I couldn't see his reaction since I was looking down but he sounded like he was sad. He was getting closer and closer with each step.

Did he have to get closer?

"Uhm...nothing." I kept my eyes down sketching a random drawing on my scrap book.

"Why did he carry your bag?"

Seriously. I had to roll my eyes at that. If it was any other random teacher, I would have laughed, but I knew how he felt.

But honestly, I didn't like the way he was suddenly all about what I could or couldn't do so I didn't answer him.

"Just...please, I...I-just. Never mind." he turned and walked to sit at his table. This was getting weirder by the second. Where was the other guy who was meant to be in detention with me?

We just sat there silently. He was staring at me,I could feel it. If he could just stop ogling me. Jesus, didn't he realise how uneasy it made my wolf.

The time couldn't have gone by slower...

After what seemed like forever, unable to compose myself for another five minutes,I stood up,packed my books into my bag.

If I stayed there any longer,I was gonna be unable to keep my inner animal calm. At this point, she didn't want to be tamed.

"What are you doing, you still have five more minutes." he said. I did not answer him, I slung my bag on my shoulder.

I headed for the door, not at once stealing him a glance.

"Charlene sit." He warned with his authoritative tone but I ignored him.

As I was about to walk out, he grabbed my arm, causing me to stop at once. He turned me around, pushed me to the door. Hard and yet so gentle. His eyes...god his eyes. He was ready to devour me.

Bad move.

I knew he was not thinking straight, and I understood how he felt. Everything that was happening now was all because he needed some sort of an assurance that I was his. Except I wasn't. Julia was his.

But with the way he was looking at me, every rational thought dissipated.

I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped my bag as he pushed me harder to the door with his hard irresistible body. I couldn't believe he was actually doing this. I wanted him to...badly. But he was not himself.

We looked at each other for a moment, his eyes moving to my lips then eyes, he dropped his hand from my arm, closed his eyes for a brief moment, contemplating his inevitably despicable actions.


Our lips collided.

My whole body suddenly came alive and before i knew it, my arms wrapped around his neck possessively .This was what we both needed.

The kiss that started oh-so-softly was now turned into a hungry one. Our lips were devouring each other, his hands moving up and down my waist, back, stomach, he was everywhere. He pushed me harder to the door. Stopping for a second to look at me intently, like he was making sure that was what I wanted too.

My wolf was chanting in excitement, making me become even more hungry for his touch, his lips, his scent that was amazingly intoxicating. I just wanted to stay like that forever with him. It felt so right in so many ways. But we both knew how terribly wrong this was?

What a fuck up!

He pecked my lips once, eyes still staring into my inner soul. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to scare him away with my dark eyes since my wolf was begging to take control. But I couldn't let it.

He placed his lips on mine but this time, he lingered a little longer. Another peck, then another, the third time he practically chew my lips. He kissed me like I've never been kissed. God, I could kiss him and kiss him and just keep on kissing him...

The way his lips moved with mine was beyond amazing. I roamed my hands on his chest and abs. He was one sexy creature.

He put my hands back on his neck and went back to kissing me, hard. He was so yummy...

His scent caused my wolf to growl a little when my lips moved to his neck.

I could feel him getting all excited and his breathing was getting even more heavier. I knew then that if we didn't stop now, we'd never.

I wanted him so badly, as my lips explored his tender skin on his neck. Can someone be this perfect? I didn't want to stop, I just couldn't get enough of him.

What an extreme fuck up!


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