《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 7


Chapter 7: What he thinks

Jonathan Garner's POV

As I was going through the students' homework, I suddenly felt what I could only describe as a strong electric current approaching, causing my whole body to warm up instantly.

I knew it was her coming for detention. It has been like this since yesterday, whenever she's nearby, I get this warm fussy feeling I can't even put in words. It was quite insane, like I was losing my sanity.

It was strange because I've only known her for less than 48 hours but whenever she's around, I always get this inexplicable desire to hold her.

It was amazing how she made me feel, not even Julia-the woman I'm meant to marry- ignited such a fire inside of me. Fuck I'm such a pedophile. I felt like a fucking twat over the whole situation, but how do you explain something you can't explain?

I stood up from my chair and walked towards the door, opening it, there she was...and what is he doing here? And why am I suddenly get overly protective?

"Sir." I knew his name was Lucas, he was one of my brightest students, but fuck not even his grades could contain this sudden urge to get him away fro her. I'm losing my mind.

I just nodded, not wanting to make it obvious that I was...angry? Angry for what exactly? Who's this girl and what's she doing to me?

She didn't look at me, she always avoided any form of eye contact with me. Does she maybe feel what I feel when our eyes meet?

He handed over her bag which he was holding for her. I wish I was the one who had been holding it for her. Wait? What? I'm not jealous,I know I'm not. Jealous of what exactly? That's it, I've completely lost it.

"Thanks. I'll see you in an hour?" she said giving him a light smile. She really was beautiful. That I could never ever deny.


But there was no way I was gonna let him take her home, not if it means spending more time with her.

"I'll drive you home, so Lucas you can just go home now." I found myself saying suddenly.

Even though she didn't look at me, I could tell that caught her off-guard.

"Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." she nodded as Lucas walked away, all this time keeping her eyes off me.

I moved from the door and walked back inside. She followed suit and went to sit at the back of the class. Before I could sit down, I had this sudden impulse to get closer to her. If there was one thing as fucked up as this, it would have to be how insanely right all this felt.

"What's going on between you too?" I needed to know, the curiosity was suffocating me.

"Uhm..nothing." she replied, taking her scrap book out and sketching some random drawing. I moved closer to her.

"Then why was he carrying your bag?" What? Why did I ask her that. Now I sounded like a five year old.

She kept quiet, not bothering to answer my question, a very silly stupid question.

"Please...I-I...just-never mind." like she would mind? I'm such a fool. Here I am attracted to one of my students while I'm supposed to get married in five weeks.

I went to sit at my table. I really tried to keep my eyes off her, but I couldn't. Who is she? Where does she come from?

She ignored me completely. I felt really bad that I was making her feel uncomfortable, but I was also freaking out too. Nobody has ever affected me the way she did, even though I had just met her.

I tried to focus on the task at hand. Really tried. But who was I kidding, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.


After nearly an hour, she stood up, packing her books into her bag. No no no, she can't go now.

"What are you doing,you still have five minutes left." how silly of me. I was probably creeping her out, I assumed, but she didn't look like someone who was scared or creeped out.

She didn't reply, took her bag and headed for the door.

How I stood up, I don't know. The next thing I know, I was grabbing her arm. As inappropriate as my actions were, the only rationale was that what I felt wasn't made up. That much was evidenced by her reaction when I touched her.

Unable to control myself, I pushed her to the door, forcefully but softly, not wanting to hurt her.

I didn't know what got into me at that moment but staring into her eyes made me lose the last bit of self control I've been hammering since i laid my eyes on her. I swear, she drove me insane. The way I felt when I touched her, I couldn't explain it.

Her eyes lit up suddenly and she dropped her bag.

She didn't seem to mind at all, it was like she was expecting me to do all this to her.

I pushed my body closer to hers. I've been dying to do this. I pressed her against the door, wanting to feel her closer to me. I wrapped my hands around her tiny waist tightly. Boring into her eyes then shifting to her mouth. This was it.

Fuck my engagement. I can't resist this force pulling me to her, urging me to just kiss her and hold her to myself.

She looked into my eyes, then my lips.

For the first time , something inside of me awakened, something deep in my heart that I didn't even know existed. A warm feeling overcame me and I pressed my lips to hers.

I could tell she was a bit taken aback. But she seemed to relax after a few seconds. It all just came naturally.

She didn't push me away but instead wrapped her arms around my neck causing me to get all excited at once. She really had an impact on me.

The kiss was magical, it did not deepen but it was still full of passion. It was like we both needed that. I've never in my existence have I felt so complete and right.

Her lips were just mesmerizing, they fit mine perfectly. So soft and tender, I felt my whole body awaken to her touch.

We pulled apart and bored into each other's eyes, panting from the amazing kiss we just shared. Our foreheads pressed together.

I knew I should've felt guilty and all that, but I didn't. That kiss was no mistake. It was right. She was right. Right in every way possible.

I just kept staring into her eyes, she was staring into mine. I had expected to see in her eyes regret but what I saw was far from that. I saw the girl of my dreams.

"Who are you?" I asked overwhelmed by how she made me feel. I didn't know what kind of question that was but I just found myself asking.

She just kept staring at me, then suddenly broke away from me, opening the door as fast as she can, she ran out. I was paralyzed by her effect that I didn't even bother running after her.

I just stood there, thinking whether I've lost my mind or not?

It suddenly hit me what I had done...

I must be insane.


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