《A Glitch In The Matrix》14: Arguments


Evie stood with Fives and Echo at the edge of the hangar in the Kaminoan city. Rex and Cody walked up to them, calling them each by name. They all stood at attention.

"You all really stepped up in the heat of battle", Cody said, looking them over.

"We did what we had to, sir", Echo said.

"What any clone would've done", Fives added. Evie remained silent for a moment.

"What the clones we have lost did to save their brothers lives", she added. There was a moment of silence as they all remembered 99 and Hevy.

"All three of you showed valor out there", Rex said as he walked in front of them. "Real courage. You remind me of me, actually."

Evie had to bite back a snarky response at that comment. Her lips twitched, before she returned to her neutral face. Cody spoke up.

"Echo, Fives, Evie. You're officially being made ARC troopers", he said. Evie couldn't hold back her surprised reaction, and when she glanced over at Echo, she noticed he shared her reaction. Same as Fives, but Fives was quick to hide his surprise and replace it with a proud smile. Evie returned her gaze to Rex, a smile planted on her face as well.

"I don't think the Separatists will be coming back here any time soon, but if they do, Kamino will be lucky to have clones like you defending it. Good job, men!"

Rex and Cody saluted them, and the trio returned the salute. As the captain and commander walked away, Evie turned to her brothers.

"We're ARC troopers now?" she asked in disbelief. The other two looked at her and wide smiles spread across their faces.

"Yeah, we are!" Fives said. "We're some of the best around!"

Evie snorted. "We started out the worst though."

"We just operated differently", Echo defended. "And it took us a while to warm to everyone.",


"That is true", Evie conceded. "You guys refused to call me by my actual name until Hevy did."

The two men looked sheepishly at each other and rubbed the back of their necks. Evie chuckled before she remembered something.

"Oh! The painting Hevy painted in my old bunk? It's still there!"

Fives and Echo looked at each other, then looked back at Evie.

"Really?" they asked. Evie nodded.

"Oh! And, I probably should have told you this long ago, but... before Hevy sacrificed himself... he made sure this had a way of reaching me." She pulled out the piece of paper and handed it to them.

Echo took it and unfolded it and his eyes softened when he saw the picture.

"It's the same one he painted in your bunk", Fives said quietly. Evie nodded. Echo took notice of something in the corner.

"Did he include 99 in the picture?" He asked. Evie shook her head.

"No. I added him after he died, because I felt he deserved to be there. He's our brother, just as much as Hevy, Droidbait and Cutup were."

Both Echo and Fives smiled. "That he is, Evie, that he is", Echo said. Fives suddenly smirked.

"So when are you going to put the captain on there?" he asked. Evie's face flushed as Echo and Fives started laughing. She pulled the paper away from them and folded it up, tucking it into her little pouch.

"You both know that is never going to happen", she said, about to walk away.

"What's never going to happen?" A familiar voice spoke from behind Evie. The female cringed and turned to face Rex.

"Nothing", Evie said quickly. Rex quirked an eyebrow, but turned his attention to Evie's brothers. Fives was the one speak.

"Evie here has a crush on someone", he said. Evie immediately reached up and covered his mouth with both her hands.


"Shut up, Fives", she hissed. Echo snickered.

"Do I know this someone?" Rex asked, his voice amused.

"No!" Evie exclaimed, just as Echo gave an affirmative answer. Evie groaned and buried her face in her hands.

"What's his name?" Rex asked. Evie glared at her brothers, and they both got the message.

"Sorry, sir, but that's for Evie to say, not us", Echo said.

"If she doesn't want to tell you, we can't force her", Fives added.

Evie glanced back at Rex sheepishly. His expression was one of mild curiosity, though she could sense that he was upset. He sighed softly.

"Well, I leave you two to teasing Evie, since she won't let me join in on the fun", Rex said, beginning to walk away. Evie looked back at her brothers before staring after Rex.

"Go on", Echo said. "Tell him that he's the one you have crush on. It might make things awkward, but he deserves to know."

Evie looked back at her brothers and nodded. She started searching for Rex and saw him about to talk to General Skywalker. She ran over to him, but by the time she got there, Rex was already talking to the general.

Evie waited, and when Rex was done talking to Skywalker, she opened her mouth to speak, but Rex just swept right past her, not even giving her a glance. Evie sighed and started to walk away, but a voice called her name.

She turned to see Skywalker looking at her. She walked over to him, and he tilted his head.

"What's wrong with Rex? I could sense that he was upset", Skywalker said. Evie sighed, and looked down.

"Fives and Echo were teasing me about my feelings for you know who, and Rex came up behind, and asked what we were talking about. He found out that I have feelings for someone he knows, but I wouldn't tell him who", Evie mumbled. "He's my best friend, sir. I don't like seeing him upset."

Skywalker tilted his head. "He wasn't visibly upset, Evie. Yet you knew he was upset when he left you to come talk to me."

Evie gave a nervous smile. "I could feel it. It's my... sixth sense?"

General Skywalker shook his head. "That doesn't match up with what I've learned about your sixth sense. It warns you of upcoming attacks, yes? Being able to feel Rex's feelings does not match up with that."

Evie was quiet for a moment. "What are you implying, General?"

"I'm implying that you are force-sensitive", Skywalker said. Evie was quiet.

Evie frowned. "That isn't possible. Clones were specifically made so they couldn't be force sensitive."

"Which adds to my theory that you're not related to the other clones", the general said. Evie sighed, and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, sir. But I just don't think what you're saying could even be remotely true."

Skywalker sighed. "If I can find proof of it, will you believe me?"

Evie nodded. Skywalker started walking away at that. Evie called after him.

"Uh... sir? What are you doing"

"Finding some proof", he answered before he disappeared into the building. Evie sighed and shook her head, making her way over to where she left her brothers.

"Did you talk to him?" Echo asked. Evie shook her head.

"He was talking to General Skywalker when I got over there, and didn't even spare me a glance when he was finished", Evie said quietly.

"Then what took you so long?" Fives asked. Evie looked away.

"The general pulled me into a conversation. He was asking about Rex", she mumbled.

"Does he know about your feelings for the captain?" Fives asked. Evie nodded once and then yawned.

"Sorry, guys", she mumbled. "It's been a rough day. I'm going to go get some shut eye."

Her brothers nodded, watching solemnly as she walked away.

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