《Visions from Volterra》Official playlist for Visions from volterra[Edited:March 11th,2021]


A/N: Hey guys I made an official playlist on Spotify of all the songs. Including mira and river's mood board/playlist, however, a few of the songs from the book aren't in the official playlist. I will update the playlist with each chapter...Speaking of I am working on two new pages one will be chapter 6 and the other will be An official introduction page for a certain coven we've heard a bit about already. Also, I will be going back and re-editing any mistakes I made with the first couple of chapters...This is the firsts round of editing the last bit will be when I finish the book. Oh and do not forget about the face claims for the characters I've only had a few people vote. Though I am aware that most of you guys don't care who is who. And you just love that I've been adding chapters. I'm not gonna just disappear unless I give you a warning like if I am busy with school. Anyway Comment and vote! And don't be afraid to comment just to say hi or tell your theories what do think will happen in chapter 6 and the chapters to follow.

*Gif:Me trying to write Vs. Adult Responsibilities*

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