《A Glitch In The Matrix》13: Battle on Kamino


Evie fired multiple shots into the training droid, taking it out. Chip and Poker cheered her on. She smirked and turned her gaze to them, before taking out the next five training droids. They gaped at her, and she laughed, before placing the training blaster back in its respective place. She walked over to the cadets.

"I wanna try that!" Chip said. Evie shook her head.

"You'll miss", she said. "I have this sixth sense that tells me about these things. I don't know what it is, but it does come in handy."

Chip and Poker thought about it for a moment. "Maybe we could help you figure it out! There's data on every clone here, we just need to sneak past some kaminoans and we're good!"

Evie rose an eyebrow. "You sound like you've done that before."

The duo smile sheepishly. "We wanted to know more about ourselves and how similar we are to famous clones", Chip said.

"Like Captain Rex!" Poker said. Evie quirked an eyebrow as she watched them geek out about her best friend.

"Hey", she called. "Wanna know a secret?"

They both looked over at her, and widened their eyes almost like puppy dogs. She smirked.

"I'm his best friend."

Their eyes widened to the size of one of Iego's moons. "No way", Chip breathed out in amazement. Evie chuckled.

"What's he like?" Poker asked. Evie opened her mouth to talk, but she felt the urge to look toward the door, and when she did, her heart skipped a beat. There stood her favorite captain, his helmet tucked under his arm. She blinked, and rubbed her eyes, but he was still standing there. She looked back at the cadets who were still watching her with expectant eyes.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" she said, nodding her head at the door. They looked over to the door, and when they saw him, they darted over to him, bombarding him with questions. Evie snickered at his alarmed face. He looked over at her, and when he saw her snickering, his face turned to one of amusement.

"Hey, Chip, Poker", she called. "Why don't you give the Captain some room to breathe? Besides, I'm sure he has important business to do here. It's not every day that a captain in the 501st comes back to Kamino."

The cadets backed off and watched as Rex walked over to Evie.

"Captain", she smirked, catching his brown eyes with her own.

"E", he replied simply. Evie's smirk turned into a wide smile, and she threw her arms around her captain.

"I missed you, Rex", she whispered. "I hope you didn't worry too much about me."

Rex scoffed as he hugged her back with one arm. "As if I'd miss your annoying remarks, E."

Evie pulled away, and put a look of fake-hurt on her face. "Ouch. That hurts, Rex. That really hurts."

Rex chuckled. "Good to see you again, E. When Fives and Echo told me what happened... I'll admit, I was worried."

Evie smiled. "That didn't jeopardize any of your missions did it? From worrying about me?" she teased.

"I'll admit, I did almost jeopardize the first one I went on after learning about your injuries, but after a stern talking to from the general, I put my focus on the tasks at, leaving my worrying for when I was off duty."


Evie smiled. "Did he use his lightsaber?"

Rex smiled sheepishly. "We may have been in the middle of battle when I got the stern talking to, so technically, yes."

Evie burst out laughing. "I swear, Rex, you pick the worst times to worry about things."

"At least I'm not getting injured in every battle I'm in", Rex pointed out. "Even with that sixth sense of yours, you can't seem to stop yourself from getting hurt."

Evie blinked. "Okay, well most of the time when that happens, it's because I'm busy saving you from getting killed."

"Uh huh", Rex said, crossing his arms. "Also, don't let Fives and Echo see your new friends or they might get jealous."

Evie laughed. "Chip, Poker", she called over to the cadets who were busy whispering. "Why don't you come meet Rex, a captain in the 501st of the Grand Army of the Republic?"

The two cadets walked over to the two soldiers, and Rex looked them over, keeping his face scarily neutral. Evie snickered from beside Rex, watching at the change of awe on the cadets faces to fear and respect. After a moment, Evie nudged Rex.

"Aw, come on, don't scare them, Rex", she said. "Though, I think it might be too late for that."

Rex cracked a smile, causing the cadets to loosen up. "What are your names, cadets?"

As the cadets introduced themselves, Evie caught sight of two other clones she recognized enter the training room.

"Fives, Echo!" she cried out, running toward them and pulling both of them into a hug. They both stumbled back, surprised by her sudden attack. But once they realized who it was, they instantly hugged back.

"Well then, sister. Did you find some new friends?" Fives asked. Evie rolled her eyes at his tone.

"Don't treat me like I'm a kid, Fives", she said, pulling away from the hug. She noticed that their armor now had blue stripes and she saw a gun on one of their pauldrons, one that resembled Hevy's.

"Then stop getting hurt on every mission", Echo said. Evie rolled her eyes.

"Rex said the exact same thing."

"Then that means it's doubly true", Fives declared. Evie groaned.

"I swear, there's no winning with any of you", she muttered. "Anyway, there's no way all three of you are back here for no reason. What's happening?"

Echo and Fives looked at each other. "I forget how smart she is", Echo said. Evie huffed and crossed her arms.

"We picked up a transmission from the separatists. They are planning on attacking our homeworld", Fives explained. Evie's eyes widened and she turned to Rex and the cadets. She instantly ran to the cadets.

"Chip, Poker", she spoke quickly and quietly. "I need you and any other cadets you can find to hide by the barracks. That will be safest place for you."

"Why do we need to hide?" Chip asked just as an alarm started going off. Evie silently cursed.

"Because the separatists are attacking us", she said. "Go."



The two cadets turned tail and ran. Evie turned to her brothers. "I need to find my gear."

They nodded and ran with her to the medbay, where she found medic running about trying to secure the place.


"Where is my armor", she asked, grabbing him by the arm. He looked at her and saw the determined look in her eyes.

"Follow me", he said. Evie did just that, and followed him. When she saw her gear she instantly stripped out of the clothes the medbay gave her and into her armor. She didn't care who saw her, she just wanted to get into her armor. As soon as the last piece clicked into place, she slid her helmet on and grabbed a blaster.

"Lead the way, Rex", she said. He glanced back at her, and nodded. As they ran through the hallways, they were joined by Commander Cody.

"I see you found the gl- er Evie", Cody yelled. Evie was surprised to hear him call her by her name, but she didn't think too much about it and instead focused on shooting battle droids. Eventually, they had to stop and shoot around corners, as there were too many droids. They used everything they had against them and eventually had to retreat. They ran into 99 as they retreated. Evie thought of an idea.

"Guys, what's the safest place in this entire city?" she asked.

"The barracks", Cody answered. "Why?"

Evie smirked. "We go there. The cadets that I've sent there can use the bunks to hide, and they shoot the droids down from above, whilst we shoot them down from around corners."

Rex and Cody looked at each other. "Where would we get more weapons?"

99 spoke. "The armory isn't too far from the barracks. Just a few corridors away!"

With a plan set, they started running again.

"Come on!" Rex yelled, running after Cody. They all hurried to the bunks, where they were instantly met with the cadets. Evie saw Chip and Poker standing protectively in front of the younger cadets.

"What are you planning?" Chip asked, not even questioning why they were there. Evie smiled, and looked to the two commanding officers in the room.

"Evie", Cody said. "Tell them your plan while Rex, 99, and I get more weapons."

As Evie informed them of her plan, she took note of the excitement on the cadets faces. So at the end of her spiel, she gave a warning.

"Listen here. This is nothing like training", she said. "This is a real battle, where if you get shot in the wrong spot, you die. And yeah, it'll be scary. But no matter what, don't stop fighting."

The cadets nod and once Rex and the other two returned and handed out weapons, they all headed to their places. Evie heard a knock on the door. She nodded her head to the door, and they all crowd around the door, each one ready to shoot some droids. After a bit, she heard blater fire, and the door opened. Evie immediately started firing, knocking down some clones. As the droids marched forward, the clones drew backward. They eventually turned and ran. Fives and Echo hid behind some crates, while Evie and Cody hid behind a wall just past Echo and Fives. Rex ran past them. Evie focused on blasting droids. She saw a grenade go flying through the air and paused long enough in her shooting to let it hit the floor, knocking out some droids. Once they had fallen, she continued shooting the droids.

As the droids drew closer, Fives and Echo fell back to Cody and and Evie's position. Cody dropped back to Rex and shouted into his wrist comms.

"Cadets! Now!"

Several bunks slid open, and the cadets started shooting from above. More and more droids fell. Evie heard 99 shout something and turned to look at him. He was limping away, heading toward the armory. She watched as blaster fire flew into his back, knocking him to the ground.

She cried out his name, and turned back to the droids, firing her blaster at the droids. Tears dripped down her face, but she continued to press onward. When the last droid fell, she ran to 99, and rolled him over.

She felt the tears slipping down her face as she hugged the clone closely. She pulled her helmet off, and closed her eyes. She felt two hands on her shoulder and a he looked up to see Fives and Echo.

"Hevy would've been proud of him", Fives murmured. Evie let out a strangled cry at the sound of her favorite brother's name. Eventually, Cody pulled the body away from her. Fives and Echo went with him, casting worried glances back at Evie, who still knelt on the floor, staring at the spot where 99 died.

"Evie", Rex said. The female clone ignored him, even as he knelt in front of her. She stared dejected at the ground. Rex lifted her head up, but she averted her eyes, refusing to look at him.

"Evie", Rex whispered. "Come on, Evie, talk to me."

Evie remained quiet before she pulled out the paper she had gotten from Hevy. She reached into another pouch and pulled out a pen. She started drawing a figure in the background, behind her boys. She let out another strangled cry when she finished. In the background of the picture Hevy drew, there was 99. She hugged the piece of paper to her chest.

"He was a true brother, Rex", she whispered. "Just like Hevy, Cutup and Droidbait were."

Rex gave her a sad smile, which she attempted to return. He pulled her into a hug and let Evie cry into his shoulder. After a while, his com-link started going off. Evie regained control of her emotions, and forced herself to stop crying.

Once Rex was done speaking to whoever was on the other side of the com-link, he stood, and helped Evie stand up.

"Come on", he said. "We're wanted by Commander Cody."

Evie nodded, and started following Rex. She paused for a moment, glancing at her old bunk.

"Hang on, Rex", she said. "I want to check something."

She climbed up to her old bunk, and opened it, laying down and closing it. She gasped when she saw the painting still there. Fresh tears slid down her face, and she quickly wiped them away, opening the bunk once more.

"What did you want to check?" Rex asked as she climbed down. Evie smiled sadly.

"That was my old bunk. Now, come on. We mustn't keep the commander waiting."

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