《Visions from Volterra》Mira Mood board (with playlist)[Edited:May 5th, 2021]


A/N: Okay The long-awaited list Mood board and playlist. Working on chapter 6 right now ...

Name: Rosemary (Rosie) Alice Auclair Albrecht

other names: Rosie(main nickname from real name)

Mira (prefered nickname from make up name.)

(my )Mira belle-Raphael mainly called her that.Despises it.



mon bébé Rosie-My baby Rosie (by Mother)

mein Liebling Rosmarin-my darling Rosemary (Father)

Mein Herz-my heart(father)

Age:23 (Appears to look younger)

Status: Alive, Human (currently)

She/Her pronouns

Portrayed by: Kathryn Newton /Freya Mavor (The main face claim is Kathryn but I will be using some of Freya's gif etc because they look alike for poses and expressions etc)

Bio(Full one will be edited in later): RoseMary also known as Rosie to most was living in ...At the time she was in college. At one of the local universities, she lived by when Raphael became aware of her. He watched her for a month before he finally decided to take her. After his failed newborn army he had created a few years back he decided to wait until he could come up with a more effective plan. Which finally seemed to be realized when he found Mira. River Had been the first Newborn he had turned and is the oldest of the newborns currently living. River confirmed that she could see the future which Raphael was thrilled about. However, he also realized she was still very powerful as a human. He saw that he was coming trying to run away which proved to be useless because he tracked her with ease.

Raphael also realized it would be simpler if mira would remain human for the foreseeable future until he saw fit.

Rosie was always a quiet strange girl ever since birth...She never seemed to be able to make too many friends. They always seemed to be afraid of her. River was one of her first friends she made despite her small resentment that river revealed her ability she realized in a way river saved her from possibly being on the menu. Later on, she became good friends with Tiberius who was wary if he could control his thirst around her but soon bonded with the young blonde. He found her incredibly kind and made him feel better despite being a ''monster''.Tiberius would often play games with river and her to pass the time either river or Tiberius would bring in an object and hide it somewhere on themselves. Which Mira would always answer correctly...


It also helped that all three share a love of literature and art as well as writing especially poetry. Tiberius or river would always try to steal Mira a new sketchbook once she filled it for her to continue her art especially her sketches.

Power: The ability to see the future. (Extremely powerful even as a human)

Notes: Rosie/Mira has ...a natural talent for art and has many sketches she has begun to collect.

Bff: River (and Tiberius though river and Mira have known each other longer.)

Future BFF...Felix who is her mate Demetri's best friend so he's instantly her BFF ...[Others to be edited in later]

Mate: Demetri

''Your my best friend you're one of the few people I trust with out a doubt''.

''You got me another sketch book''.Mira grins looking on not surprised. Tiberius and river glance at each other before breaking into grins. Tiberius pulls the small sketchbook from it's hiding place inside his coat.

''You will always be my best friend no matter far no matter what happens what is to come...You were my first friend my best friend .We will get through this and see the world...I've seen the future I am sure it will be fine''. Mira to river [Note I do not claim this photo I got it from a lyrics video called Erase you by Catrien ....check it out Artwork by : lost7 ]


Every breath you take by:Chase Holfeder

Wanderer's lullaby (original song by : adriana figueroa)

All eyes on you by smash into pieces

Iris by Diamante(And breaking Benjamin )

Wicked game by: Ursine vulpine ft.annaca

Please set me on fire by:Estelle

Arctic Monkeys -do I wanna know [slowed and reverb]

Halsey -color(cover by living in fiction)

Would anyone notice -Citizen solider

Matt Maeson -Dancing after death

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