《Visions from Volterra》The Canadian coven(Or the rafferty coven)[Edited:march 3rd,2021]


Author's Note: Chapter 6 coming soon...Just need to add music mainly. I also will be doing the final edit of the face claims so vote vote vote And don't forget to comment seriously! Also, I will say this now chapter 7 is over 7,000 words so it's long. Any Canadians in the comments?!

The Rafferty Coven theme: Death don't have no mercy by Delaney Davidson And Marlon Williams

Former members of Raphael's army (Bonus plus Margret who was given an honorary coven title...she would have joined if she had not been killed). The coven has now grown to include new members...

Anson Mount As .... Alden James Rafferty, he is dependable, conventional, and down to earth. He is also laid-back, organized, and non-judgmental. He prefers to have a well-defined role. He was born in the 1970s making him around Seattle Washington to hippie parents... he was in his 40s when he was turned. He has since grown out of his newborn ways. Even as a newborn however it was clear he had the extra ability of self-control. Which everyone in his coven seemed to gain as well. Alden was coming home from ...when he was abducted by Raphael who brought him to river and mira who determined he had potential. Raphael then painfully turned him against his will. He worked as a Carpenter ...before he was turned and has been using that to build a permanent residence for themselves.

Though they travel as nomadic coven they do have plans to plant roots down in a spot they found. However, the threat of Raphael and the army has them moving... Alden is the strongest member of the coven. And is the unofficial leader of the coven acting as a father like a figure. He has super self-control and can shapeshift he can make Himself and another look like others however he mainly uses his ability to blend in better...If they aren't on the animal diet he will use his ability to change his eye color to either gold or a more natural eye color. He also uses it when he needs to on his coven mates. Also another reason Alden has grey hair when he was turned he willed himself which worked with his ability to not want to change himself...which caused his grey to stay. When Alden and the others met the nomad who was a former member of the Volturi he was taken aback by Alden's power because of how practical it was.He joked that Alden and the others had such unique gifts that they shouldn't be surprised if Volturi visits them one day and extend an invitation to join them.


Ciara Bravo as... Margo (Formerly Sherry which is the birth first name she started using her middle name margo which she has always been more comfortable being called )the youngest member of the Canadian coven. And was the youngest turned she had been a runaway from an abusive home her mother had been a prostitute while her father was a deceased criminal who overdosed on drugs. Her mother was selling herself for her next fix with help from her boyfriend who acted as her pimp. The last straw for Margo was her mother was convinced by her boyfriend that margo should get involved in the ''family business''.

Which made Margo pack her bags and run. She had been on the streets for two months before being turned. And was coping well with living on the street she had come up with a plan to continue in school then try for college through scholarships. However, Margo meets the wrong person on the street...Raphael debated about turning Margo. He thought she was too small and weak to be part of the newborn army. It was mira and river who convinced him to spare her pleading that she should be turned and not killed. Margo appreciates to this day because had she never been turned she never would have eventually met her true family which included the parents she always dreamed of Alden and Anne. As well as the brothers she never had Gil and Henry.

Margo like the rest of her coven has self-control but also can...Mental and physical manipulation she can use just her voice to stop someone in their tracks and combined with her quiet stealth making it lethal as she can sneak up and use her ability to dispatch an enemy. Her ability includes being able to move people with her mind or physically with a wave of her hand. (Which Raphael was impressed by and which confirmed that he was right to trust mira and river even when he was in doubt. Margo is naturally quiet which helps with her ability making her rather lethal. One of the many reasons Raphael was very angry).

Justin H. Min as Henry Rafferty, One of the members who ran away from the newborn army. He told Alden and Margo that they should head to Canada. Because it would be the last place, Raphael, Atticus or grace would go. Henry also knew the territory since he is Canadian. He had been a student studying when he was turned. Henry is the fastest of the coven and tends to use this to help them catch any human/animal prey when hunting. He was born and raised in Ontario, Canada by Korean parents and is the second eldest son of five children. He traveled to the United States to work as a medical student(Specifically in pediatrics). Which he has continued to do practicing his work as a young doctor working in small clinics around Canada. Next to Alden and Anne, he is the biggest supporter of turning to a more vegetarian lifestyle. He is one of the only members who has never broken his diet accidentally. He has only broken it a few times on purpose to keep in control of his thirst but would immediately go right back to an animal diet. He has super self-control and enhanced super speed. He also has the ability of the elements mostly fire however it appears that he is slowly gaining control over other elements ...He had become very close to Margret who only had control over water. He wants revenge for her death and is eager to do anything it takes to stop Raphael.


New Members

Kate Mcgrath as Anne Rafferty(Maiden name unknown)... mate to Alden, She was born and raised in...England it is unknown when she was born as she likes to keep her age to herself but she is over one hundred years old. Physically is ...29 years old. Anne had been turned by an unknown creator who told her the basics then left. Over the years she was bitter about her existence especially when she discovered she could not have children. As a human, she had been a widow young and had two children that were taken by her in-laws while she worked as a servant. After she was turned she realized as a monster now she could never see her children again. Which made her resentment grow even more, however over the last year she finally seemed to find happiness when she meets and fell in love with Alden a newborn who had fled their creator. Without hesitation, she joined his newly formed coven in Canada. There she fulfilled a long-awaited dream...not only to be a wife again but a mother. Which she found in unofficially adopting Margo a girl physically no younger than 15 but mentally more mature. Anne has self-control like the rest of the coven. Most of the coven have slowly adopted animal blood into their diet to help this control grow but also to gain a lower profile. She also can control the weather which comes in handy to control the weather to remain normal. Which is very cloudy and cold.

Bill Skarsgard as Gilbert (Gil is his preferred name or Bertie)is the newest member and is still the wild card of the Coven. He is still adjusting to the transition to animal blood which he dislikes and ''Accidentally'' slips up the diet plan much to Alden's annoyance, however. Other than that Gil and Alden have a pretty strong relationship Gil seems to respect what Alden has created. And was intrigued with the idea of joining a coven after so many years traveling alone. Gilbert has gained the ability for self-control however as he is the newest member it is much lower than the others. Gil seems to be enjoying the family dynamic of the Rafferty coven. He views Alden as a father figure and Anne as a mother. While he views Margo as the little sister he never had. He is closest to Margo and is very protective of her. He can manipulate the mind/Persuasion it's similar to Heidi's gift.He acts as the main fisher when hunting. He has a way of charming/luring people to him. Although he can control when he uses it so that he can build actual relationships like he was able to do with his new family.

Margret (Honorary mentions)Lastly Margret was technically never an official member but they gave her an honorary status. She was going to join them in Canada but got caught. And was eventually was executed by Raphael who made ''an example'' out of her. She could control the element of water. It's unknown whether if she lived that her ability would have grown. Margret had a close friendship with Henry who could mainly control fire. Henry has never confirmed it as he usually changes the subject when asked...but he may have had feelings for Margret. He also seemed to be developing feelings... it's unknown if the relationship would have become something if it grew.

Portrayed by: Lucy Boynton

Edited :March 3rd, 2021 Spelling and grammar checked .Again any questions please comment below.Reminder chapter 9 will be done soon...

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