《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 8


Chapter 8: Anniversary

Charlene's POV

I didn't just kiss my teacher. What kind of a terrible person am I? Mr Garner is engaged and I just kissed him.

Why can't I just keep myself under control. I so hate myself right now. I know I should be feeling guilty, but honestly I didn't, not even a little tiny bit. The kiss was right, I knew it and I knew for a fact that he felt it too. But why do I feel like I deserve a slap across my cheek? Not even that would make me feel better about myself.

Damn, I wish I had kept my hormones under control...but wait, he came on to me. So I'm not the one in the wrong here ,but neither is he. In times like this I wish I was human.

Humans don't have mates, or do they? I guess I'll never know since I grew up in the family of werewolfs. Humans choose who they love and who's perfect for them and with us, it's an entirely different story.

God, what will happen when his wife returns. What if he'll blame me for the kiss. I really am confused.

There was only one way out of this mess...switch schools.

I heard a knock on the door, which was the one that shook me out of my trance. I lifted myself from my bed, heading downstairs to answer it.

I was about to approach the top of the stairs when my mom called out.

"Charlene, Mr Garner is here to see you." Mom called as I was about to descend the stairs.

What!! No no no,not now. I can't face him, at least not yet. Think think think.

I ran as fast as my human speed could take me to the bathroom, "I'm in the bathroom, what is it that he wanted?"


I heard them converse for a while before Mr Garner left. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but thank my luck he didn't choose to wait for me.

I must be mad. My mom usually gets back around seven in the evening, surely I couldn't have been thinking about him for that long.

I checked the clock and it was past eight.

What the fuck!

I got out of my clothes and put on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I went downstairs and found my mom making dinner.

"So what did Mr Garner want?" I asked curious.

"He brought your bag. Said you left it behind when you finished your...detention?" The last word was spat out like a venom.

I'm screwed! "Uhm...yeah about that-"

"Charlene! Detention on your second day!" Monster mommy was about to pop and I didn't know how to calm her down.

I opened my mouth to protest but my mom cut me off.

"Are you serious? Charlene, I hope I'm not gonna deal with the same things I dealt with back home." She raised her eyebrows, anger evident in her voice as she yelled at me.

It was things like this that made me wish that my dad was here. My mom was totally different from when my dad was alive. She's living with only a half of herself, the other half dead.

I just looked at her and smiled wryly, wrapping my arms around her.

Surely, it wasn't the detention that got her in this mood, she knew better than anybody that I was never a good student. "Bad day at work?" I asked gently, hoping and praying that she didn't flip.

"I just...tomorrow..." she whimpered.

Fuck! I've been so busy caught up on Mr Garner that I forgot that tomorrow was supposed to be my parents' anniversary. What kind of a daughter am I?


I let her go after a moment of sobbing. I really did miss my dad.

"Why don't you just go to bed huh?" I asked softly stroking her cheek. It killed me to see my mom so vulnerable.

She just nodded and headed upstairs. I knew that tonight she wasn't gonna get any sleep but would spend the whole night crying her eyes out.

I sat down on the couch and went through my photo album, sobbing every time my father's photos appeared. That kept my mind off Mr Garner, which I was thankful for. I knew for a fact that tomorrow I won't be seeing my mom, it was always like this. Whenever the weight of dad's absence hit her, it felt like I was losing her too.

I woke up to find myself cuddled up on the couch with a blanket covering me, the photo album still in my arms. I must have fallen asleep on the couch last night.

I checked the clock to see that I had 45 minutes to get ready for school and I certainly wasn't in the mood for anything today. Specifically not school.

I picked up my phone and texted Jess, letting her know I won't be going in today.

I got up and went upstairs to shower. Cold showers always relaxed me.

After a long cold shower, I put on my shorts and a tank top, heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

My eyes met my school bag and my thoughts drifted off to Mr Garner and the kiss we shared.

Our bond has now elevated to the next level because of it and now it was gonna be hard for both of us to ignore each other's presence.

On the positive side, I wasn't haunted by any dreams of him last night and that meant only one thing...undoubtedly, he dreamed about me last night or should I say us.

I sat down and ate my breakfast and decided to watch a movie afterwards. I watched the second movie while drifting off to sleep. If my mom knew I was skipping school, she would throw a fit, but I couldn't be bothered. I needed some separation from reality.

It was almost midday when I heard a knock on the door. Probably Jess checking up on me since she said she was gonna be here today.

As I approached the door, my assumptions were proven wrong as I felt the giddy feeling I always get when he's nearby.

What's he doing here? I can't deal with him, not now, so I ignored him. Walked as quietly as I could manage back to the living room and pretended not to be home.

"I know you're in there Charlene, just open the door please..." he said from outside the door. "I need to apologize for...yesterday.."

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