《Visions from Volterra》8/7/20 update


Hey guys is cat sorry its been a while I've had a lot going on lately .One things in about three weeks I will be going back to school(online) which should be my final semester of school.Anyway I am taking night classes so in the beginning or the first two months updates might not be as frequent as I would like however I have been trying to do longer chapter for example chapter 5 is a long a waited chapter where things are getting more interesting I been trying to build characters up a bit more.You will be introduced to more new character as well as a longer chapter right now the word count is over 4,000 words so I'm pretty happy with it .I am gonna try to get it done by Sunday but at the latest Monday. However I've been kicking myself in the butt so it could be done by Saturday night eastern standard time .Although that is a huge maybe...

Oh also I will be focused on pet sitting for my neighbors who are going on a small road trip for a week .So I will be distracted so fair warning! Oh and as I've mentioned before I had posted below that anyone that wants me to add them as a cameo like a feeding victim or a guard or a nomad ,etc.Was to either comment or message me well I got a few requests ...but they were from friends so I put them in the story which you will see .

-Anyway stay safe one big hugs Cat

Also quick mood I've been having for the past couple of weeks...

Oh also important life update I adopted a plump baby who green and is technically fifty years old but is an adorable little pumpkin.Yeah that's right I finally got The Child plush. I've been wanting one...so I got one...and pillow and t-shirt and thermos...I don't have a problem.

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