《Visions from Volterra》Official cover art :Visions of volterra
Chapter song: Way down we go by kaleo
Author's note :Official watt pad covers I created besides the other one ...Here is version 1...
Here is the second Cover I did...All of them I created via Canvas. But fair warning they are alright.I really wish I knew someone that could make cool cover art/fan videos/trailers.Even though I know how to edit I can't edit at the moment because I trying to wait until I can get one of the good editing software.
Okay guys besides the cover art I just wanted to let you know chapter 6 is coming along its at 5,000 words .Also hint hint it will introduce a new coven.What I liked about the movie was it introduced there there were other vampires not just on the Cullen side but on the volturi's side for example the witnesses like the french coven.Or the random nomads that were in the back ground.I like the idea of imagining my own versions of coven so my coven will explore more of the world.Also comment below I still include readers as small cameos I've had a few people so far.Especially since I added in this most recent coven and I am planning on adding more covens (for a more minor role) and nomads in.Oh and I am also working on a new imagine which is almost done its a little short I might make a part two .Also I am gonna do a part two of a previous imagine from that book.
Twilight Neverland
A world without words — is a dull one. Words brought about communication. It brought forth harmony and conflict. For a world to exist without it, it would bring about melancholy. There would be no noise. Zachary Ashworth aspires to be a brilliant author one day. However, one problem lies ahead of him. After years of desiring nothing but to shun out people and their noise, he can no longer see the world, for it’s only colorless. "A wish for faint light. A wish for greater blight. By the by, do you crave desire?" Said the faceless man hanging from the ceiling. This was a story for a wonderland. Cover and Art Illustrated by Hayato Noda
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