《Visions from Volterra》Important :Vote for face claims:[Closed]


So hey guys I just wanted to add a small voting page of who wants who to be the face claim for the following characters:Tiberius ,Atticus,Grace,Raphael ...

Note:Also feel free to add in any people should play certain characters who have not made an appearance in the movies.Like Chelsea ,renata ,afron ,etc

Now I will list some of my thoughts/picks for certain characters but I want you to vote too.I will list a few options however feel free to add you own...

Okay so I have a few ideas for Tiberius which include the following face claims:

Jordan fisher (Number of final votes:3)

Keith powers(Number of final votes :1

Chance Perdomo(Number of final votes: 5)

Keinan Lonsdale (Number of votes:2)

[Any other ideas comment below or dm me ?]

Atticus face claim ideas including :

Chris wood (He's my top pick because um kai duh)

Number of votes: 5

Ben barnes(I have a different character idea for him if he doesn't get atticus )Number of votes :4

Any other ideas please comment

Raphael face claims ideas (Note I haven't added an age limit for he physically can appear between the age of late 20s to forties...Also he is of latino/spanish descent but I haven't add any further information yet ideas for face claims include:

Pedro pascal ? # of votes: 6 ()

Adam Rodriguez [Ignore the gun in the holster] # of votes: 5

[Insert and other ideas please comment below]

Diego luna was a request and the winner at 9 votes.

Grace faceclaims ideas{Now nina's my top pick but other ideas are well come please comment below }:

Nina Dobrev

Other ideas list below...

A/N:Okay guys I am Putting this out there I want the readers to be involved with certain faceclaims. So don't forget to comment below!

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