《A Glitch In The Matrix》12: Friends on Kamino


Evie ducked as a laser went right over her head. She shot the offending droid, before returning to Kenobi's side.

"General", Cody called. "There's too many of them! We have to retreat."

"Very well, Cody", Kenobi said, about to call the order to retreat when a branch from a tree started falling. Neither one noticed it, so Evie took it upon her to shove Kenobi out of the way. She fell to the ground and a heavy weight hit the back of her legs. She cried out, pain spider webbing up her legs. She tried to move, but that only caused more pain.

"Cody, cover me!" the general yelled. Evie felt the weight being lifted off her legs, but in doing so, it caused her more pain. She felt herself being lifted up by an unseen force and found herself being placed back in the gunship for protection. She grunted in pain as she was placed on the floor. Her legs shifted as the gunships took off, and she cried out in pain. Something poked her neck, and she found herself drifting off.


Evie sat up, gazing around her whereabouts warily. She froze when she saw a familiar creature as well as clone medic.

"Am I back on Kamino?" she asked quietly.

"Yes", the kaminoan replied. "You were severely injured in battle, and required several months to heal."

"Months?!" Evie nearly shrieked. "But... do my brothers know what happened to me?" she asked, her eyes wide with worry.

"If you are referring to CT-5555, and CT-1409, then yes, they have been made aware of your circumstance."

Evie sighed in relief. She knew that they would've told Rex the minute they could.

"Now that you awake, it is time to test your mobility", the kaminoan said. "Please try to stand up."


Evie brought her legs over the side of the cot, only to pause when she remembered how badly injured she had been.

"If you are feeling any pain, perhaps it would be best for you to lie down", the kaminoan spoke. Evie shook her head.

"I'm fine", she said. "I'm fine. Just... remembering how this happened." With that said, Evie stood up and almost immediately, her legs buckled underneath her.

"Easy there", the clone said as he helped her back to her feet. She sat back down on the cot. "It'll take a while for your legs to get used to walking again. We'll set a schedule for you to walk around with two clones every 4 hours for 1 hour. 3 times a day."

"Will the clone be medics, or just regular troopers?"

"Cadets, actually. There are a couple of them here that could use the time to reflect on some actions that put several others in danger."

Evie scoffed. "I doubt they're worse than how Domino Squad was."

"That is true. They're not that bad", the clone paused. "Wait, weren't you part of Domino Squad?"

Evie chuckled. "That I was." The door opened and Evie saw two cadets standing there.

"Ah, you guys are about to graduate, aren't you? Faced the citadel challenge yet?"

"No, sir!" they both said, standing at attention. Evie snorted.

"Don't bother pretending you're not troublemakers. I already know you are", Evie smirked.

"How'd you know, sir?" one of them asked as they approached her. The kaminoan left the room, leaving only clones in the room.

Evie smirked. "My squad was one of the worst troublemakers out there." The two cadets glanced at each other. "That and he told me."

She gestured at the medic, who was snickering. She was reminded of Rex, and she shook her head.


"So, are you guys ready to help me walk around? Get me used to my legs again?"

They both nodded, and helped her up. She stumbled, but they studied her. "So you guys got names yet, or do you still go by your numbers?"

"We got names. I'm Chip, and he's Poker."

"I'm Evie. How'd you guys get those names?"

Poker sighed. "I like poking buttons even if I'm not supposed to. I've set off a lot of false alarms."

"And I'm Chip, because I always tend to chip in whenever he gets into trouble."

Evie chuckled. "Want to hear how my squad got their names? One of then was named Droidbait."

As she discussed her squad with the two cadets, she didn't notice the wrinkled hunched over clone following behind them until he called her name.

"Evie!" he called. The female clone looked over her shoulder and her face brightened.

"99!" she cried. Chip and Poker helped turn her around, and she looked down at the clone. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, Evie", he said. "Are any of the others around?"

"Nah, they're still fighting as part of the 501st. I'm only here cuz I broke both my legs and can't quite walk by myself yet. Hence the escort."

99 smiled at her. "How are they doing?"

"Fives and Echo are fighting well", she said.

"What about Hevy and the other two?"

Evie's smile dropped. "All three of them died on our first assignment on the Rishi Moon. Droidbait was shot by droids, Cutup was eaten alive, and Hevy sacrificed himself to protect all of our brothers here."

The hallway was filled with solemn silence, especially when 99 reached behind him and pulled out Hevy's medal from graduation. Evie's breath caught in her throat.

"He gave you that?" she asked quietly. 99 nodded. She sighed before giving him a sad smile.

"Hevy always was the one to sacrifice things he wanted to make others happy", she said quietly. "He was a true brother."

Both 99 and Evie were quiet as they mourned. After a minute, Evie spoke.

"Well, I should continue my walk. It was good seeing you, 99. I'm sure our paths will cross many times during my stay here", she said. 99 nodded and watched as with the help of cadets, she walked down the hallway, her legs barely keeping her up.

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