《A Glitch In The Matrix》15: The Jedi Clone


Evie shifted around in her new armor. It was slightly heavier than her last and she assumed it was because of the new equipment that came with it. Like how she now had blaster pistols like Rex. Actually, a lot of her armor looked like Rex's minus the designs. She had was able to choose the design that went on the helmet and she made it so it seemed like it was glitching. Since that seemed to be her defining trait to everyone else.

Evie sighed softly as she looked herself over as she stood in her new armor. It had been a few weeks since Rex discovered she was keeping something from him. He hadn't talked to her at all except when he was giving orders. Skywalker also hadn't talked to her since he said he was going to find information about her and her genetics.

Echo and Fives came up to her, their armor matching hers except for the design on the helmets. She gave them a small smile, which they returned.

"Hey, guess what", Echo said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She raised an eyebrow as a response.

"There's someone here to see you", Fives said, as he pushed her out of the barracks and into the warm Coruscant air. Evie squinted at the sudden change in lighting. Once her eyes adjusted she noticed General Skywalker standing nearby. Ahsoka was with him.

"Evie", Skywalker said. "I found the information. Is there anywhere we can look at it without being disturbed?"

Evie nodded. "There's no one in the barracks right now, and there's a computer in there."

Skywalker nodded and Evie led him and Ahsoka into the barracks. The general ordered Echo and Fives to not let anyone in, even if they were a higher rank.


Evie watched as Skywalker plugged in the data chip, and all her information came up. Evie read through all of it, and sighed.

"I already know all this stuff", she pointed. The general glanced at her but turned his attention back to the computer.

"There was a locked file. I spent the last few weeks trying to unlock it", Skywalker said. "When I did get it, I didn't read any of the information so you could share the information you wanted to."

Evie looked back at the computer as he pulled up the previously locked files. She started reading through it and her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Tears dripped from her eyes.

"Evie?" Ahsoka asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not... I'm not their sister. Genetically, I am not their sister."

"Not who's sister?" Ahsoka asked, wary of the answer.

"I'm not a clone of Jango Fett", Evie whispered. "I'm.. I'm a clone of someone named Sifo-Dyas."

"Who?" Ahsoka asked. Skywalker groaned and placed a hand on his head.

"He's the Jedi Master who requested the production of the clones", the general explained. Evie continued reading.

"It says here that he specifically requested a clone of him be made", she said. "But me being female was still a glitch."

"That's an odd sort of glitch", Ahsoka said. General Skywalker looked over at Evie, who was still reading on.

"Evie", he called. "That means that I was right about you being force sensitive. I must share this information with the Jedi Council."

Evie looked over at him and shook her head. "No! I don't want people learning about this. At least... not yet."

The general sighed. "I understand. But it would still be wise to train you so you can utilize the force more effectively."


"How are you going to train her and me?" Ahsoka asked. The general smirked.

"I'm not", he said. "You're going to train her. But do it discreetly."

Ahsoka nodded and turned to Evie. "Whenever you're not on duty and on Coruscant, we can train you in the ways of the force."

"As long as you're not busy with your own studies, my padawan", Skywalker interjected. Ahsoka nodded. Evie nodded before she pulled out the data chip, placing it in the new pouch where she kept her soulmate rock and Hevy's picture.

"You guys best get going", she said. "It'd be best if this meeting remained between us three. And Fives and Echo."

The two Jedi nodded and swiftly left. Evie went to her bunk, and sat down, thinking about what she had learned. Her eyes widened as she realized something. If I'm not related to the other clones... it means it's not weird for me to like Rex.

Evie smiled at the thought. She was about to stand up and leave the barracks when someone stepped in front of her. She looked up, and recognized Rex's helmet. Her breath caught in her throat as she hastily stood up.

"Rex", she said quietly. "What're... What're you doing here? I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

She could feel her eyes grow glassy, and she closed her eyes, looking away from Rex to hide the tears dripping down her face.

"I'm sorry", Rex finally said. Evie waited for him to say something else but he said nothing. Anger fueling within her, she looked back up at Rex, her eyes narrowed.

"That's all you have to say?" she asked, tapping his chest plate. "After ignoring me for three weeks, four days, 28 minutes and 32 seconds, that's all you have to say to me?"

As she had spoken, she had slowly shifted from tapping his chest plate to full on punching it. It had sent him stumbling back until he was pressed up against the wall. Evie stood in front of him, her arms crossed.

"You kept track?" Rex asked, a surprised to his voice, though it was hard to hear through his helmet.

"Of course I kept track", Evie shouted. "You're my best friend! Do you know how much it hurt for you to ignore me because of something so stupid?!"

Rex slowly lifted a hand and wiped away a tear that had fallen from her eye. Evie leaned into his touch, closing her eyes.

"You're such an idiot", she whispered.

"That I am", Rex agreed. Evie laughed and she pulled away from Rex's touch.

"Hey, Rex?" she asked. The man looked at her, and took off his helmet.


"Are we good now?" the woman asked. Rex smiled.

"We're good."

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