《Visions from Volterra》Chapter 5 Falling into place...[Edited : March 1,2021]


A/N: Without further due the long-awaited chapter 5...


Song 1-Des Rocs [Used to the darkness]

Song 2-Welcome to the fire by willyecho

Song 3-Low roar [patience]

Song 4-Gravedigger by Blues Saraceno

Song 5-Red[The war we made]

Warning: Some minor adult language also possible trigger warning will briefly involve harassment mental and sexual.


Aro tells what he saw to his brothers who look on with similar emotions. Marcus had a sad expression though he had smiled a bit when aro went on to describe river and Mira's friendship. But he was mostly sad for poor river. They had lead such a tragic life which made him glad that they had found happiness with Mira and also decided to join the Volturi. Caius on the other hand was furious when he heard what happened to river. Even though a little while ago he was fully prepared to kill them. Now hearing a bit off their life he felt something he rarely felt...Pity.Though he had occasionally found himself enjoying the suffering of others he found himself pitying Them.

River didn't seem to deserve harm...Aro perked up as he spoke next,'' As I was telling you about river's memories I experienced I remembered something important''.Aro said the last part with a serious tone. Caius and Marcus looked on with interest Caius spoke,'' Then what would that be brother''.Aro looked on with concern with a faint smile crossed his lips,'' Well ...it looks like...we will be needing to contact the Cullens''.

Meanwhile back in America...

Mira's pov:

Raphael roars with rage he kicked some of the nearby trash cans. He was furious I had told him river went hunting but as a day turned to two he figured out that river decided to run off. He was so furious he took his anger out on two of the newborns. He's mainly annoyed because now he has to rush his plans. His main objective is to take over the land his main goal was territory however his mate Selena was killed by a rival maria who has created newborns in the past for territory. River uses to watch me mostly to keep me from running away even though river and I are friends they mainly did it so I was safe in case any newborns came after me. Raphael screams,'' That traitor how could they leave ....''.Raphael then pauses before looking at me with a sinister expression. He sped up to me,'' Where are they look I want to know where they went ''.I stare up at him in horror,'' I ...um...I can't ...''.I begin. I froze as I see a vision. Raphael seems to notice,'' What is it what do you see''.He demands. I stare in disbelief then faintly smile at him before speaking,'' River is in a field in forks Washington by the Cullen coven ...they ...''.I pause before continue gulping slightly,'' And you are there with the army''.

Raphael stares deadpanned before he bursts out laughing and smiling,'' Ahh so it looks like we will start in forks instead''.He clasps his hands together in an excited manner,'' First the Cullens then I'll go on from coven to coven then lastly once I'm all-powerful ...the Volturi ''.He says with a chuckle when he says the last part. Raphael's back is facing away from Raphael so he can't see as I see more. The vision progresses and I see the events in full. I keep my face neutral and simply reply,'' Right...master all will go as I've seen''.


River's pov

Felix was helping me get settled in my room we had started discussing what to do about Mira. And how to help her. We've begun to think of how Mira would be rescued. Raphael had her most of the time watched by myself but he would be watching her or having one of the other few newborns that he trusted to do so...Atticus and Grace. They were one of the oldest of the newborns he keeps because they seemed to have the most self-control and understood how important it was to keep Mira alive. However, they relished in mentally harassing Mira it was one of the few things they knew they could get away with. If anyone physically harmed Mira death would almost be immediate. Usually, they left her alone when I was there. Ever since I left I dreaded what they would do to her. Another reason I was so concerned was that Atticus and grace were also some of the few members of his army that had abilities. Before I came along Raphael didn't know exactly how to find humans that could be useful.

That's where I came in handy ...and with my ability along with Mira's gift we were outstanding members. I would find a human and take Mira to look into their future to see if they would make a good member of the army. However, we also would see if they would be missed which Raphael was rather pleased within the beginning he was sloppy if Mira and I hadn't been ''found'' or saved by him as he likes to say then he would have been discovered by the Volturi. Out of the army only myself, Mira, Atticus, grace, and about five other members have abilities however four of them have either been killed or fled. Only Tiberius has stayed not because of how loyal he is unlike Atticus and grace are ...but because out of all the newborns Tiberius is one of the few newborns that has become a friend and alley. Although he did have trouble at first controlling his thirst I helped him overcome it. I hope Raphael is desperate enough to let him help watch over Mira alongside Atticus and grace.

I explain this to Felix to listens with intensity. I begin to continue when there is a knock on the door. We both turn and say simultaneously,'' Come in''.We glance at one another then chuckle before our attention goes back to the door. The door to my new bedroom is opened and in pops, Demetri looks around before resting his eyes on us. A small smile forms on his face as he comes through the door closing it behind him. He walks into the room and up to us,'' So what were you two discussing if I may ask?''.He says he stops to stand beside us he folds his hands behind his back his posture is perfect. He is wearing all black I didn't have time to take notice since well I kind of was a temporary prisoner when I first arrived. He is dressed well like all the Volturi are I guess that's one of the perks of the job unlimited access to wealth they had accumulated over the centuries. Felix had briefly described that there were perks to living here however it depending on your rank, For example, Felix usually wore grey which meant you were of lower status however Felix was an exception. He was the strongest of the Volturi guards the second was Santiago who usually wore a black cloak however he was technically lower position however he was a favorite guard to cauis he would send him on missions he ordered. He planned on sending him to Washington state while back to take care of the problem they had however that was solved. A human had been involved with a vampire however he did turn her in the end. Had he not done so caius would have sent a hunting party.


Felix turned to Demetri smiling,'' Oh we were beginning to discuss what we should do about Mira how we should rescue her. At Mira's name, Demetri looks to me to see what I suggested.''Okay, let me tell you what I was telling Felix''.I said Demetri nodding with an intrigued and intense expression. I then retell Demetri everything that I told Felix and where I left off before he arrived.

After I stopped Demetri looked concerned at the mention of Atticus and grace.''How dangerous are they? Would they hurt Mira...''.He says with a concerned expression on his face. His hands come from behind his back and go to his sides they become tense as do his shoulders. I give him a reassuring smile,'' She will be fine..physically at least I know them they will probably mess with her mentally but with Raphael moving soon especially with me beginning gone if they are smart and have a will to live they won't do anything''.I say this moving my hand to rest on Demetri's shoulders which eases up becoming less tense. Though he seems still very concerned he seems to a little more at ease. The three of us begin to discuss more possible weak points and who should dispatch who. Felix wanted to take on Atticus and grace particularly Atticus who he seems the most annoyed with. Not only was Atticus mentally tormenting Mira but he was toeing the line with Mira sexually harassing her when he had the chance and threatening her if she said anything luckily he stopped when I started watching Mira more...and ...I may have also threatened to rip his junk off and throw it in a fireplace if he didn't stop.

Which he prompted quit harassing her...unfortunately some of the female newborns weren't as lucky. Raphael either didn't notice or seemed to care since he never even brought it up. Another reason Demetri has claimed Raphael as someone he wants to take out however he also really wants to help Felix with Atticus. Demetri became furious when I said what Atticus had done not just to Mira but also to the other newborns. He seemed rather disgusted with him,'' We all may be vampires...monsters even but god we aren't monsters...we do need to have some morals. We may drink blood and ...sometimes torment humans a bit but we draw the line at sexual assault!''.Demetri said with a mortified expression which Felix shared. Felix was just as appalled as Demetri was,'' Indeed ...not cool ''.The tall guard replied shaking his head. His mouth curled into a disgusted expression.

I nodded my head in agreement before folding my arms to my chest then smiling,'' They'll get what's coming to them ''.I assure the boys who nod in agreement.

Suddenly a knock at the door before a young girl which river had been told by Felix was Jane. She was appeared very young to be turned physically maybe 15 at the least but the oldest couldn't be more than 16 years old. She was beautiful like all vampires but her youthful appearance made her even more lovely. However, as described by Felix is someone you do not want mad at you. Jane walked into the room with a neutral expression she didn't bother asking if she could come in after knocking ...frankly she seemed like she could care less. I smile to myself and think what a boss ass bitch move. Jane comes swagging in before stopping in front of the boys and me I.''Masters want to see you all they have begun forming a plan but they want you all there especially river since they know Raphael and the army well''.Jane says with a smirk on her face. She glances at me accessing me. Jane moves her eyes to access me from head to toe before cocking a brow and lightly nodding in an approved manner.''Anyway, masters want river to get changed then head down''.She says speaking directly to me. She hands me a pile of clothes and on top a small box.I hold it staring down at the clothes before Jane beckons the boys to follow her,'' We will be waiting outside don't take too long''.She says as they all leave the room. Closing the door behind her...once the door is closed I walk over to the bed and place the clothes down. And pick up the box opening it...

Inside is what I had already known was inside...

I smile then take it out of the box before placing it around my neck. Before I quickly take off my old clothes. And place than the side of the bed folding then away in one of the empty drawers.

Then I grab and glance at the new clothes. I sigh in relief when I look at the clothes. They are exactly my style. Though I keep on my old jewelry.

I was afraid for a moment that I had to wear a dress and heels I only have wore a dress once ...never again...never.Anyway, after that I put on the new clothes and grab the cloak which was a very dark cloak it was almost as dark as the trio which from what I had heard from Felix means aro,caius and Marcus must have decided to place me in a very high position. I smile grabbing the cloak and heading to the door which I open and head out of. Jane and the boys are waiting outside like Jane had said they would. They all turn then all access my new look. They all give very pleased/approving looks. Felix speaks up first,'' Wow river looking good short stack''.He says with a pleasing smile in a flirty tone. If I could blush I would be blushing right now...I tsked,'' Down big fella''.Before smiling at Felix. Demetri simply smiles and nods in approval. Jane looked at my new look in approval. But she seemed annoyed with Felix,'' Okay you two quick flirting we need to head down''.Jane says the boys and I nod in agreement before turning down the hallways before speeding down with our inhuman speed to the throne room door. We stop just at the door I finally put my cloak on before adjusting the Volturi crest.''Alright ...let's figure out a way to help you, Mira''.I say to myself. As Felix opens the door along with Demetri. Jane moves ahead leading the way. I quickly follow behind her as the boys close the throne room door.


No one's pov [Mira scene]

In an alleyway in an isolated and unused section of Las Vegas. A young frightened Mira sits on top of an old couch. She anxiously shakes her right foot ...she stops and stares off into space if anyone were to see her it would just appear she was staring off into space or daydream but as her friend, Tiberius drops down from his watch post he knows she just had a vision. Tiberius Was always a handsome young man even before he was turned. But he wasn't just a handsome face he was very clever. From a very early age, everyone around him knew he would grow up to be a very intelligent man. This is why no one was surprised when he got into several major universities. However, he learned that fate or...some people who thought they could choose people's fate someone like Raphael who made river and Mira like many other times choose someone. Unfortunately, it was either choose a woman who Mira had seen was unknowingly pregnant 2 months to be exact or choose Tiberius both had great possible futures. It had been an agonizing decision one Tiberius, in the beginning, resented Mira and river for choosing him in the end. But this angry towards them didn't last long. It was quickly focused on Raphael who he quietly grew to resent. This is how he became so close to river and Mira in particular through their mutual disdain for Raphael.

Tiberius was very tall and muscular but a bit lean. He had warm eyes even as a vampire. When he was human he had dark brown eyes ...And his hair was curly ....He was always well dressed for a young modern man he had a bit of a sweet spot for vintage clothes. He had smartly dressed in a suit with a trench coat and a nice scarf as well as black leather gloves which he didn't need because he was cold. But wore for fashion most of the clothes he uses to wear as a human he now wore as pure aesthetic ...the outfit included a ring and necklace that had been in his family for generations. He had grown up in an upper-middle-class family. The son of the first black child in a nearly an old wealthy all-white family in New York. He had grown up hearing all the stories of his relatives including the mystery of a missing relative. He vividly remembers her picture hanging in the halls of his family home with a small memorial. Lost but not forgotten he still had a small album that held pictures of past and present.

Tiberius slowly approached his friend who twirled her ring on her right hand then moved to the bracelet that she wore that same side. She gently touched it for reassurance. Before she looked up snapping out of her vision. Mira stood up from her seated position. Tiberius rests a gentle hand on Mira's shoulders.''What is it a mouse?''.Tiberius asks in a worried tone a frown appears on his face. Mira looks deeper into her vision seeing the full vision before snapping out of it. She looks over to Tiberius a slightly relieved expression before she looks around to see if anyone might be listening in.

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